HYD 2 finale was superb.
Armed with tissue paper and intense concentration, I can't help but ooohing and aahing over the last episode. With the strong urge to strangle Umi the traitor, to smack Dom's head until he remembers Makino and being swayed by Utada Hikaru's Flavor Of Life when Dom finally remembers, chou amai!!!! (I doubt that that's the correct term for sweet -_-;)
Getting so worked p over a drama - I don't know if I could survive if they make Hana Yori Dango 3 x_x
忘れかけていた人の香りを 突然思い出す頃
Wasurekakete ita hito no kaori wo Totsuzen omoidasu goro
Right around the time we start to forget the fragrance of our love, we suddenly remember
降り積もる雪の白さをもっと 素直に喜びでいよう
Furitsumoru yuki no shirosa wo motto Sunao ni yorokobi de iyou
Let’s be more honest and enjoy the white snow piling up.
ダイアモンドよりも軟らかくて 温かな未来
Diamond yorimo yawarakakute Atataka na mirai
Our future that’s warm and softer than diamond
手にしたいよ限りある時間を 君と過ごしたい
Te ni shitai yo kagiri aru jikan wo Kimi to sugoshitai
I want the rest of the time there is; I want to spend them with you.
Flavor of Life: Utada Hikaru
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