Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Career Crack

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Sometimes I love my job. Sometimes I get so fed up with it that I start browsing for job vacancies on the net, in the newspaper or anywhere available. I bet that I'm not the only person who faces this. It's just that not everyone manage to get comfortable in their career niche that they feel content doing it. I have to admit that it's like a love-hate relationship that you can't simply brush it aside. To live, we need a lot of things and of course, I don't want to sound shallow but let's face the fact. The ka-ching factor is considered as a necessity. Even instant noodles cost RM0.45 per packet. But first, to get it we need to work - unless of course you manage to snag a wealthy widow/widower/rich guy/rich woman, etc but that's beside the point.

One thing that I remembered most about career is of course, the line that I heard from Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act 2 where she was persuading Lauryn Hill's character to get back singing. The line was (not that accurate though) - If when you wake up from your sleep, all you can think about is singing, that means you are meant to sing. Motivational sentence, correct? As for me... let me give that a thought. On Monday mornings my thought was - Monday already? And most of the time when work is piling on my always cluttery desk all I could think was - what else could I put in my design? So does that mean that this is my calling? Since secondary school all I did was thinking up some cool ideas I could put in my English essays (that's my other word for constant daydreaming). For now, my itch to write another fiction is there but I lack the motivation to start typing my brains out.

My brother asked me once when I was about to go to work - "Don't you get bored going to work everyday?" The thought certainly cross my mind more than once. I was wondering how anyone could hold a job for more than 30 years. That's the average years for those who work in the government sector. As an example, my mak. She started working when she was 18 and retired few months ago with the same job. Same goes for my abah. That's roughly 38 years straight. I am amazed at that feat and here I am having an up and down feelings on my job. The journey is merely just begun for me.

I was having a long talk with one of my previous supervisors while I was doing internship in MBJB few days back. We were talking about the attitude of some of the officers that was stuck in their comfort zone too long that they become less pro-active. His words were actually branded in my mind - "Don't get too comfortable with what you have. Try to get as much, even if it's not in your field of work. Just remember that there are thousand of people out there waiting to get your job." Creepy but true. There are lots and lots of unemployed graduates out there waiting for their chance. But that doesn't mean that you have to stay put and not moving at all for the fear that you don't have talent in other area. That was actually a nudge to look for a better future and career. You won't know your true capability until you take the next step, right?

Some might feel that they are stuck to their job because that is the only thing that they know how to do, some might have no where to go due to family business, some might have too many options that they don't know which path to choose and some may not have any choice at all. The world is big and I'm very sure there are more conflicts than what I have stated. Not everyone could be Bill Gates, and not everyone even with the guidance book from the real-estate mogul Donald Trump or Robert T. Kiyosaki of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame could apply the whole book and get what they want.

My mak asked me once after I graduated on what I want to work as. Jokingly I told her, a full-time housewife. Straight away she told me - in her teasing tone of course - that if she knew that was my ambition she would marry me straight off after I finish secondary school. Knowing my mak, in her opinion, women should have her own career path and dream, earn for herself and able to help her husband when the financial cost becomes more than he could take. Being fully dependent on someone else for every aspect of life is not what she picture life would be. And of course like any parents she would love her children to have more than she has.

There, my 2 cents worth about career. When mood strikes, I feel like signing up for KPLI, be a teacher and have loads of holiday, and again when it strikes, I can't picture myself anywhere but my current job. We'll just see in the future now won't we?

Monday, November 28, 2005

I Need Burger!!!

Yes, I do.

I am in desperate need of burger.

Not just any burger. I'm not talking about those expensive and not so tasty burgers at any of the fast food restaurant. I want the burger daging and cheese at Burger Street in Serdang!!!! The stall which the father and son sells at. And the song I heard by Don & Drew on 98.7FM since I can't remember when is not helping at all.

What song?

Ramly (daging lembu)

Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn!

To think that no one would sing about Ramly burgers, the song just makes me drool. Just imagine the greasy beef patty greased with margarine, the buns that is greased in the inside with of course, margarine, the cabbage, tomato, cucumber topped with generous amount of mayonnaise and chilli sauce. That alone only cost RM1.40. Burger special - RM2.00 which is basically the beef patty is wrapped in fried eggs (as if you don't know lah). Burger daging with cheese (my favourite) - RM2.30. Health freaks would cringe at those but what the heck, it taste good and of courselah kan, don't eat that ALL the time even though as a student the thought is so darn tempting since it's cheap.

