- Attended a small reunion of the 2004 batch of B.L.A - All in a spur of a moment, Odiey messaged everyone and there I went to F1 and met up with everyone who was around in Serdang Friday night. In attendance - Wak, Miza, Odiey, Arul, Wuan Chin, Ah Hing, Chin Yeong, Imah. Shau Yean, her bf and Allan came a bit later. Heard Ah Ching will be making his way to Atlanta in October and curently submitting his works through the net. Gosh! Rindunya F1!!!!! Chicken Maryland yum.... aiyo, lapar. I mean I miss my friends, hehehe
- Waited outside the Dewan Besar UPM for my graduating friends - I got there way too early at 11am, so there I went, looking for flowers to give out to my friends. Good thing there were only 5 of them, hehehe. Tapa sms me to get flowers for him too since he's speeding from his office, so there I looked like a flower girl. Odiey and Carlos reached a little bit later. Found Jimmy, Ah Hing, Chin Yeong, Terence, Amy and Siang by the favourite 'White Jeep' outside the hall. Chin Yeong managed to snag some wild Zingiber to give out to our friends.
- Drama marathon (Engine & Good Luck) - Well what could I say? I'm a sucker for Takuya Kimura's Drama. Engine is brand new, courtesy of Bangbil and for Good Luck, make that 2nd time marathon. Hmm, sound like a typical couch potato to me.
- PC Fair - The yearly PC fair at CS. I was aiming for the RAM but too many people around and I sure hate the parking there. Wish I took the bus instead.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
I Dunno What I Did This Weekend (I Know lah)
Saturday, July 23, 2005
To everyone reading this blog - I hope you would respond.
You see, its like this.

Jari Telunjuk - Straight

You see, its like this.
I was on my way home just now and as I stopped for a red light in Pekan Nenas, I was playing around pointing everything with my fingers - 45 seconds is way too long for 'orang dah takde kerja' (nothing-to-do-and-darn-bored person) like me. I pointed with my thumb, with my jari telunjuk (I dunno whats that in english but its next to the thumb), my middle finger also known as the f**k finger (but that's kind of obscene) and then I reached to the root of my question. Can anyone lift their ring finger? (ie: jari manis). I could lift all of the fingers but not that one. I remembered asking my friends once in kindergarten because there was this song where we start knowing which finger is which and yes I can't lift it then but I don't remember if my friends answered it or not. Or did I even asked it out loud.
Okay so here's some visual

Jari Telunjuk - Straight
(Okayla not that straight but normal)

My Ring Finger - Can only be raised to that level
Okay so my question:-
How many people could point with their ring finger straight like the other fingers?
Which is normal and which is not?
I know my Mak can't get it straight either so that's 2 out of 2, but then again we're blood related.
How many people could point with their ring finger straight like the other fingers?
Which is normal and which is not?
I know my Mak can't get it straight either so that's 2 out of 2, but then again we're blood related.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince

