I was tagged by my yoga-babe-cousin, ninie/dayah and I am blabbing like crazy in my head because had I known I was tagged yesterday, I would buy something that would add something to my image. Here goes, my private bookrack for your perusal.
1) What is the total number of books you own?
Refer to the pictures below.

Total of what you see, right down to the accurate number is 148 (the books are double stacked back and front), not including a hefty numbers that people borrowed but haven't returned for ages and the hundreds inside my computer hard disk that I've downloaded. When I was in secondary school, the average price for paperbacks was RM21.00. When I was in university the price jumped to RM29.90. Currently the going price for a paperback is RM35.00 so it is kind of hard buying books around here since I haven't found book rental store as easy as I could find them in KL. In the end, I only buy books that I really really want and 100% sure that it is worth the money I spent. No money back policy on boring books *sighs.
2) What is the last book you bought?

Coincidentially I bought 2 today at MPH Leisure Mall this afternoon. Samurai Strategies by Boye Lafayette De Mente (beats me who he is but the book is for my brother A'an - and I'm going to read it before he bring it back campus) and Adam & Hawa by Aisya Sofea (my Aunty Bariah got me hooked on Alaf 21 books so don't ask me more :p)
3) What is the last book you read?
Adam & Hawa by Aisya Sofea a couple of hours ago *blushes. The most memorable lines I read at the end of the story:-
"Hawa dicipta dari tulang rusuk Adam,
Bukan dari kepalanya untuk dijadikan atasannya,
Bukan dari kakinya untuk dijadikan alasannya,
Melainkan dari sisinya untuk
dijadikan teman hidupnya,
Dekat pada lengan untuk dilindunginya,
dan dekat pada hati untuk dicintainya.
Jiwang karat beb, hehehe
4) What are you currently reading?
I've just finished a book today, so I would probably, as always flick through any books that I have in my collection and just revisit the best parts afterwards.
5) What are the 5 books that meant a lot to you?

- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I read the full literature version of this book for the first time when I was in form 4. I spoke weird the entire week at school afterwards - to my friends and even my english teacher during classes and on English day. Old english style. I don't know who borrowed this book but it was gone for years hence why you didn't see it in this line-up. So anyone who are reading this entry, I would want Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre for my birthday, hehehe.
- Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson
I have bought the book when it was still hot on the rack and I (cried &) fell in love with it immediately. I remember buying the book at Kinokuniya KLCC along with Dayah who bought an Ahadiat Akashah book (I forgot which title) on Valentine's Day (I forgot which year) because we only had each other to celebrate with (sounds pathetic, LOL). The book that you can see here was actually the second one that I bought since I don't know who took it off from my bookrack and haven't had the motivation to return it back to me. It was about love lost and dealing with it. The most important of all I learnt the lesson of 5 balls - Family, Integrity, Friends, Health & Work.
- Ghost by Danielle Steel
Again, about love lost and found, but this time the characters were jolted back into reality from their ever so gloomy life by an old diary filled with a memoir of a runaway abused wife from England. I got it hidden in my desk drawer, so it is still safe.
-Nothing Last Forever & Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon
It was actually 2 books in 1 so that still make it 1 book. Dayah gave the book Tell Me Your Dreams on my 21st B-day (or was it 22nd?) and yet again, someone borrowed it from me without my knowing and didn't have the motivation to return it back so I bought a new one. Of all Sidney Sheldon's book that I read, those 2 titles are the ones that Dayah and I love most. I remembered Dayah gushing wanting to find an architect for a husband after reading NLF and we both agreed that the characters in TMYD was brilliant and creepy. POP! goes the weasel...
- Oxford Dictionary of Current English
This dictionary have been with me for years since I lost my trusty Collins Pocket Dictionary in matriculation. I read the pocket dictionary for my english paper during SPM and now I am still doing it, flicking through the pages to learn new words. Still considered as a book right?
6) What book(s) do you wish to buy next?
- For this time being, I am waiting with bated breath for the final book of the Harry Potter saga. It would probably be out next year... or the year after, who knows. I could only wait for J.K Rowling to finish up her book and hoping like crazy that it would have a satisfactory ending since she killed off Sirius Black and Dumbledore in the books before. The rumour was that Harry would be killed. I would accept it if Harry is killed after Voldemort is dead in a duel or something. If J.K Rowling plans on killing Harry, I think some people out there might commit suicide like the last time someone knew Dumbledore died. Fanatics...
7) What book(s) that you've own for so long but never read it?
- Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter &... if Dayah knew this, she would kill me but... what the heck... Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas (because last time I was bugging her like crazy to buy me this book *run for cover. Ack!!)

8) Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
- My brother Nabil - the book that he bought, Christopher Pike's Remember Me when he was a teenager got me hooked up on reading. I haven't stopped reading and buying books ever since.
- A bookworm friend of mine since KTAM n SMKAJB days, Sue Mail. We swapped books and trying to write short stories to be circulated among our close friends - she loves Judith Mcnaught & Sidney Sheldon too, thee hee hee
- Nana, my sister through the net. She loves books and we both loves bookstores esp Kinokuniya in KLCC. Since Singapore is riddled with Kinokuniya and lots and lots of huge bookstores all over the island, we could only drool.
9) Your books collection in one picture:
- Number 1 barf factor :p
1) What is the total number of books you own?
Refer to the pictures below.

