Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Song of the Day - Stolen
Dashboard Confessional - Stolen
We watch the season
Pull up it’s own stakes
And catch the last weekend
Of the last week
Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced
Another sun soaked season fades away
You have stolen my heart
You have stolen my heart
Invitation only
Grant Farewells
Crash the best one
Of the best ones
Clear liquor and cloudy eyed
Too early to say goodnight
You have stolen my heart
You have stolen my heart
And from the ballroom floor
We are in celebration
One good stretch before our hibernation
Our dreams assured and we all
Will sleep well
Sleep Well
Sleep Well
Sleep Well
Sleep Well
You have stolen
You have stolen my
You have stolen my heart
Watch you spin around
In your highest heels
You are the best one
Of the best ones
You have stolen my
You have stolen my
You have stolen my heart
P.S: For the special someone who have stolen mine ;)
Monday, May 28, 2007
3 weddings
I finally reached home on Friday evening, after a transit in Kajang and an early date in Serdang. The journey took longer because of the road patching along the north-south highway. My stomach was already rumbling in pain as I reached Pontian. Harahenta~~~~ *_*
So anyway the real YB trip started on Saturday for Anem's wedding. It was great. Many turned up, of course most are the same faces for wedding, hehehe - Abby, Sue Mail, Nini, Odah, Qis, Imah, Tut, Nofie and her 2 daughters, Ina Maz and husband, Yus, Zamose, Edda, Apau, Mat Nor, Iswan, Pumpkin, Abot, Azwad, Areng and some faces I knew but I forgot their names, sorry *_* Ina was with her husband and daughter - Normadiha. Too bad I did not mange to take her baby's picture.
Maleh nak bercerite panjang, here are some pictures from Anem's wedding.
Second day, went out early in the morning to Edda's house in Sungai Telur. We planned to go together to Su-San's wedding in Kota Jaya since her house is just along the way from Kulai. After a short talk with her parents of we went to Along's house with Yus and Zamose, also in Kota Jaya to visit her and her baby, Zati. Kawaii deshou?

Then off we went to Su-san's house nearby. We were early of course since we want to have ample time to go to 2 weddings for the day - hers in Kota Tinggi and Syasya's in JB. Managed to meet up with Harlin, Nazrah and Malia.

Second stop for the day - Syasya's wedding in Taman Perling. I haven't seen her for years and all of us had to wait for the DJ's announcement since we don't want to attend the wrong place for the second time. We nearly went to the wrong house earlier so of course, second error is kind of freaky.
Ujai turned up for the wedding, with her husband and her son - yes we have a boy in the baby group. Here's the pic.
Then off we went to Su-san's house nearby. We were early of course since we want to have ample time to go to 2 weddings for the day - hers in Kota Tinggi and Syasya's in JB. Managed to meet up with Harlin, Nazrah and Malia.
Second stop for the day - Syasya's wedding in Taman Perling. I haven't seen her for years and all of us had to wait for the DJ's announcement since we don't want to attend the wrong place for the second time. We nearly went to the wrong house earlier so of course, second error is kind of freaky.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Tasukete!!!!!!!!!! @_@
Today we went for another SBE (School-base-experience) session at a nearby school. Examination week has started for the pupils and as you can see earlier I was quite free at the common room that I had an opportunity to go bonkers over the upcoming holiday. So anyway the subliminal feeling lasted until a teacher asked my friends and I to take care of the music test. Za had to take care of year 4N, Linda year 5D while yours truly get to take care the whole hall filled with year 6 pupils.
I know it was going to be hard *sighs. But anyway it is another experience for me.
It was 11.30am when I made my way to the examination venue. Pupils were running all over the place until I had to project my voice throughout the hall.
"Gikgu, cantik baju cikgu"
"Cikgu, tempak saya dok kena kipah cikgu, panah"
"Cikgu, periksa gapo cikgu?"
Aisehmen -_-;
After distributing the answer sheet and questions, the exam began. The first 5 minutes some of the pupils already started fidgeting, doing all they could to copy from their friends.
"Cikgu, guano nak jawak? Dok belaja lagi ni"
"Siapa cikgu nampak bual lagi, cikgu ambik kertas jawapan sekarang jugak!!"
Well that trick works.....
