Sunday, March 01, 2009

Ho hum

I've left my blog for like... months? If it's a closet, I'm very sure that it is piled up with cobwebs, hehe. So actually nothing new with yours truly. School a.k.a work is fine, my hubby's fine ^_^ I'm fine, only that my nose is not.

I've been going back and forth to the Ontoro... Ontorinolaringology (dunno if I spelled that right since scientific terms boggles my head) short for ear,nose and throat department at HSA as I said in my previous post. Guess what? from being diagnosed with 'Acute Left Maxillary Sinusitis', I've been upgraded to 'Chronic Left Maxillary Sinusitis' (snickers) because there was no change at all from my first check. My last check, I became the living sample for medical students who were 'lucky' to see a case of good right nostril and bad left nostril. That was where the feeling of seeing a medical drama featuring interns real-life (sounds familliar?) only that there were no doctors to represent McDreamy and McSteamy, hahaha.

So I'm scheduled for a CT scan and medical review in April - yeah, that long since I went to the government hospital instead of a private one. Looking at the X-ray application form does freak me out. Tell me what "Plan for OP Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery", and having the head department become your doctor since the second visit, makes you feel? Having a flu now even make things worse and the scope checks... easy to say that I've never not cry everytime they inserted the scope in my nose to check the sinus.

It's rainy season now. Pupils did not miss their chance to play slide along the school corridor because of the rain puddle despite the warning from teachers. Nor did they managed to go to school with their shoes, only their flip flops because of the wet weather. Reminded me of a huge boy in year one who reminded us of a tortoise. He likes to play with his friends only that when he fell on his back - which is a lot - he never managed so far to get himself upright again without help from friend who are much smaller than him and the teachers. Poor kid.

It's Sunday noon now. Glad that Arashi's Believe PV is finally out. I need a song to get my mojo up, hehe.

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