Friday, June 03, 2005

Long Weekend Up Ahead

Yesterday my parents made it safely home, picked them up after work ended and to sum it up, all of us stayed up late looking at the pics they took and the stuff they brought home. Egypt looks nice though the landscape is way much different from here - harsh landscape would fit the description. Good thing not much of a big catastrophe going on only that B-bo tend to show off his 'prize' at the front door. The prize as in a dead mangled rat with its intestine torn out. One thing I know about my cats - they are great hunters though it just stop there. They killed their prey bring it to the front porch and left it at the doorstep. They don't eat rats. Last few days I found bird legs at the front porch, bet the cats have gobbled up all of the upper body. Its like their way of saying - we don't just eat and sleep 24/7, we do our job too.
Tonight will be getting on the bus heading to Serdang. Oh and special message to all my school friends, who texted and messaged me regarding this weekend affair - BERAPE RATUIH KALI AKU CAKAP, AKU TAKLEH PI MAJLIS UJAI SEBAB AKU HANTAR ADIK AKU MASUK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kirim salam kat ujai, hehehe.

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