For that time only la as afterwards they started to tembak like crazy -_-;
As one of the teachers had warned us, some of them might have finished with their answers in 10 minutes. After they were done with their answers we just have to make sure that they do not wander outside. True to the prediction, some of them were done with the answers and started talking with their friends, switching places, writing love letters, melaram in front of a small mirror. Uwahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
"Cikgu, nak kecing cikgu"
"Teacher, may I please go out?"
"Cikgu, dok tahan nak kecing cikgu"
"Cikgu, dia tumbuk saya cikgu"
"Cikgu, dia cakap bapak saya cikgu"
Then it felt like hours instead of 1 hour. I was more than glad when the clock reached 11.35am. What a day. What an experience *_*
I know it was going to be hard *sighs. But anyway it is another experience for me.
It was 11.30am when I made my way to the examination venue. Pupils were running all over the place until I had to project my voice throughout the hall.
"Gikgu, cantik baju cikgu"
"Cikgu, tempak saya dok kena kipah cikgu, panah"
"Cikgu, periksa gapo cikgu?"
Aisehmen -_-;
After distributing the answer sheet and questions, the exam began. The first 5 minutes some of the pupils already started fidgeting, doing all they could to copy from their friends.
"Cikgu, guano nak jawak? Dok belaja lagi ni"
"Siapa cikgu nampak bual lagi, cikgu ambik kertas jawapan sekarang jugak!!"
Well that trick works.....
For that time only la as afterwards they started to tembak like crazy -_-;
As one of the teachers had warned us, some of them might have finished with their answers in 10 minutes. After they were done with their answers we just have to make sure that they do not wander outside. True to the prediction, some of them were done with the answers and started talking with their friends, switching places, writing love letters, melaram in front of a small mirror. Uwahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
"Cikgu, nak kecing cikgu"
"Teacher, may I please go out?"
"Cikgu, dok tahan nak kecing cikgu"
"Cikgu, dia tumbuk saya cikgu"
"Cikgu, dia cakap bapak saya cikgu"
Then it felt like hours instead of 1 hour. I was more than glad when the clock reached 11.35am. What a day. What an experience *_*
Countdown Towards CUTI!!!!!
Minutes are like hours
Seconds are like days (exaggerating la)
I'm just all psyched up for the upcoming 3-weeks holiday
3 long weeks of doing anything - visiting friends, movies, weddings, gatherings, sleeping, kacau my adik at home, basically anything
*Gilo aku huhuhu
Roy sent me an sms yesterday informing that she had safely deliver her baby girl, who weighs 3.1kg at 4.27pm. I'm excited enough to finally get the chance to visit Along and her baby, Nofie and her kids, now I got another visit on the list - Roy.
Whoaaaa, my to-do list is already full before the holiday even started. Hanim's wedding on 26th, Su-San's and Syasya on 27th @_@ serupa YB pulak, hehehehe.
Seconds are like days (exaggerating la)
I'm just all psyched up for the upcoming 3-weeks holiday
3 long weeks of doing anything - visiting friends, movies, weddings, gatherings, sleeping, kacau my adik at home, basically anything
*Gilo aku huhuhu
Roy sent me an sms yesterday informing that she had safely deliver her baby girl, who weighs 3.1kg at 4.27pm. I'm excited enough to finally get the chance to visit Along and her baby, Nofie and her kids, now I got another visit on the list - Roy.
Whoaaaa, my to-do list is already full before the holiday even started. Hanim's wedding on 26th, Su-San's and Syasya on 27th @_@ serupa YB pulak, hehehehe.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Happy Teacher's Day!!!
This is the first time in my life anyone wishes me 'Happy Teacher's Day!'
Woke up at 4am to do some assignment and as time gradually pass, suddenly
"Happy Teacher's Day, Kak Diah!!!"
No, no, no it's not the Hantu-penyikat-rambut who wished me that. It was my room-mate, Aie who wished me as she woke up. Got numerous messages and well wishes all around me afterwards. Huwaaaaa ureshi XD
Woke up at 4am to do some assignment and as time gradually pass, suddenly
"Happy Teacher's Day, Kak Diah!!!"
No, no, no it's not the Hantu-penyikat-rambut who wished me that. It was my room-mate, Aie who wished me as she woke up. Got numerous messages and well wishes all around me afterwards. Huwaaaaa ureshi XD
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Have you ever encountered any scary situation in your life?
