Nothing much to expect since teachers do not have their own office - unless they're the principal, headmaster or senior assistants. So this is my desk that I spent not so much time at - since I'm one of the few teachers who have a 32 teaching periods in my schedule per week. Hectic, yeah, but I love it.

Upper Part
This is where I put my pupils' exercise book whether they're marked or unmarked. I do not return the year 1 pupils' books after the marking because most of the time, they never brought it back to school after I returned it for the same old reason la - mothers or dads did not put the book back in the bag. As you can see, the books were piled up for this week - I was going nuts preparing and reading for the confirmation interview, huhuhu.
Behind - Right
That's where I put all my text books, revision books and some letters and whatever junks that I manage to accumulate since I started my teaching, hehehe. The front part, the Longman Contemporary dictionary (not mine but the Resource Centre's) that I normally use to check the pronunciation and meaning.
Behind - Left
Okay this is the red zone area - the space where I put all the toys, sms (not the phone but the paper scrap pupils use to pass their short messages) and even erasers - yes, I confiscate erasers too if the kids were playing the "timpa-timpa pemadam" or improvise their erasers to spin like a top during class, hehehe.
Front left
This is my temporary parking space for my books that I am going to use in between classes so that after one class ends, I swapped books before I go to my next class.
I put all the file regarding my class - sick leave, receipt and my teacher's stamp ink - had to hide those stamp inks because before this I left it on my table and found that my desk was stamped with it. I've caught one of the pupils poking through my stuff because unlike other teacher's desks, mine is unmarked so they thought no one sat there and I had a fun time 'torturing' them, ngiahahaha. I've yet to find the culprit who stamped my desk with my own fancy teacher's stamp.
So there it is, my desk. So, on my tag list..
Buat, jangan tak buat, hihihi.
yayay, x kena tag!! wuuuuwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... ^_^
Mmg le tak kena, die dah buat dulu :p
tu kat tempat keje dulu. ni dah kat tempat keje baru. hihih ^_^
Heehehe, dah edit
Kena Tag jugak!!!
eeee *pinch* seb baik dah prepared.
nakal die ni *pinch lg* >:)
alahh.. aku da buat yg tajuk file tu.. itu la tmpat keje aku.. sama la kan>> so yg ni skip ok!
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