One day I was watching a TV programme - on which channel? I've forgotten but weirdly the commercials at that time was straight about babies - pregnant women, a family with houseful of kids and everything, babies here babies there (okay so maybe I was watching one of the learning channels). My lil bro was pointing it out that the whole commercial lines was so odd. I mean come on, the whole few minutes of commercials only on babies and pregnancies is rare.
Then I got a call from my sister in law saying...
Aunty Diah?
Cik Diah?
Mak Diah?
What is the name they call the third born kid? My siblings never had to use the name 'along', 'angah' and all that.
Hmmm.... I still have months to think what name I should use.
Anyway, alhamdulillah ^_^