Saturday, May 14, 2005

Treasure Hunt

I was sorting up my stuff in the box where I put all my belonging in from my degree years and come across few 'treasures' that I got from my friends. Most of them are pictures, actually a CD filled with candid pictures of everyone and some gifts. One of the class trip that we had, Encik Azizi, our lecturer was busy in the bus - snapping up pictures of every single one of us who slept. That certainly made those who haven't been caught in camera yet to try very hard not to sleep the whole journey from Terengganu to Serdang. We retaliated of course, by taking his pic when he dozed off for 5 minutes. He developed the pics and put it on a board - in our studio! He got a pic of me with my face covered up with the hood of my sweater - not identifiable thank goodness.

More sleeping pictures during the final year where the studio became our first home. Of course the picture gets more interesting - lots of funny poses of people sleeping with makeshift bed made of 3 chairs on 3 vital areas, on the table, on the floor and anywhere possible. I came across a frame given by my 2 best buddies on my birthday (which they only remembered on the next day) in my first year. We were called the 3 stooges because we are together all the time during classes, lunch, breakfast (if we manage any) exam revising. I have lost contact with them after we got our degree. Azhar works and lives in Sabah while Adul in KL. This is the pic and the our whole class called it 'Tugu Negara wannabe'.

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Frm l-r: me, Adul, Azhar

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