Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Workspace - Yet Another Tag, huhu

This is, as tagged by my brother, my workspace.

Nothing much to expect since teachers do not have their own office - unless they're the principal, headmaster or senior assistants. So this is my desk that I spent not so much time at - since I'm one of the few teachers who have a 32 teaching periods in my schedule per week. Hectic, yeah, but I love it.

So here's a brief tour of my desk.

Upper Part
This is where I put my pupils' exercise book whether they're marked or unmarked. I do not return the year 1 pupils' books after the marking because most of the time, they never brought it back to school after I returned it for the same old reason la - mothers or dads did not put the book back in the bag. As you can see, the books were piled up for this week - I was going nuts preparing and reading for the confirmation interview, huhuhu.

Behind - Right
That's where I put all my text books, revision books and some letters and whatever junks that I manage to accumulate since I started my teaching, hehehe. The front part, the Longman Contemporary dictionary (not mine but the Resource Centre's) that I normally use to check the pronunciation and meaning.

Behind - Left
Okay this is the red zone area - the space where I put all the toys, sms (not the phone but the paper scrap pupils use to pass their short messages) and even erasers - yes, I confiscate erasers too if the kids were playing the "timpa-timpa pemadam" or improvise their erasers to spin like a top during class, hehehe.

Front left
This is my temporary parking space for my books that I am going to use in between classes so that after one class ends, I swapped books before I go to my next class.

I put all the file regarding my class - sick leave, receipt and my teacher's stamp ink - had to hide those stamp inks because before this I left it on my table and found that my desk was stamped with it. I've caught one of the pupils poking through my stuff because unlike other teacher's desks, mine is unmarked so they thought no one sat there and I had a fun time 'torturing' them, ngiahahaha. I've yet to find the culprit who stamped my desk with my own fancy teacher's stamp.

So there it is, my desk. So, on my tag list..
  1. Intan
  2. Along
  3. Zamose
  4. Edit - My sayang, CurX - nak tengok tpt keje baru, hehehe.
Buat, jangan tak buat, hihihi.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tag lagi (berapa banyak daaaa)

Hish hish hish.... tag war kaaaa Intan oiii? Nasib baik aku tgh cuti.


Jap... cek pasport sat.
Tahun 2005 pergi Bangkok - all-expense company trip. Bolehla sebab aku sorang aje staf dlm ofis yang bertahan lama, hehehehe. Join dgn family Lady boss and Man boss (derang husband n wife.


Singapore consider oversea jugak kan? Tu pun tahun 2005, waktu gile Arashi. Sanggup travel sebab nak pergi MISE beli merchandise and posters.


Macam kengkawan semua yang kenal kat KTAM - dari umur 13 tahun. Mula-mula homesick giler (Sure korang ingat lagi kan? Shhhh jangan cerita, secret) lepas tu liat pulak nak balik rumah sebab dah syok dengan kawan, hehehe.


Dari dulu teringin nak pergi Scotland - Kes tengok cerita Braveheart, hehehe. Siap beli buku pasal Scotland lagi tu time belajar dulu. Bukannye ape, suka tengok tinggalan sejarah - castles, castle ruins etc. Pakkal aje bangunan tinggalan sejarah dari zaman Parameswara dulu dah takde. Istana Carey pulak.... spookey.


Dari dulu jarang bukak rantai yang dipakai sekarang. Bukak time ade camping aje - not that anyone can see la kan. Accessories yang tak ditinggal rumah waktu berjalan - Jam, cincin tunang & cincin merisik ;)


Bengong aaaaa
Bijak, bijak
Tak kuase

(Weh, kena rephrase ni beb. Duit tak pernah tak ade cuma cukup tak cukup aje)

  1. Bayar semua hutang-hutang aku - especially PTPTN tu.
  2. Nak pergi Haji
  3. Nak melancong pergi Scotland
  4. Beli rumah
  5. Kumpul duit untuk college fund anak so dia tak payah amik study loan macam aku (Macam le aku ade anak dah. Kawin pun belum lagi hahaha)

huarghh.... ni yang lemah ni (takut kena balasan bertubi tubi lagi). errr... sesiapa yg nak buat tag, dipersilakan lah ye, hehehehe

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!!

It was our anniversary yesterday.
What anniversary?

18th August marks our first year of engagement and luckily enough I was around in Seri Kembangan with my beloved to celebrate it together.

