- A woman cancelled her wedding with her fiancee less than 24 hours from their supposed to be wedding. The groom in return called up his past girlfriends and proposed to every one of them until 1 of them said yes. They were married in the ceremony and no guest was notified about the change of the bride. This happened in Romania.
- This one might be gross - told Jeff first and he said, to quote "I'm going to have nightmares". A teenage boy was found to start mentsruating. No kidding. Make no mistake, this boy is not a hermaphrodite (khunsa) but he has started having it for few months already and been showing symptoms of a normal menstruation - stomach cramps, bouts of nausea, mood swings and of course the bleeding. In a way, feels like finally a man could feel what us women feel every month but then again now I think about it, that boy - and the people around him of course - are going to have a huge trouble every month if he has PMS. Okay I can't stop thinking this part away from my head. If, and I repeat IF he's gay... would he be pregnant? Aack!!! lari!!! nauzubillah. This happen in India.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Amusing Information for the Day
These info were obtained through today's Morning Madness show on Perfect 10 98.7fm during my ride to the office:-
Monday, June 20, 2005
Continued - 3rd Day in Bangkok
Managed to wake up 'bapak punya' early which was actually at 5.30am Bangkok time which actually in Malaysia its 6.30am. Took a bath, brushed my teeth and then fell back asleep until the familiar sound of the boys knocking on our door to wake us up for breakfast. We were all set. The day's itinerary was going to Chatuchak weekend market. It took about 15 minutes from the hotel and believe me, being stuck in a taxi with 7 person is never good. Another thing I found out in Bangkok that the taxi driver could accept driving for 6 person without any hesitation. At first we thought that taking 2 taxis would be good but judging from the traffic around there and the fact that we only know where we want to go but not knowing how or where it was, we chose to travel in the same vehicle.
By the time we reached there at 8.30am the shops were about to open. In a way, we were too early. One thing about Chatuchak market, the shops categories are well organized unlike other market that we had gone to. There's the section for clothes, plants, books, pets, food etc. The plants that were out on display was so beautiful that we were itching to buy them. The bonsai planted in small pots were so beautiful and cheap - at 150 Baht!!! the thing was, how could we make the plant go pass the Malaysian custom? before a plant could be admitted into Malaysia they have to be quarantined that most of the time lots of them couldn't survive it. We could only watch those plants, snapped some pictures and walked through the alley.
Colourful rows of Portulaca grandiflora and the comel lote bonsai
Next stop was the section that got Ms Lee and I hooked for nearly an hour - the book section. Most of the books there are second hand, some are new and so darn cheap!!! Imagine buying a hardcover book for only 275 baht (thats roughly RM 27.50) where got over here?hehehe. Thailand landscape books are very good for idea reference and they even have the new issue produced every year. Believe me, neither myself or Ms Lee could read Thai but all the landscape books that we bought were in Thai. But who cares, its the pictures that matters most. Then I bought 2 paperback novels at 80 baht - John Grisham's A Painted House and Sidney Sheldon's If Tomorrow Comes. The Sidney Sheldon book was bought solely to refresh my memory on why I didn't enjoy it that much and to refer back to the racket over my cousin Dayah blog on which of his book is the best. We spent our time there til its near to 1 when we decided to stop for lunch before going back to the hotel to drop off our things.
We went straight away to Dream World - the famous theme park near to Bangkok. It was about an hour ride there that on the way to Dream World, most of us went to our own 'dream world'. We had great fun over there and yes, I was transformed back to be a kid. Spending too much time with kids under 14 made me act like that, but again, who cares no one asked my age anyway, hehehe. The peak of it all was when the boys and I was riding on the Splash ride. The ride is actually the one that is similar like the roller coaster but it went straight on the surface of the small pond. Thought the water splash was going to be small, we were wrong. By the time the ride ends, we were drenched wet. Ms Lee, Mr Lok and Mei Mei was laughing so hard looking at us that straight away they ushered us to the nearest clothes shop and told us to buy anything that fits. Now I know why they have lots of them inside the park itself. We went back to the hotel near to 9. Had dinner at the hotel's restaurant and fell off unconcious.

