The film Death Note was finally out in Malaysia. Out of pure spontaneity, I bought the ticket for Irra and I for the Friday night show. While my A'an was still at home, he kept bugging me to read the manga that he already had in his hard-disk before going to the movies. I did not, remembering the talk that I had with Dayah about reading the book before seeing the movie. I've seen the movie, and later on read the manga (which I regret a lot afterwards since the key character that I loce most is going to die - spoiler to those who knows whom I love most, sorry ^_^;) Before handing out the verdict, let me tell you what the movie is all about.

The movie started when criminals died because of one same cause - instant heart attack and the number of death grew rapidly. Some called it a direct punishment from god to those who committed crime and to some, the killings are unethical as everyone should be given a chance of trial through the justice system. Some even dubbed the criminal terminator god as 'Kira' (that's Japanese version of 'killer') the saviour of humanity. In all honesty, the death was caused by a Law student, Light Yagami who stumbled upon the Death Note that was dropped intentionally by the death god Ryuk (just because he was bored
-_-;). There was of course instructions on how to use the death note which Light thought of it as a foolish kiddies prank book until he tested it on the first convict that had his charges dropped due to lack of evidence. It worked. The con was dead in 40 seconds after his name was written thus Light's mission started - to create a Utopia for human beings where it would be criminal free. But as the plot generated, Light became more egoistic and began to even kill FBI officials who were in his way. In a way he lost himself even more and became even more crazy in his way of thinking. Then came a mysterious investigator who introduce himself as letter 'L' through the laptop screen. His way was also unethical, trying to search for 'Kira' by putting people's life in line - even if it was also a criminal in his first try. First glance seeing who he really was, you would be surprised - if you haven't read the manga of course. His disheveled appearance, plus his unbelievable sweet tooth which we could see him eating cakes, chocolates, porpcorn and even stirring his coffee with a lollipop
-_-; and not forgetting his unique way of sitting and holding nearly everything with his only 2 fingers (
I'm giving a standing ovation to Matsuyama Kenichi for pulling out this character gracefully). The battle begins when both L and Light testing each other's wit to uncover each identity. L knows who Kira is - or he thinks he does only he doesn't have enough proof to cover it. Light wanted so badly to put L's name in the Death Note but there was a catch. He could not kill the person without a face nor a fake name. He does not even have shinigami's eye to see people's real name or how long would they live. The peak would be at the end of this movie when L and Light came face to face, with L eating consomme flavoured potato chips with the mental warning to Light that he knows.
What do I think about it? I love it despite what others said about the movie not respecting the original plot whatsoever but the CG character like Ryuk sure needs a polish up. If Rem is going to make an appearance in the Death Note 2... better not say anything about it first. Now that I have read the manga, I'd say Light is far more evil in the movie. The plot is faster and let me just say that having Light as a law student in the movie makes him more powerful in a way than the Light as a high school student. He's even more darker and frightening. Mello and Near is not in the movie (I wonder if they would make an appearance in the next). As much as it was in the manga... I don't like Misa's (bllergh) character that much. Death Note 2 hurry up!!!!
Gym starts next week, time to lose!!!!!
Hellooooo Clark Hatch
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