'Songlap'ed from the fear factor page. Ganas gile muka
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Yippee Day
Monday, December 12, 2005
My Bracelet!!!
Good thing, not so much of bizarre yucky stuff. But then again, being a girl (thee hee hee) I just had the urge to look over the jewellery section, just browsing for anything with star shape (I'm totally crazy about star shape trinkets) until I saw the love charm bracelet. Wallao, I fell in love with it that I bid on it straight away. Granted it wasn't star shaped, it was heart shaped but it just look too good to resist. Honestly this was the first time I bought a bracelet. The 2 that I got was given by my mother, though I rarely wear it anyway. Being in a job that involves a lot of physical activities prevents me from wearing anything beautiful at work. All that aside, I just have to have that bracelet. Good thing that I was the only bidder and I got it. And the mail got through today, yippee!!!!

Lovely isn't it? (mak aih, golapnyo tangan eden)
Night time, my uncle, my aunt and I went over to the PC Fair over at City Square. Knowing of all the good deals happening around, I tried hard not to withdraw any money from the nearby ATM machine. But then again, I have to - I think. Just for a 256mb RAM that cost me RM 78. Not that much actually. As for my uncle, he bought a new Lexmark 2300 all in one printer, scanner, copier that only cost RM199, an MP3 player for Irra, a card reader, speakers and I don't know what else. The sale was crazy that I was just as glad that I managed to restrain myself from buying unnecessary items.
Catastrophe fell on the next day. I planned to go over to a wedding of my ex-collegue during internship by the MBJB bus that they already arranged. I was so excited and prepared all the clothes and the things that I should wear with it but I wasn't prepared for the big bad hot iron. I haven't even worn the clothes yet, and it was the third baju kurung that I sent to be made for hari raya but I managed to iron a hole on my kain. I was frantic afterwards since the bus was supposed to leave at 9am. Tried to wear the clothes, hoping that the hole could be covered but then again, my luck, the hole was strategically located at the middle of my shin. Went through Irra's closet but her kain was a bit small. Went through my aunt's closet, found the right baju kurung but as remarked by Irra, I looked like I was wearing a 100% borrowed clothes. In the end, I didn't go to the wedding, sat home and removed the tail of one whole bag of bean sprouts (taugeh) with Irra the whole morning. *Sighs

The laughing kain. Die yuppie scum!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Amazing Fact
13 Zulkaedah 1401
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Behold. My Prologue

Last time, I manage to write this part of the story and left it unattended for months long. As for today, my ideas are kicking in and I found back my rhythm. Before you start hunting me for leaving the story too long in my blog without continuing, just know that I don't let anyone read my story until it's fully done. That's just how I do my writing. I bet most of you know where story is going by just reading the intro. Anyway, feedbacks are more than just welcome. I'm on my first chapter and I think I'm falling more in love with my characters, hehehe.
Well, here goes nothing. There's no title yet though - that always come in the end.
Ayuni was sitting on the old swing under the rambutan tree eating chocolate and reading a Harry Potter book. The place was her favourite spot every time she managed to get home in Kota Tinggi from her busy life in the bustling town of
Suddenly she felt something fell onto the open book on her lap. Her heart beat increased automatically knowing what she could feel slithering at the sides of her hands. It was heavy and it was scaly.
"Don't move, don't move, don't move," silently she chanted in her mind. Ayuni refused to open her eyes knowing very well what she would see. "This must be the 'luckiest' day of my life," she thought horribly. Where was her father when she needed him most? She forgot. Her parents were out visiting relatives. Anuar, her younger brother was out with friends, Aniza the youngest in the family was out for tuition class. She was all alone.
Gathering her courage, she slowly opened her eyes and nearly fainted when it was a big black python looking back at her as if it was expecting her to look at it eye to eye. If it was up to her, she would run away like crazy, providing that she was far away from the snake in the first place which in this case she wasn't. She watched too many documentaries to know that snakes would not bite unless it felt provoked but this snake in particular was weird. It was as if it was looking at her with a very thoughtful look.
Thoughtful snake? She ought to have her brain operated, she said to herself. In this case if she manage to get out of the ordeal alive she promised to be a really good person. Not just good, she'd be great. She would stop picking on her younger siblings, to recycle, be good to wildlife. It was not as if she use animal products anyway but the list kept on going. Heck, she would even be nice to this particular wildlife and would name it Blacky.
While Ayuni was busy preparing her mental list on what to do if she survived she realized the snake raised it's head. Much to her horror the snake was moving its head to her arm in a gesture of affection. What was she supposed to do? Pet it back? No chance in hell that she would do it. She would be the next patient in the emergency room if she does.
To her surprise, the snake reared its head up and bit her!
To be continued, hehehe - probably next year when I finish the whole thing off :D
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Career Crack

