On my bid to support my
brother for his entry for the Kingston HyperX Girl contest, vote for his drawing
here!!!! It closes on 20th May so cast your vote - You have to create a login username before voting btw. This is his version of Kingston HyperX Girl.

The contest is based on voting + judges decision, so, please vote.
Laa voting camtu ke? cuba tgk part dpn2...ada yg crappy giler dpt voting tinggi...WTF???
Kena wat acct byk2 ke lps tu voting n voting n voting ^_^
tu la pasal. dah tgk gambar lain, background aje lelebih, character tapi gambar HyperX girl die lawak.Character die stiff. Bangbil promo ah kat blog bangbil
nice boots, heheheh.
look at the voting page, got gundam gurl. bwahahahahaha =))
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