More or less 15 days to go, but who's counting, hehehe. Friends at school are in a teasing mood - on the so called 'darah manis' and all that. It is okay because I am not the only one with the sweet blood, ngiahahaha. A colleague of mine, Hanis is in the same period as her wedding will be on 23rd November.
Tomorrow I will be off to Skudai with some friends of mine to pick a replacement for my faulty sealer. Thinking of going to the fish spa again to get the fish to eat and nibble on my feet, heheh.
SO anyway, I was looking through the post at JEM when ta-da! Someone posted a movie showtime on the forum, with a poster with very familiar faces.
Nanda sore?
The show will be aired for a very very limited time at the selected local cinemas - from 30th October to the 5th of November. Finally, I can watch Jun on the big screen!!!! Patut pun lately I was itching to find my HYD videos that I burnt. Though I'm more keen to watch the final episodes of each HYD 1 & 2.
Made and arrangement with Irra (she loves HYD too) for the Saturday show. Can't wait, yatta!!!!
My blog is filled with cobwebs - yeah yeah, the much delayed update is here. So anyway, the latest news, not much. Clean here, clean there, paint here, paint there, pack here, pack there, yadda yadda yadda. It's the end of the year. Textbooks returned, revisions. I managed to finish the download for Maou - yeay!! Thanks to my bro who helped me queuing it up on my torrent all the while I was up and about.
So, my verdict - I love it!!!
At first, Ohno's character - Naruse was similar to a robot. Emotionless. Empty. And he was like a walking statue.
Toma's character - Serizawa was the devil may care detective who would do unethical things to get the criminal to admit their crime.
As the plot uncovers and as the drama progress, the Ohno I saw in Shinseki Emotion and West Side Story came out. The play of emotion can be seen on his face. Doubts, sympathy, vengeance - you name it, there it were.
The drama kept me hooked from the first to the last. The last episode was a tearjerker - nothing else I could comment on the end for those two.
"I take your life forever, you take my life"
Very apt.
Here's a vid I found on youtube, a fanvid on Naruse, ureshii *rolls around*
* Title: 魔王 * Title (romaji): Maou * Format: Renzoku * Genre: Suspense drama * Broadcast network: TBS * Broadcast period: 2008-Jul-04 to 2008-Sept * Related TV show: The Devil (KBS2, 2007)
This drama is a remake of the popular suspense drama The Devil that was aired in Korea last year. Ohno Satoshi will be playing the role of a two-faced lawyer, one of which is a kind hearted soul and the other who is plotting revenge, using his brilliant mind, on the person who killed his relative. On the other hand, Ikuta Toma will play the double lead role of the man, who has become a detective due to his dark past, who is pursuing the mysterious series of murders and fighting against the devil (maou).
* Ohno Satoshi as Naruse Ryo (Omedetou, Ri-da!!!!!! For your TV drama lead debut) * Ikuta Toma as Serizawa Naoto (Toma, such a charm) * Kobayashi Ryoko as Sakita Shiori * Tanaka Kei as Kasai Hitoshi * Oshinari Shugo as Souda Mitsuru * Waki Tomohiro as Ishimoto Yosuke * Uehara Misa as Takatsuka Kaoru * Shinohara Mai as Nishina Eri * Shimizu Yutaka (清水優) as Yamano Makoto * Iida Kisuke as Ishihara Kanrikan * Tonesaku Toshihide as Kurata Takashi * Kichise Michiko as Serizawa Mari * Gekidan Hitori as Serizawa Noriyoshi * Miyake Yuji (三宅裕司) as Nakanishi Hiromichi * Ishizaka Koji as Serizawa Eisaku
I admit, I haven't been a good fan - no Arashi stuff that I bought since early this year. I admit, I was oblivious to their album this year that the last album I heard was Time. So did a little catch up and the video I saw today was wow - All of them have black hair now - no dye, cool!!!!
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