The parade at Dream World and Mei Mei and yours truly
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005
Second Day In Bangkok
Woke up at 6.30am, thinking that it was just about the right time for the Subuh prayers. Boy, was I so wrong. In Bangkok 6am is just like Malaysian 7.30am and it was already so bright. In other word - dah sah subuh gajah. Mei Mei wasn't sleeping well because of her constant coughing, and so does Ms Lee in that case. As for me... I didn't even woke up because of the coughing which Ms Lee pointed out, I slept like a log. Took a quick shower and prayed and laid down for a while as the day's activities were set to start at 9.00am because we hired a tourist guide for the Grand Palace Tour. Breakfast was a feast. At least there were something for me to eat so I found myself walloping salad, cereal, buns and fruits. Jeff told me once that one of his favourite breakfast is french toast (roti goreng telur) with maple syrup which to me would definitely taste odd, so I tried. Not bad at all - only that he told me after I got back that I was supposed to put melted butter and sprinkle some sugar on it too which I definitely didn't. Its a breakfast buffet so we could eat to our heart's content which in my case, so darn content.
Our tourist guide came and we started exploring. The journey from the hotel to the Grand Palace took about 15 minutes and on the way we were so full of inquiry on every building that we saw. Mr Ariya was great though honestly Ms Lee and I both don't like the feeling of people waiting on us and keeping time when we are going on a holiday which is why we were travelling on free & easy basis. There's a lot of things that covered up the Grand Palace visit which is the Royal Museum, Wat Phra Kaew and the Banquet Hall. The residential palace was off limit because the palace are still used by the first princess. The first stop was the Wat Phra Kaew which is the buddhist temple inside the palace area. The whole structure looks like it was made of gold though Mr Ariya said it wasn't. The architecture and the landscape was so beautiful which what Ms Lee pointed out, the Thais are very well established with their ornamental landscape of any kind. We were surprised to find out that the image on one of the coronation building was handpainted, not wall papered. We made a close inspection and saw that each object were a little bit different and too fine that no wall paper could be that.
Our tourist guide came and we started exploring. The journey from the hotel to the Grand Palace took about 15 minutes and on the way we were so full of inquiry on every building that we saw. Mr Ariya was great though honestly Ms Lee and I both don't like the feeling of people waiting on us and keeping time when we are going on a holiday which is why we were travelling on free & easy basis. There's a lot of things that covered up the Grand Palace visit which is the Royal Museum, Wat Phra Kaew and the Banquet Hall. The residential palace was off limit because the palace are still used by the first princess. The first stop was the Wat Phra Kaew which is the buddhist temple inside the palace area. The whole structure looks like it was made of gold though Mr Ariya said it wasn't. The architecture and the landscape was so beautiful which what Ms Lee pointed out, the Thais are very well established with their ornamental landscape of any kind. We were surprised to find out that the image on one of the coronation building was handpainted, not wall papered. We made a close inspection and saw that each object were a little bit different and too fine that no wall paper could be that.

Yours truly (Intan commented so much that she wanted to see my pic, not anyone else)
The white flowers are Wrightia thai while the yellow ones are Wedelia trilobata (if I'm not wrong)

Image of the Miniature Angkor Wat handcarved to stone and one shot of Wat Phra Kaew roof.

Image towards the Banquet Hall at the Grand Palace
Because of the transport that we were using was sponsored by the Gem's Gallery, it became one of our unplanned stop. An unplanned stop which cost a lot because I bought something over there, hehehe. Something small and flashy and beautiful but still too big for my fingers. The sales person said my finger's too small which is something that I would never dreamt of hearing if I came there 2 years ago. We haven't had enough time for a refitting which they said would cost our 15 minutes so I just bought it and wore it on my middle finger. It wasn't until the next morning that I realized that I could wear it over my left thumb.
We had lunch at the hotel which consist of rice, fried sea bass with mango salad, seaweed soup, fried squids, tofu soup and mixed vegetable. It was a feast though basically that was what we normally ate for our lunch over in Bangkok. True to what the driver who sent us to Changi Airport said, the rice in Thailand is heavenly and very fulfilling. After lunch Mr Lok decided that he would stay at the hotel with Mei Mei and San Ho since both of them are not feeling well. San Ho had food poisoning which we suspected because of last night's dinner at the stall in the Suan Lum Bazaar.
