Monday, July 16, 2007


Saturday, when my friends went and enjoy themselves for this year's Bon Odori, I'm here stuck with lesson plans and of course - sekolah ganti. So anyway since I'm not there to take pictures, stole some of the pics from the forum. Now... siape yang ade eh...

Waa... someone wearing yukata, kawaii deshou? l to r: Buru-chan, tk (tak kenal), har-chan's imouto, tk, buzzy, Wan-kun, Aina.

Waaaa kirei na uchiwa. Last year oren x lawa huhuhu. l to r: tk, tk, Aina, Har-chan, tk, Linda (ke Lina?), Azah, Buru-chan, Buzzy, tk, Lina (atau Linda?).

The stage. If you've seen Karate Kid 2, it's more or less like that one.

The stage up-close.

Seronokla derang berdansa around the stage like this
Takpe, there's still next year and the years after. All so sudden terbayang Oh-chan's solo Song For Me buat lagu for the Bon Odori dance *_*

Today is the registration for the KPLI July intake and I got myself a new room-mate. Time to get acquainted, huhuhu.

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