Sunday, March 05, 2006

Singing On Broadway

Sunday, as usual, the day to laze out and relax. Get my mind charged before Monday comes. Today's list - watching Files of Young Kindaichi 3, Queen of Lunchtime Cuisine, reading my friend, James' story and giving him reviews of what I think of it, surfing jdorama forum and of course chores.

It was just now when my mak came in and pointed me to an article. I couldn't hear anything since I was using the headphone, hehehe. I saw an album review of a local artist. So? What's the big deal about it? My mak said something again, guess I turned deaf already from using the headphone so much ^_^" I glanced at the review again.


Okay. I asked my mak, "So?" And then she said, loudly and clearly

"Ni Ayong lah!"

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Then I did a double take. Ayong? Then it hit me as I looked at the picture closely. Wallao! it is Ayong - my cousin's daughter. *Smack head. I know her name is Khadeeja but I don't know how she spelled it though. She looks so different. We know that she's a singer and seeing her releasing her own album is a WOW! She's a great singer, I watched her performance once at her college over Dayah's insistence ("Awak, anak sedare awak nyanyi malam ni. Tak nak tengok ke?") They went to the same uni.

All the best Ayong.

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