Sunday, September 03, 2006

I Love My Weekends!!!

Some people would sleep in during weekend as a means to catch up with their relaxing time. As for me, it would be different. I would wake up way earlier than normal working days and of course spend my weekend to the fullest. Last weekend was great. Went over to Mimit's house in Singapore along with Helena and had a sleepover. The initial plan was to join other Arashian for Jun's early birthday but because of a twist of the event, we chose to watch Umizaru 2 at Cineleisure. Helena missed her bus during her trip to the restroom, poor her. The baka driver didn't actually check the seat and so her bag reached Larkin first before her.

Then again, we didn't manage to watch Umizaru 2 since it was sold out so there we were going over to Kinokuniya and Mise. Night time, of course watching the latest G No A again and Tensai Shimura Doubutsen. Not forgetting some clips from the fancam during Arashic, Arachic, Arasick Cool and Soul con.

Ahh.... Animax has finally started again on Astro. If before, only my parents are watching TV, now, I find myself being a total couch potato watching all those anime, especially Yu Yu Hakusho, Law of Ueki, Dragon Ball (though it's the earliest ep) so on and so forth. Above all my favourite would be Chronicles of the Wings a.k.a Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE since the characters are crossover from Cardcaptor Sakura and xxxHolic. Syaoran and Sakura all grown up weehoooo, and Toya, Sakura's the bully of a brother is king, whoaaaaaa. Not forgetting Hachikuro - Honey and Clover. Downloading the whole series took forever, good thing there's Animax now. Though, now it makes me want to see Hachimitsu To Kurooba movie so much!!!!! Other than the fact that Sho is acting as Takemoto. One would thought that I'm 16 instead of 24 ^__^;
The anime
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Morita, Mayama, Hagu-chan, Takemoto, Ayumi

The Movie
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Mayama, Morita, Hagu-chan, Takemoto, Ayumi
Gotta get ready for today's excursion. Will be meeting Buru-chan and spend the day spazzing over a bowl of... whatever at Yoshinoya, yeay!!!!

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