A simple poem for my sayang:-

I don't know where to start at,
I'm not that good with words and rhyme,
I'm grateful for the day we met,
I love you til the end of time.

Thanks for last night and the lovely bouquet that you gave me. No words are enough to express my feelings. Love you bunch and bunch, Ayang.

November does not come soon enough.
*love and smooches*

Tag - Pertama

Lepas satu, satu pulak, huuhuhu.
Ni dari Along.

1. Cerita ini benar sahaja dan tak ada kaitan dengan sesiapa pun yang masih hidup atau telah meninggal dunia.
2. Perlu mengetag paling kurang 3 orang rakan anda
3. Tempoh tag bermula dari masa ia dicipta (Tak tau bila) dan tamat pada 21 Ogos 2008.
4. Jawab dengan SEGERA apabila anda di tag
5. Perlu ada 5 kisah "Pertama"

  1. Walkman pertama - Hadiah PMR dari mak, walkman Panasonic digital yang rosak disebabkan ke'bangang'anku tercurah air waktu isi air dalam botol time matriks. Tu la, time tu sibuk nak pekakkan telinga, waktu tercurah air menggelabah sebab shot terus, huhuhu.
  2. Kaset pertama - Roxette Joyride yang dibeli waktu darjah 6. Time tu gila dengar lagu 'Fading Like Flower'.
  3. Tempat kerja pertama - kompeni kontraktor kat Skudai. Tahan kat situ 2 tahun setengah sampaila dapat offer untuk KPLI. Memang nak dikatakan waktu kerja tu tak ada life lain selain kerja, kerja dan kerja. Sabtu tu ikut syarat aje half day tapi most of the time Even kadang-kadang hari Ahad pun kena kerja.
  4. Cinta monyet pertama - Lepas SPM, tapi tu more towards infatuation la. Niat asal tu sebenarbye saje aje buat competition time exam. Kalau trial and error tu tak bermakna cinta yang sebenarnya kan? Cinta monyet, infatuation tu adela jugak beberapa tapi macam yang Along cakap jugak first time cinta dia yang truly dengan husband dia. Sounds corny but I'm really truly in love for the first time with my sayang.
  5. Kereta pertama - Kancil 850EX pemberian Bang Bil. I'm loving that car - kecik, senang and tak banyak guna minyak.
Okay settle. Nak tag orang lain... erm... ni open tag la. Siapa nak pas tag dipersilakan jawab tag, hihihi

True Friend's Test

Ni sesaje aje buat. Tapi yang listed kat bawah mesti jawab, hahahaha.
  1. Along Noridah
  2. Along Zamose
  3. Anem
  4. Intan
  5. Sue Mail
Create your own Friend Test here

Yang lain nak try jawab pun boleh - especially you sayang, hehehe.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tag lagi *sighs

FINALLY, Intan membalas, hahahaha. Ni lah die.


Hahaha, ni yang best nih
  1. Seludup walkman pi sekolah - walau macam mana banyak pun spot check yang ada, still tak pernah tertangkap, hahaha.
  2. Tidur dalam kelas - susun buku tinggi-tinggi kat desk pastu doze off, kalau kat dalam lab duduk kat lantai, kepala kat kerusi. Cikgu pun pelik macam mana kejap ade kejap tak ada.
  3. Macam yang Intan cakap - pukul 3 pagi, senyap-senyap tgk MTV kat CR (common room). Time tu gila nak tgk BSB. Sungguh thrill sebab bilik warden dekat aje, hehehe. And again, tak pernah tertangkap. Time tu geng tengok TV Along, Intan, Aisyah, Sue Mail and Nofie
  4. Err.... bersin kuat yang teramat - korang ingat satu malam lepas off-light yang satu hostel dengar aku dgn Qis berlawan bersin? hihihi
  5. Seludup masuk Bilik Kaunseling dengan Along - gila tak hengat sambut birthday semua BSB kat situ - first sekali b-day A.J (sebab dia yang start dengan 9 Jan), Nick, Brian, Howie-D and Kevin. Gila.
(Nasib baik murid-murid aku tak baca blog aku, hahahaha)

  1. English - Sebab walau macam mana cikgu Norliah tu moody, die ajar still the best.
  2. Sejarah - Suka sangat-sangat, especially sejarah dunia dgn sejarah waktu pembukaan negeri negeri.
  3. Matematik Moden - Sebab senang, hahaha.