We had lunch at the hotel which consist of rice, fried sea bass with mango salad, seaweed soup, fried squids, tofu soup and mixed vegetable. It was a feast though basically that was what we normally ate for our lunch over in Bangkok. True to what the driver who sent us to Changi Airport said, the rice in Thailand is heavenly and very fulfilling. After lunch Mr Lok decided that he would stay at the hotel with Mei Mei and San Ho since both of them are not feeling well. San Ho had food poisoning which we suspected because of last night's dinner at the stall in the Suan Lum Bazaar.
Ms Lee took San Yi and I to the roadside as soon as we were ready and hailed a cab to go to Pratunam. Interestingly enough, our taxi driver on that trip doesn't know much of english that to our amusement we were actually talking back in different languages without knowing what the others are saying. Ms Lee spoke English, the driver spoke thai though we managed to learn thai numbers along the way. Pratunam is very well known around the area for clothes and it was also kind of disconcerting to see that some of them sells eye-popping lingerie. I wonder if anyone would have the nerve to buy it. If its in an enclosed shop, people would but an open air market that sells clothing that actually only covers up the essential part... I don't know.
We were getting hungry and tired and so we chose to go to MBK Centre, one of the most well known shopping complex in Bangkok. Being curious on how the ride on the tuk-tuk feels, we hailed one at the junction bargaining with the drivers for the best price. We settled for one at 100 baht a ride since its already night time and it does remind us a lot on the James Bond riding off the tuk-tuk for the Visa card advertisement. The traffic in Bangkok as always was jammed and much to our delight (fright actually) the driver knows his way around town. The more we screamed, the more he sped and smiled and he actually made a crazy U- turn on the freeway that was filled with fast vehicles on both side which I swore if he's not good enough, the tuk-tuk would tip over. We were all very excited with the daredevil way he brought us to our destination. We gone through every alley and every houses' backyard that by the time we reached MBK we were kind of disappointed. Now we know why the visa advertisement featured the tuk-tuk.

View from inside the tuk-tuk to the bustling alley of Pratunam
Our first intended target was the food court at the 6th floor but on the way there Ms Lee and I was caught up on the 4th floor where they sell all the furnitures. San Yi and I managed to cause a racket when we were playing and testing on a megaphone as Ms Lee was busy looking at the furnitures. We thought that the battery was not in it until we accidentally turned the siren on. It was so loud that we got a surprise of our own. By the time the siren was off we can't stop laughing. All Ms Lee said, "Kids".
Gratefully at the food court there are 2 muslim stalls, one selling thai food which look a lil bit weird for me and the other was the one selling indian food. So I chose nasi briyani - even if I don't like nasi briyani that much. We did a little more window shopping before finally taking a taxi back to our hotel. Our itinerary for the next day would be more full.
Gratefully at the food court there are 2 muslim stalls, one selling thai food which look a lil bit weird for me and the other was the one selling indian food. So I chose nasi briyani - even if I don't like nasi briyani that much. We did a little more window shopping before finally taking a taxi back to our hotel. Our itinerary for the next day would be more full.
Thursday, June 16, 2005
First Day In Bangkok
Thursday, 9th June 2005. The day of my first airplane ride. Woke up that morning about the same time as I woke up during working days. The plane in Changi Airport is scheduled at 12.50pm and since my bosses are worried about the traffic jam on the causeway, I have to arrive at their house at least at 9am. Did a check up routine at the site before going there, just to know if the workers have enough petrol and diesel supply. As I arrived, Mei-Mei, my bosses' youngest and only daughter greeted me excitedly for the impending trip while San Yi and San Ho were watching TV and checking up their stuff while they were at it.
At about 9.30am our ride came, I rode in with the 2 boys while my bosses are at the other with Mei Mei. We reached there just in time for the check in. One thing about booking through the net for Tiger Airways, there's no need for ticket. We only need to have the reservation number and then we're all set. For this trip, we managed to get all the bookings done through the internet. We know the risk of using the credit card online but with the irresistable discounts available online and with the added security measure - and of course from the experience of our business contact, we did it all there.
