Thursday, August 19, 2004

My Firsts

From the first time i stepped into this world from my mother's womb, I have experienced many firsts - from first breath of air, first cry, first food. So these are my firsts - those that I could remember up until now (and that does not include the documentation of my antics from my mom) when I mean the things that I could remember, it means the things that happen after I'm 5:-

First silly question: "Mak, kenapa orang lain ada adik tapi diah tak ada adik?" (translation: why does other people have younger brother/sister but I don't?) That was asked by me when I was in kindergarten. I was surrounded by kids who are either the first in the family or in between who have baby brothers and sisters so, what could you expect from a barely 6 year old kid to think of? My mom said that sometimes when she brought me to her office after school ends she would find me sitting on her table praying for a younger sibling - after she went out to get something. Silly indeed. Anyway, my prayers were answered in November 1987 :p

First hopeless situation: Kindergarten - I was in the wrong crowd and were being bullied by that one tyrant of a girl named Syakinah. Well, nearly all of us in the group were. Anyway by fate, Syakinah went to the same boarding school and funnily enough, she couldn't remember me nor my other friends who were in the group. We went to different primary schools - I was in STMI1 while she was in SKBP (STMI1's arch-rival) Anyway, its good knowing that I am taller than her when I met her and of course, she's one of the school rules abider while I'm not. Funny how things change.

First piercing: Kindergarten - ears, 2 holes. hahahahaha, what do you expect? nose piercing at the age of 6?

First fist fight: Standard 1 with a boy named Suradi. He punched me after I went out of the girl's room for no reason, and so of course I punched back. Luckily a teacher saw the whole incident and knowing that he was being watched he suddenly cried and ran to the teacher - Cikgu Ahmad Nasim, telling on me. Like I said, the teacher saw everything so he was pretty much in a big trouble the whole year. Besides, I was that particular teacher's pet what more could I say? :D though it was quite disconcerting when cikgu Ahmad Nasim kept teasing me that he would matchmake me with his son throughout my primary school years. All hell broke lose when his son moved into the school when we were in standard 6. I was being teased mercilessly for that.

First bicycle lesson: By Bangbil. He didn't manage to get me to ride the bike at that time - he gave up, after numerous attempt, hehehe. I learnt riding myself at my aunt's house in KL.

First caning session: Standard 1 (oh no, standard 1 again?) for not finishing my homework.

First competition: Story telling competition, standard 3. The story was "The Stupid Mule", hahahaha. About a mule who manage to lighten his burden of salt when it went through the river and tried to lighten up his burden of sponges by doing the same thing. I got 3rd place.

First album: Roxette's Joyride. That's my favorite with songs like Fading Like Flower, Spending My Time, etc etc. Still my favourite, but then under some faulty accident, it broke into 2 and was lost. That album is hard to find nowadays, still trying to find it but there were none in the record stores.

First mischief: I forgot when but it was the time when I ganged up with my neighbours and my brother - Bangbil, Ogee, Mamat and I to set up firecrackers on the biggest house at our area that time - Ong's house. We were never caught and when Chinese New year comes, we would show up at his house for a visit :D

First foolish moment: When I was playing 'batu seremban' with my friends at my desk using erasers. I got so caught up in the game that I managed to fall on the floor bringing the desk and the chair with me. I was in form 4.

First crush: On hmm..... who? I forgot. Okay.... let me think back... who have I have crush on who is not a popstar or an actor.......((thinking very hard))......... ((thinking very very hard))......... aduh mak, sakit kepala. Okay I guess it was Helmey Ghaffar - Standard 5. He was quite popular with the girls in primary school and was my partner in crime when we were in standard 3. Guess I was one of the fans too, which I'm not quite sure whether its right or not.

First traffic accident: 3rd year degree - I was riding my motorbike and was sandwiched in between 2 cars. Luckily the damage was not that bad but my sister, Kak Wa realized the new parts on my bike when she paid a visit. I told her that I have changed it for a long time only that she didn't notice. She believed it nevertheless and dropped the subject.

First E-mail address: Okay so I love gundam wing at that time and I love dear boys anime.

First phone session that exceeds 3 hrs and a half: Jeff :D

Okay so there are many more firsts that I didn't add. If I go on with the list, it will never end. There's still many firsts that I haven't do and many firsts that are quite personal. The firsts are one of the best things to explore - there are so many things to do out there, and I would never stop finding the firsts.

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