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Picture taken from Don and Drew web page... burger special... drools

Ramly (Burger Lembu)

Yo Ramly, you're with the family
Your meat is manly
Get fatter than fat

Yo Ramly, you're with the family
Your meat is manly
Get fatter than fat

Yo Ramly us the burger that I love to eat,
Eventhough I don't know what's in the meat,
A lil bit of egg and a lot of sauce,
No matter what they say I don't believe its horse
If you're feeling like a Ramly in Singapore
You gotta get up off your a**
You gotta leave this shore
You gotta barge us in you gotta get 3 or 4
But no matter how much
You gonna want some more

Bun, patty, egg, cheese, rubber duck please
I hold my Ramly between my knees
Yo even though the chef is infested with fleas
Squeeze the buns together to release the grease

Yo Ramly, you're with the family
Your meat is manly
Get fatter than fat

Ramly is good, good Malaysian food
Ramly is good, eat it like you should

Well that does show that our 'ramly burger tepi jalan' is quite famous even across shore. Can't manage to type the lyric much more I'm drooling. So far none of the burgers I found here are as good as the ones at Burger Street. Aaaargh!

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Everywhere, all the papers, nearly the same headlines - about the badigol of an officer suruh the prisoner ketuk ketampi without clothes caught on camera. Its degrading. Ketuk ketampi tu kira not that hard lah tapi by right mana ada dalam undang-undang, naked part tu lagi one hal and they don't have the bloody darn right to make the detainee do that. One comment ajelah from yours truly - Bengong punya pegawai!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Adik Saya

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Dari kiri ke kanan - sepupu saya, adik saya

Saya ada seorang adik. Nama dia Nabhanuddin tetapi kami sekeluarga memanggil dia A'an kerana nama dia panjang. Adik saya kata tak ramai orang selain dari ahli keluarga kami tahu menyebut nama dia. Kebanyakan orang yang baru kenal dia memanggil dia Nabanuddian, bukan Nab-hanuddin dan secara kebetulannya, orang yang tahu menyebut nama dia pada kali pertama adalah kawan karibnya.
Adik saya suka komputer. Dia suka bermain dengan alat permainan komputer dan alat permainan lain yang melibatkan skrin monitor seperti permainan PS2. Oleh sebab itu dia melanjutkan pelajarannya di Universiti Multimedia dalam bidang multimedia kreatif. Selain daripada itu, hobinya ialah mengacau sepupu kami yang kami panggil dengan panggilan mesranya Baby yang berumur 4 tahun kerana Baby sangat takut pada A'an.
Hari ini adalah 26 November 2005. Adik saya telah dilahirkan pada 26 November 1987 jadi hari ini adalah hari lahirnya yang ke 18. Happy belesday, hihihi

P.S: Feel free nak beri markah, hahaha

Friday, November 18, 2005

Harry Potter dan Gelas Api

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Gelas api?

Sounds funny but that's wht the malay translation was for 'Goblet of Fire'. At the cover of the malay version book, it was 'Piala Api'. Though anyway, caught the movie straight after work was done and I was just in time for the next show. One thing about watching this movie, I felt that I'm one of the lil kids since most of the occupants inside the movie theatre were kids and their parents.

Nothing much to comment about the movie. For those who already read the book, don't expect t0o much from the movie. Obviously its hard to cram 600 pages of the book in a 2 and 37 minutes movie. If I didn't read the book I wouldn't know how the quidditch world cup would end - with Irish team at the winning but Viktor Krum from Bulgaria caught the snitch, wouldn't know what a veela was, won't know who Winky was, won't laugh at the older wizard who tried to blend in with the muggles during the world cup wearing woman's clothing, won't know who Ludo Bagman was, won't know who 'Snuffles' was, won't know that Fleur Delacour was half veela. Enough with what 'won't knows'. If I list all of it over here, it would not end.

Dobby was supposed to be in this movie, and he's the one who should give Harry the gillyweed, not Neville. People won't know why Neville reacted very strongly when Mad-Eye Moody performed 'Cruciatus' curse on the spider and that the imperius curse doesn't work so well with Harry.

As I say the list might go very long. I just hope that in the Order of Phoenix the forming of 'Dumbledore's Army' would make up for the future of the 'won't knows'.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Roy Is Now Puan Rohaya!!!!

Another buddy got married. Guess our anonymous prophecy that the all the 'ganas' girls get married earliest is close to true. I just got back from the wedding and it was great. For this weekend, I'm home alone as my parents went to send my brother and his computer appliances back to MMU. Started making my way to Zai's house in Sri Skudai around noon and hang out a little for Zohor prayers and short session of beraya. Ipah was already out from her place picking Intan, while Qis was waiting for Nani's phonecall before picking her up at the bus terminal. Armed with the map on the wedding invitation card, both Zai and I made our journey hoping that it's accurate.

