One thing I know now, I don't want to live in a skyrise.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
One thing I know now, I don't want to live in a skyrise.
Sunday, March 27, 2005

Definitely can't resist a Toblerone and a Cadbury (tucked in safely on my bookrack)
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Good Morning!!!
So anyway as I surfed the net this morning, I found my favourite TV chef - Jamie Oliver's or the naked chef (rest assured, its not him going naked while cooking, its the food getting naked - being prepared without those fancy ingredient) site. Well I have been a loyal viewer especially during the SPM result wait for 7 long months when I became a part-time housewife as my mom gone to work. His recipes are simple and easy to follow which of course resulted for a lot of food catastrophe in the kitchen from trying, but then again, its not that bad. Most of the food turn out real good. That was when I thought I want to be a chef (career change again huh?)
Enough talk about career. My brother got an offer from the Multimedia University, Cyberjaya for the Alpha course for Creative Multimedia. It strikes to me as rather too easy and fast but then again its a private university, but with his determination I'm sure he would enjoy it a lot. I mean come on, not many SPM result waiter would actually sit in front of his computer reading tutorials on computer graphic anywhere he could get it, 3D stuff and even took a class for computer graphic & multimedia at Cosmopoint inside that period. He's determined and I can't see him anywhere other than doing graphic. He's actually making banners for his online friends for a credit trade in his Kings Of Chaos game. Here's a few sample of wht he does and lots more great work to come.

Latest news on the mosque, the Sri Rahmah Hall, a cemetary away from the used to be mosque is now used as a temporary praying hall until the new mosque gets to be built which is probably not anytime soon.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Petang yang Syahdu
Now my abah and mak just came back, they said the fire was caused by the short circuit and the hot weather is also an addition to the cause. The mosque is quite old, but still to lose it this way is hard and sad for us. It was built bottom half on concrete and top half by wood and it only take less than 30 minutes for it to be finished off.
I grew up playing around the mosque when they have gatherings for ma'al hijrah, prophet muhammad's birthday and so on. I admit that nowadays I only went to the mosque during the month of ramadhan (fasting month) for the terawih prayers and do the rest of the prayers at home but still... it is a loss for every one of us. Hope the documents for the building of the new mosque is not destroyed. Its too quiet right now...




The fallen used-to-be-blue dome, now its back to the original stainless steel colour

My fellow villagemen trying to recover the document from the mosque office
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Saturday at Last
Beautiful isn't it?
So anyway, Sue called me up at exactly 12.30am just now. She's actually now at the 'Force of Nature' concert for the tsunami relief. What she was calling me up for? Well okay the artist who are performing in the concert are - Black Eyed Peas, Lauryn Hill, Wyclef Jean, BSB and more of the local artist. We used to go gaa-gaa over BSB when we were young (like we are so old right now, yeah right) and she actually called me up to hear one of the songs by them while they're performing. Honestly I don't remember the title of the song that she let me hear but its one of the famous song. I remembered calling it the cheating song, hahaha. She was asking whether I could go to the concert with her last week but hey, I have no Saturday off and the ticket price... wallawei!!! Thanks Sue!!! The rest of my friends and I have been putting quack status on our yahoo, taunting about her going to the concert - something about taking pictures of our 'ex-boyfriends' (LOL honest sayang, I'm so over BSB) and calling her hampes, hahahaha.
Before I forget,
Happy 9th Month Anniversary, sayang!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Katak!!! Where Are You!!!

Where are you?
Monday, March 14, 2005
Mataku yang Sepet
In the morning, woke up and watched Buli on the player, Jeff called and then went out for breakfast... make that a very late breakfast with my sister's boyfriend. We were supposed to get ready at 11, but since her boyfriend took upon himself to show up and make a surprise, we just went out with him. Finally reached Kak Mai's house at 1. The groom's delegation hasn't arrived yet for the bersanding ceremony and I didn't stay long. I only managed to take a snap of Kak Mai and I have to admit, the make-up artist did a very fine job and she looks like a living doll. That figures though because the make-up artist was a male. Besides, everyone knows that they're the best.
Went to Mak Jun's house in Bangsar and afterwards my sister dropped me off at the train station. I actually have planned to meet up my friends in KLCC other than do my book shopping at Kinokuniya. Found Intan and Yan in the midst of the bustling crowd browsing the books at the fiction area while keeping up with the gossips. Intan bought me a ticket to watch 'Sepet' (it means small eyes in Malay) and so we went. It was a good movie and I have to admit, its the 2nd Malaysian movie that I enjoyed watching (P. Ramlee's is excluded because all his movies are good and they're all at another era) though at some scenes it drags especially when the characters are having one on one conversation with their friends. But nevertheless, the conversations are something that I could relate to. Everyone in the moviehouse were having a good time from the neverending laughs that could be heard throughout the show. But the feeling was kind of spoilt at the last part when the camera was focusing on the character Orkid and her mother. Apparently the viewers were too busy laughing on the crying face of Ida Nerina that I missed some part of Jason/Ah Loong's letter to Orkid. Spoil, but heck I cried anyway.

