Monday, April 30, 2007
Belated and Earliated (if there's such term) Wishes
Double entry in a day -_-;
So shoot me, hahahaha
Anyway, just want to compile all the wishes that silly me missed
Happy belated birthdays to:-
Kak Syila, Aina, Edda and Mr Lok (My previous boss)
Congratulations for newborn,
Along and Ina (Mazlina) for her baby girl, Mimit for her niece (I sure have to go to SG for that next holiday).
Congratulations for wedding and engagement,
Nanie and Deej
Best wishes for baby delivery
Roy and Fayed
Well guess that's about it :D
My sister will pick me up later tonight to help her clear out her room and move to a new room since her room at the block have to be renovated. Tomorrow is Spiderman 3 day - going to watch it with bro, sis in law and sis. Sunday - my cousin's wedding reception. As if I could go anywhere other than class on that particular day. Just to fill up my time, a questionnaire I picked from my friendster's bulletin board. Since I'm doing it out of boredom, I'm not going to tag anyone *baik hati punya, hehe*
Rule #1: You can only say Yes or No!
Rule #2: You are NOT ALLOWED to explain
ANYTHING unless someone messages you
Q: Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Been arrested?
A:>> NO<<
Q: Kissed someone you didn't like?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Slept in until 5 PM?
A:>> NO<<
Q: Held a snake?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Been suspended from school?
A:>> NO<<
Q: Been fired from a job?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Sang karaoke?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Laughed until you started crying?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Kissed in the rain?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Sang in the shower?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Sat on a roof top?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Broken a bone?
A:>> NO<<
Q: Shaved your head?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Blacked out from drugs?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Played a prank on someone?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Had a gym membership?
A:>> YES <<
Q: felt like killing someone?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Made a girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Cried over someone you loved?
A:>> YES <<
Q: Shot a BBgun?
A:>> NO<<
Q: Tripped on mushrooms?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Donated Blood?
A:>> NO <<
Q: Still love someone you shouldn't?
A:>> NO <<
That's all folk >:)
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Powdered Donuts
There's nothing to do at the class.
It seems like forever, having to wait until 10am to finally have the booth open.
One heck of a convocation eh?
Anyway, just a post for today
Thanks to Areng (teringin aku nak jumpe anak-anak kau, esp harumi, hehe) for asking me Remioromen's Konayuki
1 litre of tears
Definitely means you will cry a litre of tears watching it la
Synopsis wise
A high school girl found out that she was diagnosed with Spinocerebellar Degeneration
Her body system failed her bit by bit
From her movement to her speech
Her lifespan was short
Based on the real life story (minus the boyfriend character) of Aya... I forgot her surname
Konayuki (Powdered Snow) - Remioromen
Konayuki mau kisetsu wa itsumo sure chigai
The season in which the powdered snow dances always passes by
Hitogomi ni magirete mo onaji sora miteru no ni
Even if I’m lost in a crowd I can see the same sky
Kaze ni fukarete nita you ni kogoeru no ni
Even though I'm chilled as if I'm being blown by the wind
Boku wa kimi no subete nado shitte wa inai darou
I don't know anything about you, do I?
Soredemo ichi oku nin kara kimi wo mitsuketa yo
And yet, I found you amongst a billion people
Konkyo wa naikedo honki de omotterunda
There's no basis for this, but I believe this with all seriousness
Sasaina ii aimo nakute, Onaji jikan wo ikite nado ike nai
We can't live at the same time without trivial fights
Sunao ni nare nai nara Yorokobi mo kanashimi mo munashii dake
If we can't be ourselves, then happiness and sadness are both just lies
Konayuki nee kokoro made shiroku somerareta nara
Powdered snow, if you paled me white to the heart
Futari no kodoku wo wake au koto ga dekita no kai
Can you share our loneliness?
Boku wa kimi no kokoro ni mimi wo oshi atete
I pressed my ear against your heart
Sono koe no suru hou he sutto fukaku made
I want to go down toward the sound of your voice
Orite yukitai soko de mou ichi do aou
Until I get down that deep, let's meet up there again
Wakari aitai nante
I want us to understand
Uwabe wo nadete itano wa boku no hou
I was the one who stroked the surface
Kimi no kajikanda te mo nigirishimeru
Even though we were connected by
Koto dakede tsunagatteta no ni
Me holding your hand that was numb with the cold
Konayuki nee eien wo mae ni amari ni moroku
Powdered snow, hey, you, in a way that is too fragile
Zara tsuku ASUFARUTO no ue shimi ni natte yuku yo
Turn eternity into a stain on the rough asphalt up ahead
Konayuki nee toki ni tayori naku kokoro wa yureru
Powdered snow, hey, my unreliable heart wavers
Soredemo boku wa kimi no koto mamori tsuduketai
And yet, I want to keep protecting you
Konayuki nee kokoro made shiroku somerareta nara
Powdered snow, hey, when you colored us white, all the the way to my heart
Futari no kodoku wo tsutsunde sora ni kaesu kara
You envelop our loneliness, and return it back to the sky
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Saturday Morning *yawns*
But still it won't stop me from doing a simple test and paste it here, ngehehehe.
Courtesy of my J-Ent friend - Lin
You scored as English/Journalism/Comm. You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Communication, English, Film, Journalism, Literature, or Writing. It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it. Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
So kira okayla, I'm taking English
And I will be an English teacher
Now, tagging part as always la, nyehehehe
Bangbil, Aie, CurX, Sue Mail , Areng n Intan
Try it if you want ^_^
Friday, April 27, 2007
Fangirl Alert
Fangirl rant up ahead
URESHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD
The OST for Bambino, Jun's drama after Hana Yori Dango 2 uwahhhhhh
Simply love the 'selang-selang masuk' theme that they use for the PV. Kawaii~~~
Nino!!! still wanting to watch his Clint Eastwood movie debut in Letters From Iwojina (Iwojima Kara No Tegami). Better try looking for the dvd in HP when I get back to Johor.
