Ever seen the movie 'There's Something About Mary'?
To be specific, the part when Ben Stiller's character managed to get his thingy stuck between the zipper since he was too busy looking at Mary while doing his business? Youch!
Well, same thing happened, only that the circumstance changed.
A year 6 boy was circumcised during last year's school holiday. Maybe he was playing rough with his friends or he was in such a hurry that he managed to... well get his thingy stuck to his zipper. Accompanied by his two smiling friends who were not at least sympathetic, his face was covered with tears and of course at that time, we, female teachers went berserk looking for male teachers to aid him. Of course, there are things that female teachers can't simply do.
The on-duty teacher was, thank goodness a male, so he sent the boy back to his house with the boy bawling his head off.
That happened last week. The boy is still absent from school.
Moral of the story: Parents, train your kid to wear their undies since young. It's important.
To be specific, the part when Ben Stiller's character managed to get his thingy stuck between the zipper since he was too busy looking at Mary while doing his business? Youch!
Well, same thing happened, only that the circumstance changed.
A year 6 boy was circumcised during last year's school holiday. Maybe he was playing rough with his friends or he was in such a hurry that he managed to... well get his thingy stuck to his zipper. Accompanied by his two smiling friends who were not at least sympathetic, his face was covered with tears and of course at that time, we, female teachers went berserk looking for male teachers to aid him. Of course, there are things that female teachers can't simply do.
The on-duty teacher was, thank goodness a male, so he sent the boy back to his house with the boy bawling his head off.
That happened last week. The boy is still absent from school.
Moral of the story: Parents, train your kid to wear their undies since young. It's important.
siannya kat budak tu..
ish-ish-ish, kesian...
memang kesian. tapi desas desus mengatakan dia dah baik, tapi mak dia tak bagi balik sekolah smpi die fully healed sebab geng die ramai lasak, huhuhu
ek-eleh, gitu plak.. o_O
ntahle, no komen, tapi begitulah jadinya
teringat datu ketika dulu..
i WAS that boy..
but manage to "get free"..
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