Sometimes I love my job. Sometimes I get so fed up with it that I start browsing for job vacancies on the net, in the newspaper or anywhere available. I bet that I'm not the only person who faces this. It's just that not everyone manage to get comfortable in their career niche that they feel content doing it. I have to admit that it's like a love-hate relationship that you can't simply brush it aside. To live, we need a lot of things and of course, I don't want to sound shallow but let's face the fact. The ka-ching factor is considered as a necessity. Even instant noodles cost RM0.45 per packet. But first, to get it we need to work - unless of course you manage to snag a wealthy widow/widower/rich guy/rich woman, etc but that's beside the point.
One thing that I remembered most about career is of course, the line that I heard from Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act 2 where she was persuading Lauryn Hill's character to get back singing. The line was (not that accurate though) - If when you wake up from your sleep, all you can think about is singing, that means you are meant to sing. Motivational sentence, correct? As for me... let me give that a thought. On Monday mornings my thought was - Monday already? And most of the time when work is piling on my always cluttery desk all I could think was - what else could I put in my design? So does that mean that this is my calling? Since secondary school all I did was thinking up some cool ideas I could put in my English essays (that's my other word for constant daydreaming). For now, my itch to write another fiction is there but I lack the motivation to start typing my brains out.
My brother asked me once when I was about to go to work - "Don't you get bored going to work everyday?" The thought certainly cross my mind more than once. I was wondering how anyone could hold a job for more than 30 years. That's the average years for those who work in the government sector. As an example, my mak. She started working when she was 18 and retired few months ago with the same job. Same goes for my abah. That's roughly 38 years straight. I am amazed at that feat and here I am having an up and down feelings on my job. The journey is merely just begun for me.
I was having a long talk with one of my previous supervisors while I was doing internship in MBJB few days back. We were talking about the attitude of some of the officers that was stuck in their comfort zone too long that they become less pro-active. His words were actually branded in my mind - "Don't get too comfortable with what you have. Try to get as much, even if it's not in your field of work. Just remember that there are thousand of people out there waiting to get your job." Creepy but true. There are lots and lots of unemployed graduates out there waiting for their chance. But that doesn't mean that you have to stay put and not moving at all for the fear that you don't have talent in other area. That was actually a nudge to look for a better future and career. You won't know your true capability until you take the next step, right?
Some might feel that they are stuck to their job because that is the only thing that they know how to do, some might have no where to go due to family business, some might have too many options that they don't know which path to choose and some may not have any choice at all. The world is big and I'm very sure there are more conflicts than what I have stated. Not everyone could be Bill Gates, and not everyone even with the guidance book from the real-estate mogul Donald Trump or Robert T. Kiyosaki of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad fame could apply the whole book and get what they want.
My mak asked me once after I graduated on what I want to work as. Jokingly I told her, a full-time housewife. Straight away she told me - in her teasing tone of course - that if she knew that was my ambition she would marry me straight off after I finish secondary school. Knowing my mak, in her opinion, women should have her own career path and dream, earn for herself and able to help her husband when the financial cost becomes more than he could take. Being fully dependent on someone else for every aspect of life is not what she picture life would be. And of course like any parents she would love her children to have more than she has.
There, my 2 cents worth about career. When mood strikes, I feel like signing up for KPLI, be a teacher and have loads of holiday, and again when it strikes, I can't picture myself anywhere but my current job. We'll just see in the future now won't we?
Monday, November 28, 2005
I Need Burger!!!
I am in desperate need of burger.
Not just any burger. I'm not talking about those expensive and not so tasty burgers at any of the fast food restaurant. I want the burger daging and cheese at Burger Street in Serdang!!!! The stall which the father and son sells at. And the song I heard by Don & Drew on 98.7FM since I can't remember when is not helping at all.
What song?
Ramly (daging lembu)
Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn!
To think that no one would sing about Ramly burgers, the song just makes me drool. Just imagine the greasy beef patty greased with margarine, the buns that is greased in the inside with of course, margarine, the cabbage, tomato, cucumber topped with generous amount of mayonnaise and chilli sauce. That alone only cost RM1.40. Burger special - RM2.00 which is basically the beef patty is wrapped in fried eggs (as if you don't know lah). Burger daging with cheese (my favourite) - RM2.30. Health freaks would cringe at those but what the heck, it taste good and of courselah kan, don't eat that ALL the time even though as a student the thought is so darn tempting since it's cheap.

