It's my brother's room turn for a spring cleaning. Since he took my desk away and place it in his room years ago, I got reunited with my old stuff, hurrah!!
Well, those are actually stuff that I know I have but I don't know where I put it.
So here are some of the stuff - dated mostly since my secondary school years - and yes I'm a sucker for mementos. In this case, most of them are correspondence letters from my friends throughout the years - though some of them are lost but hey, some of them are here.

My name tag and my ex-pet-sis' name tag that she gave me on my last day of school.

The letter that I faxed to 98.7fm to claim my prize for letter of the day for 'Say It With Music' slot. The original letter was filled with cartoon I drew and my cousin actually recorded the part when they announced the letter of the day part - only that I don't know where the heck I put the cassette. The song I requested for was Missing you by Gladys Knight, Brandy, Chaka Khan and Tamiya. To whom I requested it for, I may have some idea but I'm very sure that my buddies Along, Sue and Eena were among those.

My cassette collections, ranging from pop to rock - BSB, R.E.M, Def Leppard, Indecent Obsession, Boyzone, Garbage, Jim Brickman, Josh Groban, etc, etc.

I bought their cassettes, but at that time I also really really have to have their special edition CD esp that first album. The cassette I had only have 1 bonus track while the special edition had 3. Boy, listening back to them brings the smile on my face.

Remember the reign of Spice Girls in late 90s? I bought this with my friends and back in those day, I love it so much that I rarely use it. There's still half of it and to me, it is one of the best Impulse perfume spray scent ever. Wonder how much that will cost if I ever decided to sell it.

You got the 'Chronicles of Narnia', I got the 'Chronicles of Nadiah' from 1994 to... hmmm last time I wrote in it was in 2005 I think... 2 of those are black because I kinda remembered Belinda Carlisle's song - Little Black Book. Despite the hiding places from my oh-so-baik brothers, they still managed to read it. But I doubt that they read the brown book, hehehe.
So there it is, my memory lane. I still have to sort my photo album from the pictures I found, huhuhu.
wah diah...
simpan jugak ko old stuffs back in the days.
aku...too bad la
mana dihanyut dek banjir
bravo to diah
wooo... old skool stuff! hahahaha :))
along: priceless memories beb, hehehe. aku ingat dulu sebab bsb lah telah berjaya membuat kau bawak walkman kat sekolah dulu, hahaha
curX: boleh buat tunjuk generasi akan datang kemeriahan zaman late 90s, hehehe. imagine, lagi 50 years, boleh masuk arkib dah :D
backstreet's back alright...!!!
miss the old days my friend..
sue: cheh, sue_aj tu, hahahaha. zaman dulu tu along dgn brian nye, eena dengan nick nye and aku dgn howie d nye. ingat buat wish card semua ganas aje time tu
kru sama feminin FTW!!!
igtkan kemas bilik a'an tu jumpe barang bangbil yang dulu. tgk tgk yg jumpe kaset dayah, re'kru'ed, hihihi
I want that reKRUed!!! Eh, kaset PJ and Duncan tak jumpa? Ha haa!
ambiklah reKRUed awak tuu.
PJ & Duncan ade jugak dalam bundle kaset bebanyak tu.
Let's get ready to rumble!!!!
I give u my eternal love....leleh tuuu....
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