Friday, November 30, 2007

A New Face

I just feel like changing my blog address and changing my template since I have been using it for more than a couple of year. But because the line is not that good here, the first phase is just to change my blog address. Few more days to go, and then I'm audi!

p.s: I'm not gonna use Haloscan for my comment post, so get use to using the blogspot comment. No blogger or gmail account needed since you could just type it in - but it will only be seen after I approve it.

Friday, November 16, 2007

I Bathe, Ate and Drank Dead People

Although we were told about this days before we went for our Deepavali hols, I think I could finally... well... can't say completely over it...

Over the fact that some drug addict commited suicide in the town water supply tank.

Imagine the bloated floating pieces of corpse swimming in the water tank days after people finally realize a dead man was in the tank... EUW!!!!
And the tank supplies water for the whole town....
You eat, you drink and you bathe using that particular water from that particular tank that was swimming with... euw....
Okay my imagination is running amuck,
Maybe it did not take days, maybe hours, but,
I have to admit, at one point the water was kinda murky and not that clear...
And when the water was clear... the rumour/news hit us
Other than running to other district solely for their water source, we had nowhere to go. And then finally 2 days ago the water supply was cut off - to clean up the water tank! Imagine that. After weeks gone by, they're finally cleaning it. Yuck!

So there...
We bathe, drank and ate using that water....
Imagine eating instant noodles that was being soaked in hot water...
With unknown source of protein....
Kembang tekak.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Happy Diwali

I so love my holiday ^_^

Last night watched Stardust with my bro and sis in law. The movie was great - if you like fantasy and all that. One thing I have to say, the movie was fun. Well maybe because the plot a good and the cast .... and wow! I really liked Michelle Pfeiffer as the witch and Robert DeNiro's character was so interesting, hehe.

While waiting for the movie to start, of course there were some movie preview and one thing for sure - I'm beginning to like the villainess roles in the movies. Michelle Pfeiffer for this one and Nicole Kidman for the upcoming The Golden Compass I was browsing the site and did some test on my daemon and I got this.

Well from the movie, a daemon is a person's companion in the form of animal that can talk, reflects the personality of the person, can change form as the person grows. Kinda like a talking conscience that walks by your side. Interesting eh?

Definitely looking forward to see the movie.