More or less 15 days to go, but who's counting, hehehe. Friends at school are in a teasing mood - on the so called 'darah manis' and all that. It is okay because I am not the only one with the sweet blood, ngiahahaha. A colleague of mine, Hanis is in the same period as her wedding will be on 23rd November.
Tomorrow I will be off to Skudai with some friends of mine to pick a replacement for my faulty sealer. Thinking of going to the fish spa again to get the fish to eat and nibble on my feet, heheh.
SO anyway, I was looking through the post at JEM when ta-da! Someone posted a movie showtime on the forum, with a poster with very familiar faces.
Nanda sore?

The show will be aired for a very very limited time at the selected local cinemas - from 30th October to the 5th of November. Finally, I can watch Jun on the big screen!!!! Patut pun lately I was itching to find my HYD videos that I burnt. Though I'm more keen to watch the final episodes of each HYD 1 & 2.
Made and arrangement with Irra (she loves HYD too) for the Saturday show. Can't wait, yatta!!!!
yea2! nak neok jugak~!!!
Yokatta ne~~~~
enjoy yourselves girls. take care ;)
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