Took lunch while waiting for our boarding time and I must admit we all took our own sweet time to finish the food. By the time we were done the screen was flashing that its the last call for our flight. Frantically all of us ran towards the boarding gate which was so strategically situated at the very end of the line. Reminded me of the flight scene in Home Alone 1 & 2. By the time we were there our plane wasn't even at the gate and everyone were still waiting. The waiting room was packed with passengers of the same flight and it was a blessing when the attendant gave those who travel with children to board up first - Mei Mei and San Ho are still under 12 and considered as children of course. One thing about budget airline, its a free seating flight so whoever fastest gets the best spot.
The plane took off and it was great. My first trip on flight, of course I enjoyed it. Though the best part lasted for only minutes before the plane ascended above the cloud and all I could see was fluffy white shape cotton candy along the way. The sight that greeted us as we reached the Don Muang Airport was fantastic. We went pass farms and we could see the blocky patches of the plantation of many colours from the plane.
Getting a taxi service at the airport was hectic. There were too many services ranging from Limo, minivan to taxi were available. We just have to choose which service and how much we are willing to pay. One thing about taxi service in Bangkok which is so much different from the service here, the taxi driver will ask us which way we want to take - the normal road or the highway. Through normal road we only have to pay for the figure stated at the meter, but for the highway we have to pay for the highway ticket. Definitely if we took a taxi over here the cost would definitely cover up the toll cost and the drive. We checked into our hotel and rested for a while before starting off with our excursion. As I say booking through te net is much much cheaper than walking in. Its about 50% of difference. Those who walks in have to pay for 2,700 baht for a double room but as for us, thanks to Farangs, we only paid 1010 baht per night with an additional free bed.
We didn't know much about Bangkok so we went to the taxi service counter at the lobby for directions and information. The nearest shopping area to our hotel is the Suan Lum Night Bazaar near to Lumphini Park. It is a market area consist of 4,000 shops selling home decorative, pots, shirts, and lots more not forgetting the massage parlour which seems to be in abundance around the area.
At about 9.30am our ride came, I rode in with the 2 boys while my bosses are at the other with Mei Mei. We reached there just in time for the check in. One thing about booking through the net for Tiger Airways, there's no need for ticket. We only need to have the reservation number and then we're all set. For this trip, we managed to get all the bookings done through the internet. We know the risk of using the credit card online but with the irresistable discounts available online and with the added security measure - and of course from the experience of our business contact, we did it all there.
Took lunch while waiting for our boarding time and I must admit we all took our own sweet time to finish the food. By the time we were done the screen was flashing that its the last call for our flight. Frantically all of us ran towards the boarding gate which was so strategically situated at the very end of the line. Reminded me of the flight scene in Home Alone 1 & 2. By the time we were there our plane wasn't even at the gate and everyone were still waiting. The waiting room was packed with passengers of the same flight and it was a blessing when the attendant gave those who travel with children to board up first - Mei Mei and San Ho are still under 12 and considered as children of course. One thing about budget airline, its a free seating flight so whoever fastest gets the best spot.
The plane took off and it was great. My first trip on flight, of course I enjoyed it. Though the best part lasted for only minutes before the plane ascended above the cloud and all I could see was fluffy white shape cotton candy along the way. The sight that greeted us as we reached the Don Muang Airport was fantastic. We went pass farms and we could see the blocky patches of the plantation of many colours from the plane.
Getting a taxi service at the airport was hectic. There were too many services ranging from Limo, minivan to taxi were available. We just have to choose which service and how much we are willing to pay. One thing about taxi service in Bangkok which is so much different from the service here, the taxi driver will ask us which way we want to take - the normal road or the highway. Through normal road we only have to pay for the figure stated at the meter, but for the highway we have to pay for the highway ticket. Definitely if we took a taxi over here the cost would definitely cover up the toll cost and the drive. We checked into our hotel and rested for a while before starting off with our excursion. As I say booking through te net is much much cheaper than walking in. Its about 50% of difference. Those who walks in have to pay for 2,700 baht for a double room but as for us, thanks to Farangs, we only paid 1010 baht per night with an additional free bed.
We didn't know much about Bangkok so we went to the taxi service counter at the lobby for directions and information. The nearest shopping area to our hotel is the Suan Lum Night Bazaar near to Lumphini Park. It is a market area consist of 4,000 shops selling home decorative, pots, shirts, and lots more not forgetting the massage parlour which seems to be in abundance around the area.