I had my fair share before at school and at this particular hostel - Mr. Poch, Mr. Black thingy with red eyes and Ms. laugh-back-at-my-laugh.
But nothing compared to what happened this early morning.
I slept at my friend's room since both of our room-mate was away. I slept on the empty bed and I have to say that I slept quite early at about 11ish pm. Sometime afterwards I was kinda realized, in between my conscious and sub-conscious mind 'something' went past over me. Then I felt that my hair was being brushed. Well at first it was just feeling like something was combing my hair. I thought it was kind of funnyla because all I thought was "Okay, feels good as long as it doesn't tangled up at the end of the hair tip."
Then it hit me, you have seen how the beds here were arranged. How is it possible for anyone to comb my long hair without even turning it to my left side? Then I felt like my hair was combed with something sharp. Something that felt like blade tip on my scalp. I woke up just to feel myself being trapped and unable to move. Darn it. I haven't gone through that for years so I tried to do what experience taught me - move my head to snap out from the immobility. Then I felt like the thing went to my backside *author's note: I was sleeping facing the wall on my right side*. I could move just to feel my head snapping back to it's original place. Then I tried calling for my friend with all I could, even if I felt my mouth was stuck but I knew I managed to cry out something.
And then I heard a voice.
"Panggil lah lagi."
Kurang ajar punye hantu.
All the sudden after some fighting, I could move. I looked at my phone beside my pillow. It was 1.52am. I looked at my friend, she seemed to be asleep. But then she looked at me and opened her eyes. Punyela berderau darah.
"Akak ngigau la tadi."
"Ye ke? Ngigau ape?" I asked, just to confirm myself if what I had gone thrrough was just a dream or not.
"Ntah, macam bunyi org nangis. Bunyik tak bukak mulut pastu kepala gerak-geraklaaa. Hish, akak ni, time ni laaa nak ngigau."
Then I heard the sound of a cat meowing very weirdly outside. I've heard that sound before. It does not sound like cats in mating heat or in a fight. It sounded like it was moaning very long and at certain level it sounded like a baby mewling *shivers*. My neck felt like I had a session of 'salah bantal' in the morning which miraculously went away after I went for my Subuh prayer.
I had my fair share before at school and at this particular hostel - Mr. Poch, Mr. Black thingy with red eyes and Ms. laugh-back-at-my-laugh.
But nothing compared to what happened this early morning.
I slept at my friend's room since both of our room-mate was away. I slept on the empty bed and I have to say that I slept quite early at about 11ish pm. Sometime afterwards I was kinda realized, in between my conscious and sub-conscious mind 'something' went past over me. Then I felt that my hair was being brushed. Well at first it was just feeling like something was combing my hair. I thought it was kind of funnyla because all I thought was "Okay, feels good as long as it doesn't tangled up at the end of the hair tip."
Then it hit me, you have seen how the beds here were arranged. How is it possible for anyone to comb my long hair without even turning it to my left side? Then I felt like my hair was combed with something sharp. Something that felt like blade tip on my scalp. I woke up just to feel myself being trapped and unable to move. Darn it. I haven't gone through that for years so I tried to do what experience taught me - move my head to snap out from the immobility. Then I felt like the thing went to my backside *author's note: I was sleeping facing the wall on my right side*. I could move just to feel my head snapping back to it's original place. Then I tried calling for my friend with all I could, even if I felt my mouth was stuck but I knew I managed to cry out something.
And then I heard a voice.
"Panggil lah lagi."
Kurang ajar punye hantu.
All the sudden after some fighting, I could move. I looked at my phone beside my pillow. It was 1.52am. I looked at my friend, she seemed to be asleep. But then she looked at me and opened her eyes. Punyela berderau darah.
"Akak ngigau la tadi."
"Ye ke? Ngigau ape?" I asked, just to confirm myself if what I had gone thrrough was just a dream or not.
"Ntah, macam bunyi org nangis. Bunyik tak bukak mulut pastu kepala gerak-geraklaaa. Hish, akak ni, time ni laaa nak ngigau."
