Another Saturday which I managed to get off on time ^_^
Densha Otoko - Train Man started today. I have bought the vcd boxset for like months ago and honestly speaking... like 'Stand Up', I haven't managed to finish watching it ^_^; It is a good drama, a real story based on the messages posted at a forum board about the love-life between an otaku (nerd) and a pretty woman who managed to bumped into each other in the train. In a way, it is something that I could relate to. Posting in a forum board, asking opinions, making new friends in the net. *bebudak JEM ada bbq harini kat Ulu Yam - Omedetou JEM on 1st year anniversary!!!!*
So anyway, I love the first episode of course, especially the part when Yamada got a boost up from his friends in the forum with various encouragement as he was shaking like crazy as he was about to make the call to the woman that he saved in the train - densha otoko, ganbare!!!! lol. I think I'd better start to finish watching the drama then. Kinda funny intro when they made it like going through a star-trek-ish kind of space-ship with the word "kita" (coming). Of course everyone knows the feeling of waiting for a message and go like - キタ、キタ、キタ、 when it does come.
It is kind of a late post but on my birthday last week, Dee managed to give me an SGH-E870.... image. And as to my question and dilemma whether should I go to Arashi Jet-Storm tour concert in Bangkok or getting myself a new handphone... the answer is self-explanatory. Meet my new keitai ^__^/
It's silver, it's square, it's a flip phone, it's simple, it got a built in flash, currently with picture of Sho from the Taipei concert pamphlet adorning my screen (Aina, pinjam your baby away for a while, hahaha) and I'm loving it!!! My own birthday present to myself, hehehehe. Now I could randomly put Jun, Sho, Aiba, Nino or Oh-chan on my display and put Aozora Pedal as my ringtone, yatta!!!! In addition of buat lepas geram of not being able to go to Bangkok, huhuhu.
And, thanks a lot everyone for giving me birthday sms-es - family, old friends, new friends. Hontouni arigatou :D With the internet around, there's never a lonely moment, yeay!!!!
Last but not least,
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