Books I bought and Dayah gave - in exchange with Dean Koontz's The Watcher

Started my journey back home at 11.30pm and boy I was so tired that I slept the whole trip. Next time, I'd do it again for sure.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Test Drive
To Buy Or Not To Buy
- Can't access to registry editor - this could be bad news if I have worms in my system and couldn't delete it due to the registry.
- Can't detect CD drive. Its hard because I need the drive to reformat my pc and I haven't even have Adobe Photoshop and my digital camera driver installed in it yet.
- No Microsoft Office. I was about to install it and then again, no CD drive, no talk.
- Sometimes after a few minutes working with my pen drive, it can't detect it too. Nearly had heart attack too many times as I was working with my designs.
- All the floppy disk that comes after a process from the pc could be considered as toast. Can't be read on other pc.
- Can't access into someone else's webcam or will have error. Major frustrating.
- Can't close any IM windows. If I do, the whole yahoo messenger will have error.
I have talked to a few pc technicians about my pc and told them about the diagnosis. Mostly said that there's something wrong with my motherboard - darn, I had just bought that 4 months ago. And some said about my hard disk drive. So again I have to make a decision, based on this list:-
- I don't have to stay back at the office to do my work - enough complaining about getting home late from my mak as already is. I could only do my AutoCAD work at home but not Excel.
- Could continue with my Sims fever - I played that a lot and since I had to reformat the pc last time, the saved data was all gone
- Could continue my story writing - ooops erm, nevermind. I write for my own self satisfaction and no one ever read it. Save for my friend in school when I wrote at that time - Sue, ingat lagi hope & chances? oh and your 'Monster' hehehehe. Again this is interrupted by the non existence of Words.
- The most important of all - Internet access. Details not needed.
- New pc, new cost, new stuff, a year warranty.
- Ka-ching!!!!
- Old pc, repair, cost a lot but the inside is still old and still prone to more damages.
Last decision, I bought the CPU - take note, only the CPU with my hand pick specifications on the motherboard, RAM, hard disk, graphic card, combo drive (was opting for a DVD-RW but being the cost effective person I am, I skip that) yadda yadda yadda and its done. They thought I am a student - being near to UTM and since I still have the student face I didn't say anything when they gave me the special price. Gonna collect it today after work. Just can't wait.
Before I forgot, SPM result was announced yesterday and my brother got a good result. Like sister like brother - he followed my footsteps and made my parents unhappy. Not the bad kind of unhappy but the weird joking unhappy. What did he do? Well he aced in both his english subjects - english and english for science & technology and for Malay language, he got 4. I must admit he's better in that than me - I got 5, and got 1 for my english, hahahaha. All my mak could say (the same thing that she said to me 6 years ago)- "anak jawa ni... kat rumah cakap bahasa apa?"
Oh and I read Dayah's blog. Apparently Shalli proposed last night and the 'merisik' delegation will be coming tomorrow. Hmm..... sound very hasty to me. All the best Dayah, love you bunch cousin.
...... Baby i miss you TONS..........
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Reality Check
So I finally get out of my bed, taking the agreement letter that I signed 4 years ago and took my calculator. Well okay the calculator is always my best friend everytime the cheque comes. Add this add that, minus this minus that, done counting - Walloaeh!!!! Just enough for petrol and food. Just my luck though that now the paper is abuzz about graduates who haven't paid up the PTPTN loan. Anyway, I still count myself lucky because at least I have a job and I could pay up for the student loan.
Moral of the story & an advice from my big brother - Start a college fund for my kids so they won't face what I face now. Aiyo my head is spinning already, hehehe
Friday, March 04, 2005
Liar Liar
Funny ones - someone was giving a girl the direction to the gents room instead of the ladies because of the lack of sign on the door. Sound like and everyday prank to me.Sadly though Dan received lots of lies told from husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends who cheats. One cheating girlfriend actually survived the two timing for a year until her boyfriend dumped her for another girl which she said her karma - what goes around comes around. Well I do believe that when you do something, it always gets back to you.
People in general always categorise lies in 3 different categories.
1) White lies - Also known as the lies that is necessary for the other person's good. The example could be seen in the movie Liar Liar where Jim Carrey's character admits to his son that he lied to his wife when she was pregnant, telling her that she was beautiful instead of the huge elephant that he thought she was at that time.
2) Half truth - Okay, so it is basically not lying but with-holding some information from the other side. Thats how we see it but to some half truths are also a lie. Imagine withholding information from your boss that you have called a client - last week. In truth, you have called the client, only the when part is in question.
3) Downright bad lie - Bad lie either means, a really bad lie to get what someone want no matter the consequences that in the end will hurt a lot of people around including the liar himself or a really bad lie told by a beginner liar, hahaha. Kidding. Of course its the first one. That was mainly how a good company, a family or a relationship falls down.
I'm sure everyone had been lied at and have their share of lying too throughout their lives. Well, no need to say more that lying is bad, everyone knows about it but sometimes some people just can't help it. Being lied at hurts, everyone knows that too. A word from Daniel Ong to wrap it all up - Lying is bad, but if you do don't get caught, hahahaha. The show is called Morning Madness for a reason - Its crazy, its mad and its funny. An online friend told me - Everyone lies, only at what degree they are lying is not determined. That would wraps up the entry for today.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
What a Busy Day
To my ever multitasking busy friend whom I've grown up with for 5 years - this entry is for you guys. HIDUP KTAM & SMKAJB!!!! hahahaha
esp: Eena, Mail (aku still rasa nama Sue lagi ayu, hahaha), Intan, Anas
Baby I love you!!!!