Before going to school, Shuji have to touch a willow tree by the river for a boost. It was a habit that he can't live with and he believed that if he didn't touch the tree, something bad would happen. One morning he went to the spot and found his beloved tree gone. That was when Nobuko went out with her 'Sadako' expression telling Shuji that the tree has been transplanted elsewhere - and that the branch of the tree was not suitable to commit suicide at. Shuji freaked out and ran off. He freaked even more when he found out that the scary girl by the river was his new classmate. Being the new girl - and of course, weird - Nobuko became the instant target for bullying. Her bento was thrown while she was eating, desk was being scrabbled at and everything else that could be associated with bullying was done to her. Shuji helped Nobuko secretly and by some chance three of them got together when Akira was sprayed with water in his attempt to save her. Shuji made a pledge to make Nobuko the popular girl in school after the spraying incident with the condition that no one should know about the makeover or that they were acquainted, due to his popularity. They chose the name 'Nobuta' for Nobuko, hence the move for Producing Nobuta started.
Okay done with the synopsis, her comes the fangirl rant, hehe. I have actually watched the whole drama TWICE in a week before lending the boxset to Aidah - and that was only after I burned my favourite episodes on my hard-disk. No matter how late, I really feel that this drama deserve a post in my blog because I am absolutely, 100% LOVING IT!!! Seriously, I'm not the only one who say this since the thread for this drama over at JDorama have reached more than 100 pages and people are still raving about it. It was not about having a drastic makeover that we have seen before in movies or dramas like from looking way dull to superstar beautiful. It was about Nobuta who gradually found her courage with her own personality - and a new haircut, hehe. Shuji changed from being an empty popular guy to a guy who appreciates the value of friendship and became a better person. As for Akira, he was still the same baka guy who are really helpful in every single way, hahaha.
The supporting characters in the drama are also interesting - the vice-principal with a very menacing cackle, the bookstore owner who only allow beautiful people to read at his shop, the literature teacher who kept on pulling his pants up during class, hontou ojiichan (the truth grandpa-though he was only a side character) who chases anyone until they gave him a fact of truth about themselves or disaster would strike them, the guy who drank pesticide and much much more. The friendship between Shuji, Akira and Nobuta became stronger until they could actually share dreams together - and passing favours through it. They were always thinking of ways of making each other happy which makes the story even sweeter and the existence of one mysterious girl who kept wrecking what they were working on added up the suspense.
Anyway I've started learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana - terkial-kial macam belajar ABC waktu tadika dulu. I was kind of happy when I was able to read the title although was too slow - nobuta wo purodyuisu, wee hoo!!

P.S: Areng, kalau kau baca ni aku rekemen kat kau.