This is the part of the day when I think of the things that I have done for the weekend. I guess that this would be the very first time when I found myself feeling bored on a Sunday. I don't know what went wrong but the Streamyx line have been going on a havoc. There were no connection as afternoon comes until just now. My mind went on a dead end on my story and so does the showhouse design that is due next Tuesday, so I read Odd Thomas - Dayah, kita dah habis baca :p
It was about a guy named Odd Thomas (like duh) with a special gift of seeing the unseen (I see dead people, LOL). Everything at the town of Pico Mundo seemed fine until Odd saw a man whom he called Fungus Man was followed by hoards of bodachs. Think the movie 'The Eye' when the girl saw black figure waiting for the dead, only that in this case the bodachs were only attracted to menace and horrific deaths. The ending however was a sad one. Guess that's why my intuition was telling me to put the book on a hold... but not for as long as 2 years, hehehe.
Finishing that, I went to town buying some toiletries just to kill time. No bookstores to hang out at since all the bookstores here are selling school books and comics. I'm thinking next weekend, I definitely have to go somewhere - preferably with a bookstore, or hunting for Hana Yori Dango manga collection on dvd ;)
Okay since I'm still in the HYD mood, here's the translation for Ai Otsuka's Planetarium. I definitely love the song.
Evening approaches and the voices of night-smiling children fades
I know that you are somewhere under this sky, far, far away
At summer's end, we snuck away together, we found this park
I kind of remember that constellation
Even if I don't meet you, I can search for memories
Of the same sort of happiness.
Both the smell and fireworks going "bang"
I want to go to where you are
I want to start running there soon
I can't see anything in the inky darkness
Even if I'm scared I'll be okay
The wisdom of this clear sky
Is here now all the time.
I didn't cry when I saw you in the past
Because the sky was clear.
Daily, from that road over there, I can only hear one sound.
Maybe you'll stare at your big shadow.
It is not in the least expected to change.
A sad feeling expands inside you.
This is the "you're not there" kind of feeling.
I really want to go and be next to you
Even though I am really, really small
I love you the most
I can be strong
I suddenly try to make a wish on a falling star
Maybe I'll reach the point where I don't cry
In a clear sky.
Even if I'm not with you, I can search for memories
Of the same sort of happiness.
Like the smell, together with fireworks going "bang"
I want to go to your place (The place that is with you...)
A small hand clenching yours,
I want to cry, that is a beautiful sky.
I try to make a wish on a falling star
Under this sky, I don,t think that I want to cry.
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