Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ta Ta Holiday

It was like the whole one week went through in a blink of an eye and tomorrow, school will start. Out of 10 days, 2 days was spent for year five night tuition which I changed to daytime, 2 days to train the 'girl-who-socked-the-boy-in-the-eye' for next week's storytelling competition (hope that she will win), 2 days for sewing the clothes for her (and it's still unfinished *gulp*), 1 day spent with my siblings and sister in law in JB, 1 day for Yus', my friend from school wedding along with lots of catching up with one of my best buddies Eena, 1 day visiting my friend, Ujai for her second child birth in Kulai with Yan and Qis and 1 day for doing the 1000 pieces jigsaw puzzle that I bought in a whim.

Wow, I really filled up my holiday.

Other than that, I managed to glue myself in front of the TV watching Oprah and on my colleague's recommendation I started watching 'Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader'. It was fun, since the game format was testing if the adult could answer questions from 1st grade to fifth grade subject and seemed like all the contestants used up all their cheats in the early round. Of course, the American syllabus is way up front than Malaysian and I couldn't help but sit back and say that I only learnt some of those lessons in secondary school when they already did in elementary school. And the question on the Dewey System? Heck I only learnt them in Resource Management class in the institute.

Well, here was the episode aired for this week in Star World. I can't help but grin when the guy kept on saying 'the' when clearly 'pledge of allegiance' did not have 'the' in it.

Now... if Malaysia have this version here, I'm sure the contestants would have a jolly time answering questions for 'kajian tempatan' and 'kemahiran hidup' since we only have those in the syllabus very recently, hehehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bwahahahaha.. all the kids are laughing at him! what a shame. ;))