Sunday, September 07, 2008

I have a guy's brain

This is a tag from my sayang.

Your Brain is 40% Female, 60% Male

You have a total boy brain

Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts

And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...

You never like to get feelings too involved

My brain is 60% male!!! hahahaha

To tag:
  • Zamose
  • Along
  • Intan
  • Anem
  • Sue mail

ps: Zamose, aku dh buat yg manga tu cume tak tau nak post cmne


Anonymous said...

uik.. ape citer nih? tebalik plak kite.
aih.. -_-'

Hajar said...

salam kenal.
hehe, selalu singgah tp x pnh tinggal jejak.

(baca : saya ni pemalu. hehe..:p)

hmm, okla tuh. korang ni ada aura bertentangan cam magnet. hehe...

Diah said...

Salam Hajar!
Silala, takyah malu-malu

Opposite attracts kan kan kan? hahahaha