Picture taken from Don and Drew web page... burger special... drools
Ramly (Burger Lembu)
Yo Ramly, you're with the family
Your meat is manly
Get fatter than fat
Yo Ramly, you're with the family
Your meat is manly
Get fatter than fat
Yo Ramly us the burger that I love to eat,
Eventhough I don't know what's in the meat,
A lil bit of egg and a lot of sauce,
No matter what they say I don't believe its horse
If you're feeling like a Ramly in Singapore
You gotta get up off your a**
You gotta leave this shore
You gotta barge us in you gotta get 3 or 4
But no matter how much
You gonna want some more
Bun, patty, egg, cheese, rubber duck please
I hold my Ramly between my knees
Yo even though the chef is infested with fleas
Squeeze the buns together to release the grease
Yo Ramly, you're with the family
Your meat is manly
Get fatter than fat
Ramly is good, good Malaysian food
Ramly is good, eat it like you should
Well that does show that our 'ramly burger tepi jalan' is quite famous even across shore. Can't manage to type the lyric much more I'm drooling. So far none of the burgers I found here are as good as the ones at Burger Street. Aaaargh!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Adik Saya

Dari kiri ke kanan - sepupu saya, adik saya
Saya ada seorang adik. Nama dia Nabhanuddin tetapi kami sekeluarga memanggil dia A'an kerana nama dia panjang. Adik saya kata tak ramai orang selain dari ahli keluarga kami tahu menyebut nama dia. Kebanyakan orang yang baru kenal dia memanggil dia Nabanuddian, bukan Nab-hanuddin dan secara kebetulannya, orang yang tahu menyebut nama dia pada kali pertama adalah kawan karibnya.
Adik saya suka komputer. Dia suka bermain dengan alat permainan komputer dan alat permainan lain yang melibatkan skrin monitor seperti permainan PS2. Oleh sebab itu dia melanjutkan pelajarannya di Universiti Multimedia dalam bidang multimedia kreatif. Selain daripada itu, hobinya ialah mengacau sepupu kami yang kami panggil dengan panggilan mesranya Baby yang berumur 4 tahun kerana Baby sangat takut pada A'an.
Hari ini adalah 26 November 2005. Adik saya telah dilahirkan pada 26 November 1987 jadi hari ini adalah hari lahirnya yang ke 18. Happy belesday, hihihi
P.S: Feel free nak beri markah, hahaha
Friday, November 18, 2005
Harry Potter dan Gelas Api

Sounds funny but that's wht the malay translation was for 'Goblet of Fire'. At the cover of the malay version book, it was 'Piala Api'. Though anyway, caught the movie straight after work was done and I was just in time for the next show. One thing about watching this movie, I felt that I'm one of the lil kids since most of the occupants inside the movie theatre were kids and their parents.
Nothing much to comment about the movie. For those who already read the book, don't expect t0o much from the movie. Obviously its hard to cram 600 pages of the book in a 2 and 37 minutes movie. If I didn't read the book I wouldn't know how the quidditch world cup would end - with Irish team at the winning but Viktor Krum from Bulgaria caught the snitch, wouldn't know what a veela was, won't know who Winky was, won't laugh at the older wizard who tried to blend in with the muggles during the world cup wearing woman's clothing, won't know who Ludo Bagman was, won't know who 'Snuffles' was, won't know that Fleur Delacour was half veela. Enough with what 'won't knows'. If I list all of it over here, it would not end.
Dobby was supposed to be in this movie, and he's the one who should give Harry the gillyweed, not Neville. People won't know why Neville reacted very strongly when Mad-Eye Moody performed 'Cruciatus' curse on the spider and that the imperius curse doesn't work so well with Harry.
As I say the list might go very long. I just hope that in the Order of Phoenix the forming of 'Dumbledore's Army' would make up for the future of the 'won't knows'.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Roy Is Now Puan Rohaya!!!!

