The situation at work have been so hectic since last week that any extra time that i could take by just breathing makes out a difference by a few seconds. There were too many claims paperwork to do and 2 tender form to fill out that by the end of the day, my eyes gets all fuzzy because too many figures that I have to work through the whole day. But it was not that bad though. No matter how busy I get, Jeff would be online giving out good cheering by just being there and by just looking at him through the webcam. Seeing him there is just like an energy boost whenever I feel tired. Though I have to be sneaky turning the messenger on during work, even when its my lunchtime. Kind of like a guilt conscience even when my work is all done for that period of time. Besides, good brain needs good rest for a few moment or an hour.
Work today is not any different from the day before and I might say that it is still hectic because of the deadline that we have to meet tomorrow. My office is seriously understaffed (with only myself in the office, not including 2 bosses) but so far we manage to cope with all the rush and deadlines. I was drained out by the time office hour end and there I went, into my car and head home. The feeling evaporated when I reached Ulu Choh when some fellow driver on the opposite site gave out the warning blink frm the car. If there was only one car doing the blink, I might just ignore it but then again nearly all the cars that went by gave it out. I was a little bit panicky because of the unworn seatbelt. I'm already tired and I don't plan to get in trouble at the end of the day. A few miles later, there were traffic police doing the routine road block checking off for errant drivers with no seat belt, expired road tax and of course those who exceed the speed limits. I would say that those friendly warning blinks from the road user toward Johor Bahru this evening makes my day. Without them, I would probably be stewing right now over a traffic summon for speed and seatbelt. Thank you who ever you are.
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