Monday, January 19, 2009
Let's Read the Quran
This is taken from Marina M's blog.
We need your participation!
Campaign name: Let’s Read The Quran
On January 1st 2009, four friends Syed, Walski, Marina and Anas got together at Coffee-Bean Bangsar Village and decided to launch a campaign to encourage people to read and understand the Quran better.
This campaign is not only for Muslims, but also for our brothers and sisters who are Christians, Buddhists Hindus, Sikhs and those who believe in a God-Head but not so gung-ho about being in any brand of religion, too – come join us and share your ideas! You can join this campaign even if you are an atheist!
The goal of this campaign is to encourage people to read the Quran in the language they understand most and find in it areas of common values in our day-to-day living.
What is the Campaign all about?
Read the Quran in the language that you are familiar with.
When will the campaign start and end?
January 15th to February 14th (Happy Valentine’s Day!)
Participating blogs in the blogosphere.
So more people know what the Quran says and what the Quran does not say and to match it to what is really said in our daily lives.
Everyone who wants to – the more the merrier! If you have a Blog, Facebook, etc carry the logo/icon.
- To join the campaign, place the accompanying logo/icon at your blog.
- Write or share short articles based on the Quranic text.
- Share what you find in the Quran with family and friends.
- Ask questions about the Quranic message
- Read the Quran – eg click here or
Peace and Thanks,
Marina Mahathir, Rantings by MM,
Syed Akbar Ali, OutSyed the Box,
Walski, myAsylum,
Anas Zubedy ,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Yazer, a friend of mine from the teacher training college dropped by to invite my family and I to his wedding reception this 26th January. The reception at his wife's house clashed with my reception at hubby's place so we couldn't show up. Good news, his wife, Ina who was also my next door neighbour in college is 4 months pregnant. Congratulations!!!
Oh yeah, as of 14th of January, I'm an aunt!! Not that I'm not already an aunt - thanks to my cousins (and yes, even grand-aunt) this time, I'm an aunt because my sister in-law just gave birth to a beautiful daughter.
14th of January, not that hard of a birth date to remember since I could list some people I know & knew who was born on that same date
- Yan, my schoolmate since primary school
- Odah, my seatmate in secondary school
- Miza, my classmate during the degree years
- Raziq, my classmate in year 6 who passed away when he was 12 due to Leukemia.
Tomorrow, I have to drive up to see the ENT specialist in Hospital Sultanah Aminah (that's ear, nose and throat) for a follow up appointment for my sinusitis. Sighs. Just last month I had to go through too many x-ray sessions. A chect X-ray for my confirmation medical check up, 2 x-rays for my dental (twice because they did not manage to get the right tooth area the first time) and 3 for my skeletal views since they want to see how bad my sinusitis is. Bad I guess since the x-ray more or less looks like the one you can see in wikipedia. So if you're allergic to dust, be warned. You may not see it now but just watch out as time goes.
Well anyway, good thing is the Chinese New Year holiday is just few days away and I'm off to see my dearest again!!!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

To be specific, the part when Ben Stiller's character managed to get his thingy stuck between the zipper since he was too busy looking at Mary while doing his business? Youch!
Well, same thing happened, only that the circumstance changed.
A year 6 boy was circumcised during last year's school holiday. Maybe he was playing rough with his friends or he was in such a hurry that he managed to... well get his thingy stuck to his zipper. Accompanied by his two smiling friends who were not at least sympathetic, his face was covered with tears and of course at that time, we, female teachers went berserk looking for male teachers to aid him. Of course, there are things that female teachers can't simply do.
The on-duty teacher was, thank goodness a male, so he sent the boy back to his house with the boy bawling his head off.
That happened last week. The boy is still absent from school.
Moral of the story: Parents, train your kid to wear their undies since young. It's important.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Happy New Year
I haven't been blogging for weeks.
It's the new year and unfortunately for me, I ushered it with a bad case of sinusitis. Thank goodness for my trusty creamer pot that I made into my neti pot, my health is improving - many thanks to Oprah and Dr Oz for introducing me that method months ago.
So anyway, school is going to open in less than a couple of days and I've been going to school non stop for the clean up and transition program for year 1 pupils. Hubby's back since he got to work on new year, huhuhu, and today I'm at my uncle's house for a visit.
On my way here, horror descended.
Just after Pekan Nenas, there was a slow traffic. I saw a trailer that was carrying cooking gas blocking the road. I hate driving behind any lorry or trailer with load full of cooking gas. I watched too many movies and I have an over active imagination, that's why.
So I thought, okay a trailer went off the road, big deal, no problem. The police and fire brigade were busy clearing the gas tanks and controlling the traffic. As I was passing the trailer, I saw bits and pieces of glass and... other vehicle? on the road. What kind? I can't see any other vehicle there.
I was wrong.
Right after the trailer, there it was.
A mangled black car that looked like a Citra.
With a dead man still in it. His head was leaning through the window, the engine was crushed and only the roof at the passenger's side remained. The head was bloodied and I thanked Allah for only able to see the back of his head.
I knew he was dead because no one was hovering over the car or do anything to revive him.
Drive safe. Love your life, love your family.