Roy, last week's picture and today's picture

Minah berlima - before bersanding

Hantaran from the groom.

Kulihat hijau....

Mari menabur :)

The thing that got stuck at the folds of my tudung.

Cake cutting.

Group pics - Edda was too shy to be in the pic.

Ipah Jr & Ipah Sr

Moody Farah (Nofie's daughter) after having to wake up upon arrival at Roy's place.
Monday, November 07, 2005
Reunion Raya
Food was in abundance - Soto, satay, fried bihun, muffins (courtesy of my sister's bf), rojak buah, sambal goreng, sweet sour chicken, all the normal raya food that makes my tummy so darn full. Good thing that many turned up even the attendance from the guys' side was a bit slow but they came with a full gusto. We got reacquainted again, haven't seen some since school ends. Just hope that we manage to do this again in the future.

The girls

Yan & Qis at the back with the symbolic salam-salam raya pose for the sake of the picture taking, hehehe

Celebrated November birthday girls - Isem, Lynt, Nofie and her cute darling Farah and Nanie
the birthday guys are just to shy to join in the pic.

The guys - the picture was snagged from Zul's friendster page.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Raya Pertama

Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Days Before Raya
The point - Don't waste your breath
Monday, October 10, 2005
I went over to school today, just to look around and meet up with the people at the administration office. I saw Cikgu Fawziah Simon exiting the office - though I recalled her name few minutes after she went to her class. Too many new faces around and so one of the teachers ushered me to the GPK's room and met up with Ustaz Fauzi. He is one of the new teachers and I didn't know what came over me that I was speechless clutching the proposal letter in my hand.
Maybe its just the school. The office was still there along with everything else and I am impressed with the small pocket park adorned with Royal Palm. Ustaz Abdullah is still the Principal and the office is now air conditioned. Had a chat with Kak Kam, our clerk since KTAM years. Boy, I really miss the good old days. Guys, look at our school now.

Beautiful isn't it? Last time we only have tarmac at this area and that was the girls toilet - usually very congested after PE

Look, they put a stage on the foyer

Thursday, October 06, 2005
Months After
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Memoir of a Buruk Lantak

Sunday, September 18, 2005
The Day When My Primary School Seat-mate Got Married

Friday, September 16, 2005
When I Miss My Friends....
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Welcome To My World
The site The Workers
The Iron-Clawed Landscape Architect
We are chasing off with a dateline, everyone wants everything urgent. So anyway, where's my birthday wishes? Been 2 days already maa...
Sunday, September 04, 2005

A new account exec joined us on the first September. It was a blessing. Ms L asked me to join over when the interview was conducted on numerous candidates who showed up and it was a new experience. At the end of the day, they start calling me 'Puan'. Now thats a new one - I'm not married - yet. Do I look old already? Oh gosh. Good thing that Ms L and I have the same opinion about a candidate that we both feel comfortable with. Bad thing was giving out bad news to those who didn't make it and most of the time, I was the one who have to do it.
The season for tender submission has ended, with numerous contracts that we have to work upon and now is the season of project implementation. I am going to cry over the petrol usage for my car especially since the price is going up, up and up which from the rumour I heard would not stop until it went to RM2.oo per litre. That is freaking me out.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Famous For The Day
I even got a copy of my autograph too because it was on a carbon copy piece of paper. Here's the copy that I got.
Well of course, that 'nice person' asked for my driving licence before he asked me very politely to sign on that piece of paper. Since I sucked on acting and lying, I can't come up with a reasonable excuse for making that illegal turn. Well for one its good that the police wasn't the "mintak duit kopi" type of officer. Aarrgghhh now I have to turn up to the court. Darn.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Song Of The Day
Home Alone