The Alley of Suan Lum Night Bazaar
We first took our dinner as we reached there as Mei Mei and San Ho were getting hungry. Honestly dinner time is when I dreaded most especially as we reached the hawker arena. Seems that no stalls were selling vegetarian food and the only muslim stall at that area was closed for day off. And all of the listed menu consist of pork. I did more exploring and luckily there's a pizza stall at the corner. So I bought myself a huge slice of tuna pizza for the night. Afterwards we shopped and look for more stuff and as we walked pass a massage parlour, my boss want to stop by and try the massage. She offered all of us the massage but I'd rather not. I know how painful foot reflexology massage could be so Mei Mei, San Yi and I sat back and become my bosses' spectator as the massage begins. San Ho was laughing all the way, while Mr Lok and Ms Lee was cringing and laughing at certain time.
Massage Session
Monday, June 13, 2005
Home At Last
Nothing could beat the feeling of happiness that I feel when the car that brought me back from Changi Airport to my bosses' home reached Tambak. Trip to Bangkok was fine, some good memories, some bad so it balance out. Good things, riding off tuk-tuk, window shopping at numerous market along Bangkok, bad things - I got mugged at the park in front of grand palace and lost 400baht for that. Full coverage and pic, maybe tonight. Now I have to get back to work.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
On Your Mark....
Okay, so tomorrow's the day and I haven't packed or even get my baht money exchange. As of right now, on my bosses' instruction I'm studying the Bangkok map and try at least to set up an itineraries for the trip. I just hope that they won't get back at me if I read the map wrongly. Plan after work - go to the worker's house to drop off their salary and head to Jusco to get all the necessity. See everyone next week.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Weekend Holiday
I'm beat.
Like totally beat.
Just reached home from the not so long but not so short weekend in Serdang. A'an is currently going through his orientation at MMU and much to my sister's consternation, even when he already have the handphone with him, it seems useless since he's such a rule abiding person that when the faci told them not to bring the phone, he didn't bring it or didn't even reply tons of messages we sent. Oh well, first time living in a place with rules.
Reached Serdang at 4.30 am on 4th June and Kak Wa already called that she was already samping at Hentian Serdang. Thought that she already worked the plan off with Bang Bil but then again she didn't. While she was camping at Hentian Serdang, Bang Bil was already camping in his office in the faculty and both of them waited since 4am. Gotta love both of them, hehehe.
Rested at my sister's room in UKM while watching White Chicks as my sister continued snoozing. Later that day set up to meet my pen-pal of 10 year, Ridzuan for the very first time. Wow! 10 years, never faced each other (yet) and the time had finally come. Come to think of it, we never knew wht we both look like until 2003 - even though in that magazine, in 1994 to be exact, I put up my pic in the pen-pal column but the pic was fuzzy. So we met and played bowling. Don't ask how it turned out as most definitely I lost both rounds but then again I had fun. Still need to work more on the game as I haven't played it since I graduated. Quite okaylah 120, but the first round was an embarrassing 71 (sorok muka!!!). Maybe I could ask Roy to play the game with me. She loves bowling last I heard from her. Though I hope her tummy problem won't stop her from playing. Message to Ridzuan - Lain kali aaaaaa, hehehe
The next morning everyone was up and about early to sent my bro off. The registration went okay though a bit slow and a bit unsystematic. We reached there not knowing where to go first as there were 2 counters filled with parents and students and their family. Not wanting to add up more havoc to the busy place, all of us took a seat under the tecoma trees (the beautiful but high maintenance Tabebuia pentaphylla) at the courtyard until my bro get it all settled. The courtyard do remind me of Dan Kiley's (one of the well knowned architect, landscape architect & interior designer) design. Hish, banyak komen pulak. Then we spent quite an amount of time not knowing where to go for the hostel registration. Bangbil took the map and took lead which in the end we went back to the parking lot and followed the signs at the road side.
Done with my bro's business we broke off, my big bro went to a wedding while my sister, my parents and I went to our relative's wedding. It was actually just my parents going there while my sister and I stayed in the car as we were not properly attired. Then went to visit my uncles on my dad's side, Wak Riduan & Wak Latif. Since they both lived not that far from each other, we managed to make it short as we needed to go back to An's place to send up some more stuff that we forgot to get him for the room. Afterwards my mak, my sister and I went to the Mines to hunt for a new handphone for my mak. There were so many choices and we ended up picking a second hand phone, its a Samsung and its a flip phone and my mak loves it.