Then I heard the sound of a cat meowing very weirdly outside. I've heard that sound before. It does not sound like cats in mating heat or in a fight. It sounded like it was moaning very long and at certain level it sounded like a baby mewling *shivers*. My neck felt like I had a session of 'salah bantal' in the morning which miraculously went away after I went for my Subuh prayer.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Blast From The Past
What song did you hear when you were growing up?
Apart from my sister's influence who loves Ace of Base so much at that time.
Apart from my brother's strong likeness towards KRU and Feminin *hehehe*
I still manage to get my own preference on the music at that time. It was the so-called boy-band era. Numerous boy-bands of that time such as Backstreet Boys, N'sync, 911, 5ive, Natural, A1, Code Red, Caught in The Act so on and so forth.
So anyway, for this weekend spent the time with Linda singing our lungs out any songs that we could remember from the shower to our rooms. The song that kept playing in my head is 5ive's Until The Time Is Through. Brought me back to my secondary school years when radio is a must and at that time I had to smuggle my walkman in. Of coursela, my school at that time did not allow any forms of entertainment nor any magazines that were associated with it. Then again, as some of you might get bored of hearing, it's the best time in my life, those 5 years I mean.
Here's my 'earworm' of the week
Until The Time Is Through - 5ive
Now and Forever, Until the Time Is Through
I Can't Believe It, I Don't Know Where to Start,
No Baby, So Many Questions Deep Inside My Heart
Give Me a Moment Before You Go,
There's Something You Ought to Know.
Baby Now and Forever,
Until the Time Is Through (Until the Time Is Through),
I'll Be Standing Here,
Waiting and Never Give Up My Faith in You (Give Up My Faith in You),
Trying to Make It Clear,
Without Your Love, I'd Be Half a Man, Maybe One Day, You'll Understand,
Now and Forever, Until the Time Is Through
I'll Be Waiting!
How Can I Tell You, So That You Can See,
You Know That, Love Has a Meaning,
When You Are Here With Me (When You Are Here With Me Baby)
Give Me a Moment Before You Go,
There's Something You Ought to Know.
Baby Now and Forever,
Until the Time Is Through (Until the Time Is Through),
I'll Be Standing Here,
Waiting and Never Give Up My Faith in You (Give Up My Faith in You),
Trying to Make It Clear,
Without Your Love, I'd Be Half a Man, Maybe One Day, You'll Understand,
Now and Forever, Until the Time Is Through
There Is no One to Comfort Me,
Here in My Cold Reality,
I'm Searching For Words,
What Can I Say to Make You See.
Baby Now, Until the Time Is Through, I'll Be Here. [2x]
Baby Now and Forever,
Until the Time Is Through (Until the Time Is Through),
I'll Be Standing Here,
Waiting and Never Give Up My Faith in You (Give Up My Faith in You),
Trying to Make It Clear,
Without Your Love, I'd Be Half a Man, Maybe One Day, You'll Understand,
Now and Forever, Until the Time Is Through
p.s: For you bebeh ;)
Apart from my sister's influence who loves Ace of Base so much at that time.
Apart from my brother's strong likeness towards KRU and Feminin *hehehe*
I still manage to get my own preference on the music at that time. It was the so-called boy-band era. Numerous boy-bands of that time such as Backstreet Boys, N'sync, 911, 5ive, Natural, A1, Code Red, Caught in The Act so on and so forth.
So anyway, for this weekend spent the time with Linda singing our lungs out any songs that we could remember from the shower to our rooms. The song that kept playing in my head is 5ive's Until The Time Is Through. Brought me back to my secondary school years when radio is a must and at that time I had to smuggle my walkman in. Of coursela, my school at that time did not allow any forms of entertainment nor any magazines that were associated with it. Then again, as some of you might get bored of hearing, it's the best time in my life, those 5 years I mean.
Here's my 'earworm' of the week
Until The Time Is Through - 5ive
Now and Forever, Until the Time Is Through
I Can't Believe It, I Don't Know Where to Start,
No Baby, So Many Questions Deep Inside My Heart
Give Me a Moment Before You Go,
There's Something You Ought to Know.
Baby Now and Forever,
Until the Time Is Through (Until the Time Is Through),
I'll Be Standing Here,
Waiting and Never Give Up My Faith in You (Give Up My Faith in You),
Trying to Make It Clear,
Without Your Love, I'd Be Half a Man, Maybe One Day, You'll Understand,
Now and Forever, Until the Time Is Through
I'll Be Waiting!