Neutral Review
Harry Potter is back and the plot gets thicker and darker. The story started with the meeting between the muggle's Prime Minister and Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. It showed that the situation has gone for the worst since Voldemort began to rise and the Death-Eaters were more bolder than before. The sixth book as expected, became more mysterious and filled with suspicions from start to the end. Gone were the fun and the newfound fascinations of the world of wizardry.
There was, as expected the new substitute teacher for Defence Against Dark Arts - but he's not a new teacher. But then again, he did substitute for Remus Lupin for a period of time. The quidditch matches were getting lesser - though its fun to see how Harry managed to put up a good team since he was the new Gryffindor's quidditch captain.
As for the question of who is the half-blood prince, he is not Voldemort. Though when Harry found the scribbled and worn textbook of the Advanced Potion Making with notes of dangerous non-verbal spells, all I could think was "Oh please, not another Voldemort's enchanted book". Not forgetting relationships and the game of jealousy between Ron and Hermione which in my opinion they took too long to admit to each other that they do have feelings for each other. As for Harry, all I could say is good riddance on Harry's infatuation towards Cho Chang. The new relationship that he had was much more satisfying. With who? Read it yourself.
Through this book the transformation of Tom Riddle to Voldemort was described, on how the genius Riddle become so obsessed in finding greater power and turn for the worst. And of course on why no teacher has managed to teach the Defence Against Dark Arts for more than a year. The position was cursed.
Death. There were death involving someone very close to Harry and I'm not going to spoil the story for those who want but haven't read the book. It ends with Harry telling Ron and Hermione that he won't be coming back for the next year in Hogwarts. He's continuing his final mission to hunt the Dark Lord himself, by destroying Voldemort's horcruxes before the final confrontation. Harry Potter fans would know that its either Voldemort or Harry that is going to be dead.
Emotional Review
First its Sirius, then its him. Who else is going to be next? Harry? Please NO!!!!! (though it is rumoured that there is the possibility of Harry getting killed in the end). Seems everyone near Harry was getting killed in the process of hunting the evil sucker Voldemort. When I read the word 'Avada Kedavra' seems like instead of Harry, it was myself who was being casted the body binding spell on and could only look, again, someone so very dear to him getting killed.
So I cried, so I became emotional, so what? So I did the next thing that came to my mind, I called Edda. And yes, like me she is one of the fans. Her reading style, she skips the pages and head straight for the end. She told me that she looked at the page of the death in the train on her way back home and couldn't help but say "Alaaaa kenape mati!!!" out loud. And she was traveling alone. Knowing her for so long throughout secondary and matriculation, I know she did just that. We spent on the phone for near half an hour until duty calls (Yes, I have to work today for an exhibition and Edda works on Sunday). Though I don't know how wrong I could be but I do believe that the one who cast the Avada Kedavra was acting out his part in the mission even though it seems so darn cruel and unsuspected.
Harry have to give up everything for the final mission, and it is clear that his childhood has ended. Truth is he became much more serious on the pursuit of the Dark Lord since Sirius died. He's carrying much heavier burden than before with no one to trust. Ron and Hermione were too precious for Harry to involve them into, and so does his new girlfriend. I will wait with bated breath til the final book is out. Just hope that J.K. Rowling won't take too long to get it done like the interval between the Goblet of Fire and the Order of Phoenix. Its too torturing and mind killing.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
And Today Is....
Well actually the release of the 6th book of the Harry Potter series - Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince, which is also believed to be the second last of the Harry Potter Saga. I collected the book from MPH - well actually drive like a maniac during lunchtime from Taman Sutera to Taman Universiti so that my absence at the display booth won't be noticed. Okay I sound like a geek already. Just who is the half-blood prince? Voldemort? Hush, I'm going back to my reading.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Okay, I'm feeling mellow and lonely. No idea for the blog entry - too many things going on for the weekend work work and work and not forgetting the launch of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince this weekend, yeay! So here, I'm plugging my ears with the headset making myself deaf with the songs in the media library.
15 must have songs in no particular order (for me lah) in my library (both office and home):-
- Diamond Dust - Kyosuke Himuro
- Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx
- First Love - Utada Hikaru
- Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
- With Or Without You - U2
- Maaf - Jikustik
- Every Heart - BoA
- Everything - Lifehouse
- Take Me Away - Lifehouse
- Name - Goo Goo Dolls
- M - Ayumi Hamasaki
- Another Day - Lemar
- When Love and Hate Collide - Def Leppard
- Sore Ga, Ai Deshou - Full Metal Panic OST (dunno who sings, thee hee hee)
- Down - Blink 182
Hmm.... now that I look from the list... Gosh! (not for me to disclose what I conclude of myself :p)
Monday, July 04, 2005
Rev Up Your Engine
Just got back home from watching Initial D and it rocks!!! Certainly worth the RM8 parking ticket (darn!) since GSC at Leisure Mall wasn't showing it (and the parking there is freee, darn!). Read and heard too many good reviews about the movie so there I went to CS right after work ends driven by a strong urge to find out just how good is the movie. I've never read the comic before but knowing Japanese manga, it has to be good.
The scene starts with an aerial vision of the road at Mount Akina which is of course the main setting of the whole movie. Don't compare it with Fast and Furious because certainly, different movies have their own strength. Its all about downhill race - no drugs, no undercover cops no good guy, bad guy etc etc, just racers showing off their best on the road though the guys from the Emperor team are way too cocky. After watching Fast and Furious and Too Fast Too furious I would like nothing more to have fancy, cool and fast car though after watching Initial D, I would certainly like to drive a Toyota Trueno Apex (AE86). How would your ego survive if a tofu delivery car, an AE86 to boot overtake your car and you're driving a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III? Makes me wonder if I could do modifications on my Kancil. Hmmmmm...
One thing for sure, when the VCD hits the shop, I will be buying it. Edison Chen is so cool!!!!
My Name Is....
Things that we are getting used to - and can't live without - name. Everyone have a name, and names I might add. Everything has a name. Even rocks have name ie: granite, calcite etc. As everybody know, my name is Nadiah. Thats just it. Short. Though if you look into my identity card you would see that my name is so long.Too long. My inital in the IC - NDHAZ. Long enough? N is for my name and the rest is for my Abah's name. I still don't know how my big brother and sister managed to cut the D part but they did. Then anyway that's the name that I was born into and the name that I would go to grave with.
So what does nadiah means? All my life I know that nadiah means 'generous'. Hmm... generous to the shopping complex and shops? Yikes! In a bookstore where they sell all this keychains with name meaning it was written that nadiah means and assembly. Now that's confusing. So I did some digging. I know my name is of arabic origin and the search through internet shows that the name nadia/nadya/nadiah is of arabic, russian and hebrew origin.
In arabic there's 2 meaning. One is for generous, and the other is the beginning. In Russian it means hope while in hebrew it means an assembly. In arabic, if you spelled it wrongly it may mean differently. As an example for my younger bro's name. My abah intended it to mean "the smile of the religion" (if i'm not mistaken) and then one day my bro's teacher spelled the name wrongly in arabic lettering on his exercise book by exchanging one letter to make it mean "the barking of the religion" - my abah knows arabic very well so he starts to point the mistake. My bro doesn't care so til today he spells his name in arabic to the barking one. Same thing goes for those with chinese name, different way of saying a name makes it mean differently. A late friend of mine told me to correct my pronunciation of his name because I was calling him "shameless flower".
Whatever my name means, I know my parents meant for it to have a good meaning. A name is a prayer for those who have it. Imagine a person name that means stupid. That person, even though is not stupid may be banished to stupidity because everyone is calling him stupid. I asked my mak, which meaning did they intend for me when I was born. And so she said - "generous". So here I am, Nadiah, the generous... I hope I won't be generous to un-necessary place *gulp.
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