Thanks for Jun's radio show, Jun Style that lots of Arashi fans get the opportunity to hear snippets from their upcoming album Arashic. They sounded more matured and as Dalinee said, the album just screamed - OTONA (adult)
This is my opinion on all of the songs that I've heard
1. Wish
The opening song for the drama Hana Yori Dango. It sounded genki through and through and I definitely love the lyric. About a man who wants to improve himself before presenting his love to the one that he likes most. I love the PV too, the guys were decked in red suit watching over a stage of puppets.
2. ランナウェイ・トレイン [Runaway Train]
Sounds funky and upbeat. Definitely a song that I would love to hear over and over again. Reminds me of being in a train watching the scenery outside and running to the sun, hehehe sounds cheesy. They spent a lot on this track as they hired the guys from Xtreme to play guitar in this one, whoaaaaa. More than words~~~~ ^_^
3. Raise Your Hands
Sounded retro and upbeat, honestly I think these guys are going retro all over XD. I could almost see them performing in the natsu-con urging fans to raise up their hands for this one.
4. きっと大丈夫 [Kitto Daijoubu]
My feel good song, do I need to elaborate more - Lucky lucky baby shigoto wa rasuto no oo my groove!!!
5. Ready to Fly
Ohno's pick-up song and it sounded retro 80's to me because of the guitar arrangement. Totally different from his previous solo. Can't wait how he would perform this song in the natsu-con. I know it's gonna be smexy XD
6. キャラメル・ソング [Caramel Song]
Nino's pick up song. True to the title the song oozes out sweetness and kawaii-ness. My head slowly moved to the song automatically when I heard this at Mit-to's house. Go Nino!!! You sure nailed it in picking this song for tha album.
7. Cool & Soul
To me it's a new version of their previous La Tormenta, sounded cool and I'm loving it - A~ra~shi~cool~~A~ra~shi~soul~~~
8. 旅立ちの朝 [Tabidachi No Asu]
It's sexy with the sax-play in the background, setting off a romantic theme. I kept playing the song over and over again - can't get enough of it. Dalinee was saying that this would be the best song for a candlelit dinner *in love*
9. I Want Somebody
Jun's pick-up song. Gahh, I'm so glad that it sounded good as I don't like his W/me in One album. Very 80's sounding with a hint of, in my opinion a bit MJ at the opening. But I totally love the chorus - ~~I want somebody~~~~
10. Secret Eyes
Aiba's pick-up song. Again sounding retro and very adult to me but it definitely fits Aiba to the end. It kinda screamed AIBA!!
11. 超ありがとう [Chou Arigatou]
Sho's pick up song sounded very motown-ish and made me move to the tune of the song everytime I hear it. Another feel good smooth song, reminded me of his butai - The Beautiful Game
12. Carnival Night part 2
Weird thing that they put the part 2 first before the part 1 >_< style="font-weight: bold;">
13. シルバーリング [Silver Ring]
Another ballad in the album. I just melt listening to Ohno's voice at the opening *sighs* ~~kimi wo aishiteru~~~~ zutto~~
bonus track:
14. Love Parade
Sounds very jazzy and I know they don't put this track over in the Limited Edition copy. I know I would get the normal edition one, since Mit-to told me HMV doesn't have the LE for Arashi T_T
I forgot which track but there were one where Sho wrote the rap part in just 3 hours... was it Runaway Train? Enough spazzing for the day, I'm off XD
Credits to Wenna and Dun for the Jun-Style upload link, arigatou!!!
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