Because they keep on translating the movie title to something that made my laughing nerve twitch. Why can't they just leave the title of 300 to just 300? Instead they add 300 Askar Berani Mati. Okay let's get to the movie.
Based loosely on the war that happened on the plains of Thermopylae, when King Leonidas of Sparta defended the only road for the Persians to use when they wanted to invade Greece. Most would say that 300 have a hint of Sin City in it. Of course, it was based on the comic by Frank Miller - who's responsible for Sin City.
The movie starts with the narration from Dilios about Sparta tradition of warriors and about King Leonidas. The story went on on how the war began when messenger from Persia came with the message 'Earth and Water' - meaning cooperation or conquer. For one, King Leonidas have a big problem in kneeling (*cough) and so despite the Oracle's prediction not to go to war during one of their sacred festivals, Leonidas went away as he said, 'for a walk' with 300 of his finest warriors who have sons to carry their lines.
Imagine 300 against 1,000,000.
Interesting isn't it?
The battle scene was great, good coordination among the warriors and of course some of them even have the gall to laugh when they were showered with arrows from the Persians. That would be Stelios and Astinos, young Sparta Warriors who bonded during the war. I definitely would want to watch it again. Historical battle movie is my cup of tea ^_^
One comment.
6 & 8-packs galore
0.o such an eyeful o.0
*swoon* *drools*
I almost could not identify Rodrigo Santoro being Xerxes >_<
David Wenham - love him as Faramir in LOTR
Gerard Butler - my Atilla the Hun, hehe
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