Saturday, August 13, 2005
I'm Beautiful (Sangkanya!!!)
Sunday, July 31, 2005
I Dunno What I Did This Weekend (I Know lah)
- Attended a small reunion of the 2004 batch of B.L.A - All in a spur of a moment, Odiey messaged everyone and there I went to F1 and met up with everyone who was around in Serdang Friday night. In attendance - Wak, Miza, Odiey, Arul, Wuan Chin, Ah Hing, Chin Yeong, Imah. Shau Yean, her bf and Allan came a bit later. Heard Ah Ching will be making his way to Atlanta in October and curently submitting his works through the net. Gosh! Rindunya F1!!!!! Chicken Maryland yum.... aiyo, lapar. I mean I miss my friends, hehehe
- Waited outside the Dewan Besar UPM for my graduating friends - I got there way too early at 11am, so there I went, looking for flowers to give out to my friends. Good thing there were only 5 of them, hehehe. Tapa sms me to get flowers for him too since he's speeding from his office, so there I looked like a flower girl. Odiey and Carlos reached a little bit later. Found Jimmy, Ah Hing, Chin Yeong, Terence, Amy and Siang by the favourite 'White Jeep' outside the hall. Chin Yeong managed to snag some wild Zingiber to give out to our friends.
- Drama marathon (Engine & Good Luck) - Well what could I say? I'm a sucker for Takuya Kimura's Drama. Engine is brand new, courtesy of Bangbil and for Good Luck, make that 2nd time marathon. Hmm, sound like a typical couch potato to me.
- PC Fair - The yearly PC fair at CS. I was aiming for the RAM but too many people around and I sure hate the parking there. Wish I took the bus instead.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
You see, its like this.

Jari Telunjuk - Straight

How many people could point with their ring finger straight like the other fingers?
Which is normal and which is not?
I know my Mak can't get it straight either so that's 2 out of 2, but then again we're blood related.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince

Saturday, July 16, 2005
And Today Is....
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
15 must have songs in no particular order (for me lah) in my library (both office and home):-
- Diamond Dust - Kyosuke Himuro
- Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx
- First Love - Utada Hikaru
- Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
- With Or Without You - U2
- Maaf - Jikustik
- Every Heart - BoA
- Everything - Lifehouse
- Take Me Away - Lifehouse
- Name - Goo Goo Dolls
- M - Ayumi Hamasaki
- Another Day - Lemar
- When Love and Hate Collide - Def Leppard
- Sore Ga, Ai Deshou - Full Metal Panic OST (dunno who sings, thee hee hee)
- Down - Blink 182
Hmm.... now that I look from the list... Gosh! (not for me to disclose what I conclude of myself :p)
Monday, July 04, 2005
Rev Up Your Engine
Just got back home from watching Initial D and it rocks!!! Certainly worth the RM8 parking ticket (darn!) since GSC at Leisure Mall wasn't showing it (and the parking there is freee, darn!). Read and heard too many good reviews about the movie so there I went to CS right after work ends driven by a strong urge to find out just how good is the movie. I've never read the comic before but knowing Japanese manga, it has to be good.
The scene starts with an aerial vision of the road at Mount Akina which is of course the main setting of the whole movie. Don't compare it with Fast and Furious because certainly, different movies have their own strength. Its all about downhill race - no drugs, no undercover cops no good guy, bad guy etc etc, just racers showing off their best on the road though the guys from the Emperor team are way too cocky. After watching Fast and Furious and Too Fast Too furious I would like nothing more to have fancy, cool and fast car though after watching Initial D, I would certainly like to drive a Toyota Trueno Apex (AE86). How would your ego survive if a tofu delivery car, an AE86 to boot overtake your car and you're driving a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo III? Makes me wonder if I could do modifications on my Kancil. Hmmmmm...
One thing for sure, when the VCD hits the shop, I will be buying it. Edison Chen is so cool!!!!
My Name Is....
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Amusing Information for the Day
- A woman cancelled her wedding with her fiancee less than 24 hours from their supposed to be wedding. The groom in return called up his past girlfriends and proposed to every one of them until 1 of them said yes. They were married in the ceremony and no guest was notified about the change of the bride. This happened in Romania.
- This one might be gross - told Jeff first and he said, to quote "I'm going to have nightmares". A teenage boy was found to start mentsruating. No kidding. Make no mistake, this boy is not a hermaphrodite (khunsa) but he has started having it for few months already and been showing symptoms of a normal menstruation - stomach cramps, bouts of nausea, mood swings and of course the bleeding. In a way, feels like finally a man could feel what us women feel every month but then again now I think about it, that boy - and the people around him of course - are going to have a huge trouble every month if he has PMS. Okay I can't stop thinking this part away from my head. If, and I repeat IF he's gay... would he be pregnant? Aack!!! lari!!! nauzubillah. This happen in India.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Continued - 3rd Day in Bangkok
Colourful rows of Portulaca grandiflora and the comel lote bonsai

