Saturday, July 23, 2005


To everyone reading this blog - I hope you would respond.

You see, its like this.

I was on my way home just now and as I stopped for a red light in Pekan Nenas, I was playing around pointing everything with my fingers - 45 seconds is way too long for 'orang dah takde kerja' (nothing-to-do-and-darn-bored person) like me. I pointed with my thumb, with my jari telunjuk (I dunno whats that in english but its next to the thumb), my middle finger also known as the f**k finger (but that's kind of obscene) and then I reached to the root of my question. Can anyone lift their ring finger? (ie: jari manis). I could lift all of the fingers but not that one. I remembered asking my friends once in kindergarten because there was this song where we start knowing which finger is which and yes I can't lift it then but I don't remember if my friends answered it or not. Or did I even asked it out loud.

Okay so here's some visual

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Jari Telunjuk - Straight
(Okayla not that straight but normal)

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My Ring Finger - Can only be raised to that level

Okay so my question:-

How many people could point with their ring finger straight like the other fingers?
Which is normal and which is not?
I know my Mak can't get it straight either so that's 2 out of 2, but then again we're blood related.


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