The 'bersanding' session, according to the card starts at 2.30pm and we hoped that we would be able to grab a bite during or before the groom comes and join the crowd after our tummies got full. Our timing was great which of course due to some trial and error instinct following road guide. We circled the area twice forgetting which road is which and of course I wouldn't forget the amusing road name - Jalan Kacung. Sounds cute actually, that makes me wonder if there's any Jalan Cipan, Tapir or Tenuk somewhere in the country. That sounds cute too. The road behind it was Jalan Chengkerek but cengkerik sounds common. We arrived few minutes after Ipah and Intan did and boy, the parking was such a killer that it was a good thing there was an empty spot just by the junction cute enough for a Kancil.

Roy was all decked in green and she was lovely. Good thing I asked the week before on the colours that the family would be wearing or I would end up wearing the last pair of this year's baju raya. Its also green. The food was great and much to our delight, they serve sirap bandung with ice cream soda - yum. It was that good that the 4 of us went back for refills.

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Roy, last week's picture and today's picture

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Minah berlima - before bersanding

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Hantaran from the groom.

The kompang group came not long after with the groom as we were having our meal. Good thing that we were already eating or being inside the house at that time would be really crazy. As always, the groom have to go through few barriers depend on the setting actually - front porch, the main gate, the door, the pelamin. Since we were busy eating, the good ol' DJ kept us updated on the barriers and the happenings inside the house. Apau and Md Nor reached there at that time.

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Kulihat hijau....

After eating, we went into the house and Edda decked in pink (I have a field day making fun of her in pink since she always make an amusing comment about another 'ganas' friend of ours who loves pink) with her sister came afterward. The 'tabur duit' session came not long after with kids preparing to dive in for the token thrown by the bride and the groom. I was in the line of fire of the token throwing - Roy's husband (OMG, Roy's husband? Wow!) threw it a bit far away from the group that it hit smack on my face as I was busy snapping pictures of the merry children picking up the coins and money. Long time after, it was Zai who pointed it out that I got something at the folds of my tudung. I got 2 tokens sitting nicely there (Ah.. there's where those coins that hit my face were).

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Mari menabur :)

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The thing that got stuck at the folds of my tudung.

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Cake cutting.

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Group pics - Edda was too shy to be in the pic.

The rest of the gang finally made their way in - Qis, Nanie, Zah, Zue, Isem with her bf and brother, Zul, Nofie and her family, Fad and his family. Today was the first day that his daughter met her namesake. Fad named his daughter Arifah Nur Iman, after our classmate, the ever genius Arifah Nur (without Iman at the end of her name) a.k.a Ipah. Total count - Ipah told us that including Fad's daughter, she have 3 babies named after her. Honestly, her name is great and I like her name.

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Ipah Jr & Ipah Sr

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Moody Farah (Nofie's daughter) after having to wake up upon arrival at Roy's place.

Most of us went back at 4.30 ish since I got work waiting at home. Got a presentation this Tuesday. Maybe I'll start it after a short nap, hehehe.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Reunion Raya

Even if it was a last minute (not quite last minute la) plan, even if the budget was kind of tight, at last we managed to pull of a small reunion for our batch at Nofie's house on the 3rd day of raya. Coincidentially, its her birthday. The 'budak ganas' and the person that was thought by everyone to be among the last person to get married is now a proud mother of one. That was one of the topic that all of us talked about. Roy's getting married next weekend and Anas would be on the 24th December along with his sister, our KTAM senior kak Sab. Its a double wedding for him and his sister. Another friend of ours, Fad had just become a proud father of which his daughter was named after a genius classmate of ours. Ina-Mazlina (the case too many ina's at school as always) is getting engaged on the 4th day of raya which was why she couldn't make it for the gathering.
Food was in abundance - Soto, satay, fried bihun, muffins (courtesy of my sister's bf), rojak buah, sambal goreng, sweet sour chicken, all the normal raya food that makes my tummy so darn full. Good thing that many turned up even the attendance from the guys' side was a bit slow but they came with a full gusto. We got reacquainted again, haven't seen some since school ends. Just hope that we manage to do this again in the future.

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The girls

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Yan & Qis at the back with the symbolic salam-salam raya pose for the sake of the picture taking, hehehe

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Celebrated November birthday girls - Isem, Lynt, Nofie and her cute darling Farah and Nanie
the birthday guys are just to shy to join in the pic.

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The guys - the picture was snagged from Zul's friendster page.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Raya Pertama

Ramadhan comes and goes, Syawal making its mark after a month of fasting. One thing that is essential on the first day of raya - either Eno or pil chi kit teck aun, the best remedies for any case of over-eating. I used to have that kind of problem when I was in secondary school. My stomach couldn't handle the surprise of "eating like there's no tomorrow" habit after a month of tummy cleansing. Too many food from all over the places, neighbours, relatives and all. This year's Bangbil's turn to celebrate the first of eid at kak linda's place in Perlis with us three bachelors remaining. The best part of the day - picture taking session, I like. The second year of raya after the passing of my grandma, of course it is way different from before. Now its our turn to move around and visit the remaining of the elders. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin

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