Paycheck got cleared today, and being me who isdesperately in need of stuff for Eid grabs it as a lifeline - not really. Hari Raya is few days away and I still haven't found the matching tudung for my baju raya. At about 3 after I let Jeff boot myself out of yahoo (a really rare occurence since my booter can't load up really well at the office and the only one that I could load up is the one that only require 2 bots and I never let him boot me out) I start out my shopping spree.
Went off to Jusco (where else?) since I'm much too lazy to drive extra miles to Angsana and did the whole shopping there. Whole sounds like a lot... to be exact, 3 things for raya - cookies & biscuits, shoes and some clothes. Parking was crazy - many were out to shop for the season, both Deepavali and Eid and of course the crazy price slashing sale that went around the place. This is definitely one of the moment that I am really grateful driving a small Kancil. I could park off basically anywhere and in this case, I parked at the trolley bay, hehehe.
If there is anything familiar about being in the midst of a crazy sale, it would be the constant announcement of lost kids. The funny thing is, it won't be the parents announcing for their kids lost but the kid would go out to the main information counter to be announced or someone would find them crying and sent them off to the counter. The announcement would always sound "To the parents of ...... please proceed to the information counter" or "To anyone who lost their kid wearing....". Good thing so far there are no case of kidnapped child in a shopping area. Parents would be too absorbed looking for their intended things and forget about their kids sometimes.
Done shopping at about 5 with a satisfied feeling and a dent to my wallet, what else. Got the shoes that I have been eyeing on and it was good to know that there was only one left for my size. Hard having a big feet sometimes.
These are my Raya wishes for everyone:
My Family
To Emak and Abah (save it for raya during the 'salam-salam' session) To my sister, both brothers, uncles, aunts (esp. Mak Jun because she reads blog), cousins esp the head of the 7 dwarves, Dayah, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin, love everyone of you a lot.
My Baby, Jeff
Selamat Hari Raya, I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you (esp those that inadvertantly causes your hurt) , intended or not, accidental or not. I love you so much and you'll always be my 'Sexy Pringles' ;)
My Friends
Selamat Hari Raya, 0-0, Maaf Zahir & Batin. I miss all of you guys esp the studio 4 dwellers of '04 ex-schoolmate both secondary and primary and the AE chatters especially the exilers.
To the Blog Reader
Selamat Hari Raya :D