Last time, I manage to write this part of the story and left it unattended for months long. As for today, my ideas are kicking in and I found back my rhythm. Before you start hunting me for leaving the story too long in my blog without continuing, just know that I don't let anyone read my story until it's fully done. That's just how I do my writing. I bet most of you know where story is going by just reading the intro. Anyway, feedbacks are more than just welcome. I'm on my first chapter and I think I'm falling more in love with my characters, hehehe.
Well, here goes nothing. There's no title yet though - that always come in the end.
Ayuni was sitting on the old swing under the rambutan tree eating chocolate and reading a Harry Potter book. The place was her favourite spot every time she managed to get home in Kota Tinggi from her busy life in the bustling town of
Suddenly she felt something fell onto the open book on her lap. Her heart beat increased automatically knowing what she could feel slithering at the sides of her hands. It was heavy and it was scaly.
"Don't move, don't move, don't move," silently she chanted in her mind. Ayuni refused to open her eyes knowing very well what she would see. "This must be the 'luckiest' day of my life," she thought horribly. Where was her father when she needed him most? She forgot. Her parents were out visiting relatives. Anuar, her younger brother was out with friends, Aniza the youngest in the family was out for tuition class. She was all alone.
Gathering her courage, she slowly opened her eyes and nearly fainted when it was a big black python looking back at her as if it was expecting her to look at it eye to eye. If it was up to her, she would run away like crazy, providing that she was far away from the snake in the first place which in this case she wasn't. She watched too many documentaries to know that snakes would not bite unless it felt provoked but this snake in particular was weird. It was as if it was looking at her with a very thoughtful look.
Thoughtful snake? She ought to have her brain operated, she said to herself. In this case if she manage to get out of the ordeal alive she promised to be a really good person. Not just good, she'd be great. She would stop picking on her younger siblings, to recycle, be good to wildlife. It was not as if she use animal products anyway but the list kept on going. Heck, she would even be nice to this particular wildlife and would name it Blacky.
While Ayuni was busy preparing her mental list on what to do if she survived she realized the snake raised it's head. Much to her horror the snake was moving its head to her arm in a gesture of affection. What was she supposed to do? Pet it back? No chance in hell that she would do it. She would be the next patient in the emergency room if she does.
To her surprise, the snake reared its head up and bit her!
To be continued, hehehe - probably next year when I finish the whole thing off :D
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