Gomenne Aina, your Sho caught my eyes for the whole PV, hahahaha
Esp when he was rapping and covering his ears XD XD XD
Okay, non-fangirl part
Went to Kuala Besut this morning to buy breakfast. The weather is unusually cold. When I say unusual, it means unusual as it is the drought season now. Usually it's so hot that my clothes went dry and crispy when I hung it outside - even if I soaked it in fabric softener and even if I hung it dripping and soaking wet.
So Curx, here's how etok-etok looks like ^_^

I know my bro will be busy handling the book fair this coming week for KarnaDya and I know the book fair is something that I am looking forward to. You can blame him for making me a bookworm since he's the one who introduced me to Christopher Pike and then Ahadiat Akashah >_< *Buku Bangbil ade sampai kat sini. Aritu cek balik, dah abis kat kedai tu*
Better get back to my assignment.
I have a test tomorrow for sports *_*
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Never thought that I have to wear a uniform again at this age -_-;
The best part, for me lah - the course involved IPs for east zone - IP Kota Bharu, IP Kuala Terengganu, IP Sultan Mizan and IP Tengku Ampuan Afzan. Surprise surprise, I got reunited with my secondary school friend Nani. I didn't know that she's also a teslian in IPKB and boy was I happy when we were put in the same group too. Well actually her IP was the host organizer and I have to say when she read my name on the list of the group before the course started she sms me straight away. Certainly my father's LONG name (my name is way shorter than his -_-; ) is something that she can't forget.
Some pictures from the course
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Goodbye My Phone
Got of the bus, went into the cab
Mid way
Oh SH*T. WTH is my phone? *pardon my language*
Not my beloved SGH-E870 that I bought myself for my 25th b-day *nasib baik*
Which I put my Celcom number
But my LG5300
Which held my Maxis number
My companion since 2003 after my Nokia 3210 was lost in the bus
History repeats itself once more
Another bus? Grrrraaaahhhhh
But then it's fine I think.
4 years with me is good enough.
The silver colour was badly faded.
Especially the battery side.
It has numerous nicks - courtesy of 2 and a half years of working with contractors.
It even survived after being dipped into a mud.
But no phone would survive theft.
The phone jams a lot.
And it couldn't detect the sim card sometimes.
Gonna miss that little bugger.
Domo arigatou,
Sayonara, watashi no keitai m(_ _)m
Monday, April 16, 2007
Tag - lagi
Sooooo the tag this time is about a test - what is your true colour.
Here's mine ^_^
Nadiah, your true color is Brown!

You're brown, a credible, stable color that's reminiscent of fine wood, rich leather, and wistful melancholy. Most likely, you're a logical, practical person ruled more by your head than your heart. With your inquisitive mind and insatiable curiosity, you're probably a great problem solver. And you always gather all of the facts before coming to a timely, informed decision. Easily intrigued, you're constantly finding new ways to challenge your mind, whether it's by reading the newspaper, playing a trivia game, or composing a piece of music. Brown is an impartial, neutral color, which means you tend to see the difference between fact and opinion easily and are open to many points of view. Trustworthy and steady, you really are a brown at heart.
What's Your True Color?Hmm.... I don't know, some true, some maybe, some not at all, hahaha
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I got assignments to submit on 8th April
I won't be around until 9th April because I'm the 'bidan terjun' storyteller who will be presenting the institute (of mental health) for KAGUM because the original story-teller was involved in an accident and unable to turn his head properly.
I haven't even memorize the story.
I know I won't be able to finish my task properly if I were to submit tomorrow.
And that particular assignment will be the whole mark for that particular subject.
to quote from the lecturer.
"Pandai-pandai awaklah, ni pun saya dah bagi extra days untuk awak semua hantar"
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Jolly Weekend *rolls around*
Night time, went to Mines for what supposed to be solely bowling session until my sister got veered off with the numerous SALES tag available at nearly all outlet. Well, I nearly did too. Saw this gorgeous yukata sold at one of the shops and I drooled over it. The cost was quite okay but then again until I get my allowance, I could only shop with my eyes. Uwaaaahhhhh... the black with pink flower yukata on display was soooooooooooo lovely *sighs*. Just suitable for this year's Bon Odori - when and if I get to go there in July lah. If not dream on ajelah. Played bowling with Curx, Lan, Iso and Archiq - my bowling talents are getting rustier, that one I have to admit. But then again I had fun, despite the numerous gutter ball I had ^_^ Tanoshikatta ne~~~ Next time can bowling again *flexing arms with 10lbs dumbbell*
Saturday, went off to Midvalley to watch Encik Kacang *hehe*. Of course la expected all the funny faces of Mr Bean and his innocent ways to get himself to the beach. Went browsing at MPH and yet again my eyes went bonkers. There are so many books I want to buy, in Jusco, no need to say, so many beautiful dresses on sale. Shop with my eyes lah - again. And there's the new Harry Potter book to pre-order. I know I just have to travel to Kota Bahru to get the book when it is finally released. Will Harry get to destroy all the horcruxes? Who will be dead in the last book? The questions are driving me mad.
Anyway today's 1st April - April Fools. It seems like a bad joke to realize I have to make way back to Besut tonight. Malasnye... Till next time, jya, matane *waves*