As for today, surprises surprises my abah let me drive the way home. Believe me he have never yet gave any of us the chance to drive his car back with him in it. Guess he's still having jet lag from his last trip. At first it was kind of nerve wrecking. Not that I was bad nor that I am inexperienced, just that I felt like I was going through the driving test for the second time. I got my rhythm back as I saw abah and mak fell asleep. Detected a apeed trap at the Kajang-Putera Mahkota exit but my speed was decent so it was fine. When abah woke up, I slowed down to the highway limit and so the speed goes up and down along the way. Gosh I'm beat. I need to sleep and lie down. *huaaaarghhhh. Ngantuk. *kroih kroih kroih zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Friday, June 03, 2005
Long Weekend Up Ahead
Yesterday my parents made it safely home, picked them up after work ended and to sum it up, all of us stayed up late looking at the pics they took and the stuff they brought home. Egypt looks nice though the landscape is way much different from here - harsh landscape would fit the description. Good thing not much of a big catastrophe going on only that B-bo tend to show off his 'prize' at the front door. The prize as in a dead mangled rat with its intestine torn out. One thing I know about my cats - they are great hunters though it just stop there. They killed their prey bring it to the front porch and left it at the doorstep. They don't eat rats. Last few days I found bird legs at the front porch, bet the cats have gobbled up all of the upper body. Its like their way of saying - we don't just eat and sleep 24/7, we do our job too.
Tonight will be getting on the bus heading to Serdang. Oh and special message to all my school friends, who texted and messaged me regarding this weekend affair - BERAPE RATUIH KALI AKU CAKAP, AKU TAKLEH PI MAJLIS UJAI SEBAB AKU HANTAR ADIK AKU MASUK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kirim salam kat ujai, hehehe.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Maniac Wednesday
Things just get better. Today I was being put in charge to supervise the work at a site quite far away from the office. That part was fine, minus the fact that my dad's car is low and not that suitable for construction area so I have to drive it really carefully and slowly. Then a weird sound come from the back as I ascended down the hill on my quest to find a lavatory, like the sound of something being teared out. Alamak, mampus! So there I stopped the car in the middle of the road since it was 12.30pm - lunch time for all construction worker as well as myself so there would be no worries on any passing lorry. Left the engine running as always since its a short check and much to my relief nothing was teared out though there's some scratch at the bottom of the rear bumper which is hardly noticeable. Much to my horror, I forgot the safety feature of my dad's car - the door locks automatically whenever the driver's door is closed. AAAARRRGHHHH!!!!!
What to do? Everything was still inside the car - and I mean everything, my wallet, my cellphone, my bag all of it I have nothing on me other than the clothes I wear, the engine was still running, I was in dire need of a toilet but I can't just leave the car like that. Ask for help? The construction site was empty as the workers went off to the canteen for lunch. Walk? No way, I can't leave the car like that. Spare keys? Inside my dad's room back home, oh and don't forget, he is still in Egypt. I was hopeless.
There I stood under the scorching afternoon sun, hoping like crazy that anyone would pass through the gravel road. Prayers answered, a big lorry with a big load of soil went by so I waved my hands like a maniac wanting help. Practically I won't do that if I was in the middle of the highway or anywhere in that matter. This time I don't care, I was desperate - then again desperate was an understatement. I need relief - FAST!!!
So, when this abang went out of the vehicle, I explained the situation I'm in and trying so hard not to sound so stupid. Being locked outside the car is other matter, but being locked outside the car with everything else inside it and with the engine running is other matter. Darn! The auto lock feature is supposed to make the car safe for the user but not locking and making the car safe from the owner itself. I knew through the tv that you could pick the car lock but I don't know what went where. This abang tried and voila! it works, my hero, hahaha. He asked me not to tell anyone what he did. In a way I didn't tell anyone but those who read this. In any case, if anyone ask me to point out who, I can't remember his face nor do I know his name. I was in a big emergency. I just hope that tomorrow I won't have another interesting happening waiting *Groans.
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