Total of what you see, right down to the accurate number is 148 (the books are double stacked back and front), not including a hefty numbers that people borrowed but haven't returned for ages and the hundreds inside my computer hard disk that I've downloaded. When I was in secondary school, the average price for paperbacks was RM21.00. When I was in university the price jumped to RM29.90. Currently the going price for a paperback is RM35.00 so it is kind of hard buying books around here since I haven't found book rental store as easy as I could find them in KL. In the end, I only buy books that I really really want and 100% sure that it is worth the money I spent. No money back policy on boring books *sighs.
2) What is the last book you bought?

Coincidentially I bought 2 today at MPH Leisure Mall this afternoon. Samurai Strategies by Boye Lafayette De Mente (beats me who he is but the book is for my brother A'an - and I'm going to read it before he bring it back campus) and Adam & Hawa by Aisya Sofea (my Aunty Bariah got me hooked on Alaf 21 books so don't ask me more :p)
3) What is the last book you read?
Adam & Hawa by Aisya Sofea a couple of hours ago *blushes. The most memorable lines I read at the end of the story:-
"Hawa dicipta dari tulang rusuk Adam,
Bukan dari kepalanya untuk dijadikan atasannya,
Bukan dari kakinya untuk dijadikan alasannya,
Melainkan dari sisinya untuk
dijadikan teman hidupnya,
Dekat pada lengan untuk dilindunginya,
dan dekat pada hati untuk dicintainya.
Jiwang karat beb, hehehe
4) What are you currently reading?
I've just finished a book today, so I would probably, as always flick through any books that I have in my collection and just revisit the best parts afterwards.
5) What are the 5 books that meant a lot to you?

- Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
I read the full literature version of this book for the first time when I was in form 4. I spoke weird the entire week at school afterwards - to my friends and even my english teacher during classes and on English day. Old english style. I don't know who borrowed this book but it was gone for years hence why you didn't see it in this line-up. So anyone who are reading this entry, I would want Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre for my birthday, hehehe.
- Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson
I have bought the book when it was still hot on the rack and I (cried &) fell in love with it immediately. I remember buying the book at Kinokuniya KLCC along with Dayah who bought an Ahadiat Akashah book (I forgot which title) on Valentine's Day (I forgot which year) because we only had each other to celebrate with (sounds pathetic, LOL). The book that you can see here was actually the second one that I bought since I don't know who took it off from my bookrack and haven't had the motivation to return it back to me. It was about love lost and dealing with it. The most important of all I learnt the lesson of 5 balls - Family, Integrity, Friends, Health & Work.
- Ghost by Danielle Steel
Again, about love lost and found, but this time the characters were jolted back into reality from their ever so gloomy life by an old diary filled with a memoir of a runaway abused wife from England. I got it hidden in my desk drawer, so it is still safe.
-Nothing Last Forever & Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon
It was actually 2 books in 1 so that still make it 1 book. Dayah gave the book Tell Me Your Dreams on my 21st B-day (or was it 22nd?) and yet again, someone borrowed it from me without my knowing and didn't have the motivation to return it back so I bought a new one. Of all Sidney Sheldon's book that I read, those 2 titles are the ones that Dayah and I love most. I remembered Dayah gushing wanting to find an architect for a husband after reading NLF and we both agreed that the characters in TMYD was brilliant and creepy. POP! goes the weasel...
- Oxford Dictionary of Current English
This dictionary have been with me for years since I lost my trusty Collins Pocket Dictionary in matriculation. I read the pocket dictionary for my english paper during SPM and now I am still doing it, flicking through the pages to learn new words. Still considered as a book right?
6) What book(s) do you wish to buy next?
- For this time being, I am waiting with bated breath for the final book of the Harry Potter saga. It would probably be out next year... or the year after, who knows. I could only wait for J.K Rowling to finish up her book and hoping like crazy that it would have a satisfactory ending since she killed off Sirius Black and Dumbledore in the books before. The rumour was that Harry would be killed. I would accept it if Harry is killed after Voldemort is dead in a duel or something. If J.K Rowling plans on killing Harry, I think some people out there might commit suicide like the last time someone knew Dumbledore died. Fanatics...
7) What book(s) that you've own for so long but never read it?
- Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter &... if Dayah knew this, she would kill me but... what the heck... Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas (because last time I was bugging her like crazy to buy me this book *run for cover. Ack!!)

8) Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
- My brother Nabil - the book that he bought, Christopher Pike's Remember Me when he was a teenager got me hooked up on reading. I haven't stopped reading and buying books ever since.
- A bookworm friend of mine since KTAM n SMKAJB days, Sue Mail. We swapped books and trying to write short stories to be circulated among our close friends - she loves Judith Mcnaught & Sidney Sheldon too, thee hee hee
- Nana, my sister through the net. She loves books and we both loves bookstores esp Kinokuniya in KLCC. Since Singapore is riddled with Kinokuniya and lots and lots of huge bookstores all over the island, we could only drool.
9) Your books collection in one picture:
- Number 1 barf factor :p
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