Woke up to the freezing cold of a Sunday morning - didn't manage to snag a blanket before i fell down to the land of oblivion on the soft comforter in front of the pc table. The room is mine!!! (for that time being only) Crickets were cricketing, cats were meowing to the tunes of their hungry tummy (erm... it does sound like mating call to me). Turned on the pc and logged into the internet. Browse, browse, browse and browse, nope, nothing and no one who i want to see online were in the online list. Went downstairs, woke my sister up (she told me to do so at 12 midnight but i fell asleep too) because she have to do some work (which she didn't even look at all after she woke up). Went downstairs with the mood to watch mtv, but my brother beat me to it when he turned on the PS2 and played.
Ack!!!!! its near to 7 when i was too caught up sending offline messages to Jeff. Fetched my graduation namecard, robe, hood and mortar board and ran to the car when i finally realized, no one was ready to send me off. 'KAK WA!!!!! CEPAT!!!!!' I screamed at my sister from the car and out come my sister, lil bro, mom (bringing along dad's shoes to save up time. They dropped me off at the nearest junction to the hall and off i go, running on my high heels. Luckily I was not that late but i sure am hungry.
Mid Morning
The moment that i have been waiting for - the graduation ceremony. I nearly slipped and fell when i was about to receive my scroll. Grabbed hold on Meelan's shoulder right in front of me and phew! i was saved. Thought no honorary guest would notice until i turned my head and saw 3 of my teachers looking at me with a meaningful smile. Friends at the back saw the attempt and saved their laugh when we get back to our seats. I spoke the wrong words in front of the Sultan of Selangor / UPM Chancellor. Instead of 'menjunjung kasih, tuanku' i said 'kasih menjunjung, tuanku'. Talk about being jittery on stage. As we sat, most of us were complaining on the long hours that we have to survive before we finally found food. We were getting bored and some of us were tersangatlah poyo singing along to whatever music the band were playing. There were 3 different music bands - gamelan, marching band and the contemporary formal band. We even got a warning hush from the students affair officers because we sang nearly too loud for everyone to hear.
Finally, the ceremony ended. We gathered outside the hall posing for the faculty's photo shoot at the stairs. Threw up the mortar board way high up in the sky but didn't actually expect it to fall dawn with a great impact. Some have it fall on their shoulder/neck/back Ouch! and some of the mortar board got wrecked, hahahaha. After the photoshoot Gee fainted (one of the most hyper active girls in class) because of the 'no breakfast' morning (she's the one who get hungry fast and get full real fast).

Control Pose


Ran back to my brother's house to pack because of the function at 2. Packed as fast as I could and check on the net and there I saw Jeff online. Talked for a few while (I would be crazy if i miss the chance to speak to him any time of the day) Glanced at the watch, okay 1.45pm. Relax, everyone would be late.
Mid Afternoon
Reached the faculty at 2.30pm and Dr. Nordin had already started with his speech. As i expected, only 4 of my friends turned up early. The rest of us were a bit late (Give us a break - school ends already, hahahaha) Took some more picture around the faculty and feeling 'oh so melancholic' all the sudden. Been living day and night over there and now its our time to go. LONG LIVE FRSB!!!!!!!!!!
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