Sunday, October 15, 2006


Makin nak raya, makin nak cuti, hahahaha.
Been a busy weekend. Since I am quite a notorious procrastinator, I just started on my card-sending spree *sweaty forehead*. Then of course, since I don't know what else to post in my blog, here, a picture collage of my celebrity lookalike that I played off with jaja, tim & azah at JEM. The result actually varies from what was your expessions in the pictures that you tried to match up with. I tried 4 different pictures with 4 different expressions - the first result was okay but the result for the other photos were not that flattering. I was matched to Justin Timberlake's face, not forgetting Darren Hayes. One of the matches was to Normala Shamsudin (Ada jugak match muka celebrity melayu, hahaha) the one that made me fell over when Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Gary Sinise was matched too. So anyway, in this collage, it was stated that I looked 80% like Katie Holmes *gelak guling*. Cannot be trusted lah, hahahaha.

5 more days to cuti raya, yeay!!!

P.S: Intan & Mail, kalau korang baca ni aku nak alamat korang a.s.a.p

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