Sunday, June 19, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005
Second Day In Bangkok
Our tourist guide came and we started exploring. The journey from the hotel to the Grand Palace took about 15 minutes and on the way we were so full of inquiry on every building that we saw. Mr Ariya was great though honestly Ms Lee and I both don't like the feeling of people waiting on us and keeping time when we are going on a holiday which is why we were travelling on free & easy basis. There's a lot of things that covered up the Grand Palace visit which is the Royal Museum, Wat Phra Kaew and the Banquet Hall. The residential palace was off limit because the palace are still used by the first princess. The first stop was the Wat Phra Kaew which is the buddhist temple inside the palace area. The whole structure looks like it was made of gold though Mr Ariya said it wasn't. The architecture and the landscape was so beautiful which what Ms Lee pointed out, the Thais are very well established with their ornamental landscape of any kind. We were surprised to find out that the image on one of the coronation building was handpainted, not wall papered. We made a close inspection and saw that each object were a little bit different and too fine that no wall paper could be that.

Image of the Miniature Angkor Wat handcarved to stone and one shot of Wat Phra Kaew roof.

Image towards the Banquet Hall at the Grand Palace
We had lunch at the hotel which consist of rice, fried sea bass with mango salad, seaweed soup, fried squids, tofu soup and mixed vegetable. It was a feast though basically that was what we normally ate for our lunch over in Bangkok. True to what the driver who sent us to Changi Airport said, the rice in Thailand is heavenly and very fulfilling. After lunch Mr Lok decided that he would stay at the hotel with Mei Mei and San Ho since both of them are not feeling well. San Ho had food poisoning which we suspected because of last night's dinner at the stall in the Suan Lum Bazaar.
Ms Lee took San Yi and I to the roadside as soon as we were ready and hailed a cab to go to Pratunam. Interestingly enough, our taxi driver on that trip doesn't know much of english that to our amusement we were actually talking back in different languages without knowing what the others are saying. Ms Lee spoke English, the driver spoke thai though we managed to learn thai numbers along the way. Pratunam is very well known around the area for clothes and it was also kind of disconcerting to see that some of them sells eye-popping lingerie. I wonder if anyone would have the nerve to buy it. If its in an enclosed shop, people would but an open air market that sells clothing that actually only covers up the essential part... I don't know.
We were getting hungry and tired and so we chose to go to MBK Centre, one of the most well known shopping complex in Bangkok. Being curious on how the ride on the tuk-tuk feels, we hailed one at the junction bargaining with the drivers for the best price. We settled for one at 100 baht a ride since its already night time and it does remind us a lot on the James Bond riding off the tuk-tuk for the Visa card advertisement. The traffic in Bangkok as always was jammed and much to our delight (fright actually) the driver knows his way around town. The more we screamed, the more he sped and smiled and he actually made a crazy U- turn on the freeway that was filled with fast vehicles on both side which I swore if he's not good enough, the tuk-tuk would tip over. We were all very excited with the daredevil way he brought us to our destination. We gone through every alley and every houses' backyard that by the time we reached MBK we were kind of disappointed. Now we know why the visa advertisement featured the tuk-tuk.

Gratefully at the food court there are 2 muslim stalls, one selling thai food which look a lil bit weird for me and the other was the one selling indian food. So I chose nasi briyani - even if I don't like nasi briyani that much. We did a little more window shopping before finally taking a taxi back to our hotel. Our itinerary for the next day would be more full.