Monday, May 21, 2007

Countdown Towards CUTI!!!!!

Minutes are like hours
Seconds are like days (exaggerating la)

I'm just all psyched up for the upcoming 3-weeks holiday
3 long weeks of doing anything - visiting friends, movies, weddings, gatherings, sleeping, kacau my adik at home, basically anything

*Gilo aku huhuhu

Roy sent me an sms yesterday informing that she had safely deliver her baby girl, who weighs 3.1kg at 4.27pm. I'm excited enough to finally get the chance to visit Along and her baby, Nofie and her kids, now I got another visit on the list - Roy.

Whoaaaa, my to-do list is already full before the holiday even started. Hanim's wedding on 26th, Su-San's and Syasya on 27th @_@ serupa YB pulak, hehehehe.

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