Thursday, September 07, 2006


Okay, the kitchen resembled a mad scientist's laboratory, my black t-shirt is smudged with flour, my fingers were left with some sticky residue of the tapioca starch and honestly, I've never been this full since.... last year's raya? What have I been doing?

Making daifuku again XD

No worries, this time it's a success even though the daifuku is a wee bit out of shape. Nevertheless, the taste is there and now I could make my own daifuku, yatta!!! Thanks to Dee for giving me some tips during our sms conveyance after my first attempt basically turned out hard and not consumable due to the wrong type of flour that I used.

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My second try ^_^

Gahhh... honestly eating a piece of that daifuku would make me full for at least one whole day. Well at least that's what I think based on the total blerghhh feeling I am having now. That was also because of the food that I ate during break-fast in addition with some food that my abah brought back home from the mosque. It's Nisfu Sya'aban night. 15 more days to Ramadhan ^_^

Aduh... nak pengsan.


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