Greetings everyone and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all Muslims around the world and to all Malaysians who celebrated regardless their age and race. The hari raya eve was quite eventful with the last minute sewing of tulang belut on my uncle's and cousin's baju melayu, last minute cooking of the raya delicacies and not forgetting my 6 year-old cousin, Baby, who by chance happened to curse her Bang Ngah with "SHIT MAN!!!".
So anyway, here's the family picture of the year.

Well, that was before my younger brother and I went for a 'Dragon Ball' pose of cantum badan, ngehehehe.

First day of raya, we went visiting relatives around Pontian. Not many elders left around and sadly many passed away as Ramadhan was approaching, Al-Fatihah. Went to visit my grandpa and grandma who were finally together at the old village cemetary - they were busy masak ketupat, hihi. On the second day my sayang came and visit ^_^ ureshii yo!!! As for today, my family and I are going to visit our relatives in Johor Bahru, other than 'visiting' Jusco Taman U. Well gotta get ready