How Can I Tell You, So That You Can See,
You Know That, Love Has a Meaning,
When You Are Here With Me (When You Are Here With Me Baby)
Give Me a Moment Before You Go,
There's Something You Ought to Know.
Baby Now and Forever,
Until the Time Is Through (Until the Time Is Through),
I'll Be Standing Here,
Waiting and Never Give Up My Faith in You (Give Up My Faith in You),
Trying to Make It Clear,
Without Your Love, I'd Be Half a Man, Maybe One Day, You'll Understand,
Now and Forever, Until the Time Is Through
There Is no One to Comfort Me,
Here in My Cold Reality,
I'm Searching For Words,
What Can I Say to Make You See.
Baby Now, Until the Time Is Through, I'll Be Here. [2x]
Baby Now and Forever,
Until the Time Is Through (Until the Time Is Through),
I'll Be Standing Here,
Waiting and Never Give Up My Faith in You (Give Up My Faith in You),
Trying to Make It Clear,
Without Your Love, I'd Be Half a Man, Maybe One Day, You'll Understand,
Now and Forever, Until the Time Is Through
p.s: For you bebeh ;)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Attack of The Killer Ants
Okay, so I exaggerate on the 'killer' part. The thing is, I have ants problem in my room. One thing for surela, the occupants of this room are surely sweet *perasaan tak hengat*. Not that I have lots of sweet food in store - Pringles, maggi mee, honey which I kept it air tight in layers of plastic, Milo 3 in 1 and oats, that's about it. It is also mind boggling when the ants kept aiming for my electric kettle. The water was not even sweetened, aaarghhhh. So Za & I took matter into our own hand - we bought ant chalks.
This is just about how we go about using the chalk, if some of you are new to the concept of using chalk to repel ants.
1. Make a circle or line on where you don't want the ants to be in.

2. Put any food or stuff that you don't want to be infested by ants inside the circle.
3. Voila! Ants can't get in.
Anyway, you could always use the chalk for something else, like:-
This is just about how we go about using the chalk, if some of you are new to the concept of using chalk to repel ants.
1. Make a circle or line on where you don't want the ants to be in.
2. Put any food or stuff that you don't want to be infested by ants inside the circle.

Anyway, you could always use the chalk for something else, like:-
Monday, May 07, 2007
Blurry mind,
Vermilion eyes,
Night has gone,
Morning comes,
Confession of time,
Opening of mind,
We both said yes,
A new leaf has turned.
To say out loud,
I'm segan,
Not to say anything here,
Tak kena la pulak,
To jump here and there,
Nanti kena masuk Tanjung Rambutan,
To stay still and do nothing,
Sangatla tak kena.
What is tak kena?
Anou ...
Ahhh ...
Takde pape yang tak kena *fallsover*
Happy gila, ngehehe.
p.s: this is an example of nonsense poem - in honesty.
tapi what I wrote up there is partially nonsense and non-nonsense
I'm confusing myself again *_*
Vermilion eyes,
Night has gone,
Morning comes,
Confession of time,
Opening of mind,
We both said yes,
A new leaf has turned.
To say out loud,
I'm segan,
Not to say anything here,
Tak kena la pulak,
To jump here and there,
Nanti kena masuk Tanjung Rambutan,
To stay still and do nothing,
Sangatla tak kena.
What is tak kena?
Anou ...
Ahhh ...
Takde pape yang tak kena *fallsover*
Happy gila, ngehehe.
p.s: this is an example of nonsense poem - in honesty.
tapi what I wrote up there is partially nonsense and non-nonsense
I'm confusing myself again *_*
Saturday, May 05, 2007
The Zombie Walks :p
Been a great Friday. Morning went off to the KL International Book Fair with Curx, with the original intent of looking for books relevant to my current English assignment. Found some and also bought a comic by our local artist. The graphic attracted my eyes, but the dialogue inside was kind of a drag and the bubble was kinda distracting. Something that can be improved, I'm sure.
After returning from the book fair, made my way to my cousin's house in Jln Klang Lama for her solemnization ceremony. Well, at this hour my head is basically occupied elsewhere so I'd better just paste some piccies I took from the ceremony.
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