Another working Sunday due to the project rush. But then again, they haven't set the CFO date and I just found out that they actually planned to close the road off at the end of May, not on 15th like they said a week ago, kyaaaaa.
We worked on Friday while most were off. From my observation at the construction site, the existence of the holiday was barely there since the place is still abuzz with the sound of excavators, cranes, backhoes, numerous of 'lori hantu' and the rythmic sound of hammering.
Lunch time....
*Phone rings, pick up
Ms L: Diah, you're going back to the office right?
Me: Yes.
Ms L: Okay, I want you to bring Aidah over at the site and show her around. Introduce her to BRC, aggregate, crusher run and all that, okay?
Me: Okay, Ms L. The whole day?
Ms L: Yes whole day. Let her pegang the 'cangkul' once in a while *laughs, phone disconnected.
Me: Yatta!!!
Through out my ascend to the top floor, I was relieved to see that she was wearing her flat sandal, but as I went into the office, she was wearing baju kurung. Ah, tak kisah, angkut.
Meet my office-mate/admin exec, Aidah. We have the same interest and that is ARASHI!!! Since she took Japanese class in university, we both are learning by mixing Japanese words in our daily conversation. She knows how to speak, I know how to spell... most of it anyway though my kanji is definitely out *sweat. We were both Jun baits, from watching Gokusen and Hana Yori Dango but now we have switched our attention to the rest of Arashi members. She to Ohno/Leader (katakanised to be Rida) and myself to Sho (I still love Jun XXDDD). We swapped CDs if any of us managed to finish downloading the latest episode of G No Arashi (a variety show starring them), Mago-Mago Arashi (2 of the members being grandchildren to a couple of elders for a day, helping with their daily chores and work. Mago means grandchildren) or any performance on TV. Not forgetting for any good dramas that both of us bought.
Enough intro, I know I would end up yapping about Arashi if I don't refrain myself. At the site, as always there were cat-calls and whistles that greeted us. A normal occurence because 99% of them are males. Shown her all the things that she ordered for us since she started work - BRC, aggregate, crusher run, different types of trees, turf, everything. The workers seems to be putting their effort to 110% with Aidah around, which Mr and Ms L said that they will surely be dead tired after work ends. Ms L suggested for me to wear baju kurung at the site for once. Kyaaaa... NEVER!!! Well, not never but if it's for work, that is highly unsuitable. I won't have the pocket to carry my cutter, pen-knife supply and I can't even hook my measuring tape. Troublesome.
At my current design implementation site very near to my office :D
It's 9pm now. Bedtime (I wake up at 4). お休みなさい皆!!!