  1. Geografi - sungguh laaaaaa lemah.
  2. Fizik - sampai sekarang tak faham faham nak kira vektor.
  3. Arab - waktu form 3 suka sebab Mudirah yang ajar, dah masuk form 4 dgn form 5 lepas Mudirah dah pencen, minat pun hilang.


Thoughtfulness, attentiveness everything that is my sayang ;)


Membaca!!!! Fiction books la tapi, hehehe


Food and drinks laa, hahaha


Hehehe, tak sempat nak contact sesiapa sebab selalu doze off - tengah baca buku ke, tgk tv ke

  1. My sayang- CurX
  2. My abang - Bangbil, hahaha

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nadia Katastrafia Megola

I was closing to my 'Destroyer' mode because my book was not here yesterday. So contacted Kino and ta-da! The book arrived before I got home, hurrah!!!

What did I do afterwards?

Took a picture

Covered the book with a plastic wrap (heck, it's more expensive than my Harry Potter), cooked and ate lunch, since I do plan on finishing it in one sitting and there I go, lost in the world of Acheron.

After hours, I have to admit my eyes are tired - and the book totally worth it!!!!

Though the first part was a bit hard to read - I mean come on, it's all about his torturous life filled with abuse before he was killed. But then I so love the part when his mother, Apollymi the Destroyer released her wrath and totally obliterate the Atlantean Pantheon. The best part was to read the present day story. Who would have thought the great Acheron would blush and stumble his way once in a while? Totally endearing.

With the gathering of characters from previous series - Julian, Kyrian, Sunshine, Talon, Zarek, Wulf, Urian, Wren, Vane, Sin and Katra, it only gets better.

I need to sleep.
And wake up early tomorrow to pack my bag.

If only I could just wink my way and have it done in a blink of an eye - wishful thinking laaa. Stuck too long in the Dark-Hunter world

It's gonna be a holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Nadiah needs ........

Tak habis habis tag orang, huhuhu. Anyway, this is a tag from my bro.

Basically, pergi ke google dan taipkan kat search box tu: 'nama korang' + needs. Kalau nak senang hit taip contoh "nadiah needs" kena ada tanda kurungan tu.

Yang berkenaan dengan the needs of a Nadiah cuma ni aje. Limited and not so flattering
  1. Nadiah needs confidence.
  2. Nadiah needs ______. (no idea what the space means)
  3. Nadiah needs confidence (again? *_*)
  4. Nadiah needs some sleep now (hardy har har)
  5. Nadiah needs a visit to the doctor to have a whole body check up cause she aches and pains all over.
  6. Nadiah needs a job that offers variety.
Heh, macam ramai yang ade confidence problem aje nih. Tak sihat pun ye jugak.

Lepas tu, do an image search guna keyword yang sama:

Dapat dua aje match. Dua-dua buku:

But both of them have something in common - whales.

Tag orang lain:
  1. CurX - as always la ye sayang, hahaha
  2. Sue Mail - bagi rajin sikit.
  3. Intanz - Sesaje aje nak bagi keje, hahaha

Tick.... Tock..... Tick..... Tock....

Anticipation sucks.

I hate the wait.

I'm talking about my order of 'Acheron'.

It was on sale in the US since August 5th.

Last week on Monday, I was checking the inventory at Kinokuniya's Bookweb for the arrival of the book. Surprise surprise, the book was in stock but was not on the shelf - yet. I just went ahead with my order, drove the merchandising department wild (sorry,to the Kino team, but you guys rocks! hehe) and sadly the book was for someone who special ordered earlier. I was just a heartbeat away from canceling my order when I saw the ebook was up for sale on Mobipocket. How can I not when the reviews were raving mad? I mean dang! 71 out of 109 readers gave 5 stars out of 5 on Amazon and 38 out of 38 gave 5/5 on Barnes & Nobles, Graaaahh!!!! I feel so very Simi-like right now.

Then again, nothing beats holding a first edition hardcover book that you've waited for years to be published - Not that I'm holding on to it now, so I waited since they said the estimated time the book might reach Kino KL is between 18th and 22nd August. That LONG?!! *sighs

Suddenly, on Sunday when I was at my distant aunt's wedding one of the Kino merchandising team members called me and said - THE BOOK WAS HERE!!!! The Kinokuniya KL Store I mean and will be couriered up on Monday, which was YESTERDAY!!!

Now I have to wait for the despatch to send me my 'Acheron'.