Monday, October 11, 2004

Manic Monday

Monday, a very 'lovely' day that marks the starting of the week and also the least favourite day among all day there is. Reached to the office with a locked door that barred me away from my office. The thing is, we have never locked the blue wooden door at the ground floor and so does the occupant at the lawyer's office on the first floor because we don't have a key for it. Due to some mix up and some lack experience with how we lock the doors, the new kid working for the lawyer office did not know about the door.

Our friendly neighbours tried to help but it doesn't work. Went out to find a locksmith and it was a blessing to find one at 9am in the morning. We made a joke to pay a close attention to the locksmith when he was trying to pick the lock and guffawed with laughter when he himself had a tough time picking it and resorted to banging the door knob with a hammer. Definitely not an effective method for breaking into a house. We finally got into the office at 10 and by that time there were barely any minute to lose because of the quotations that is dued by noon and it was hectic. (Okay but for now bosses have a meeting so I have time alone). Our workers are currently banging away in the store for our new bookshelf and it was hard paying attention to what I was trying to do.

Another not so good thing was my boss handed me an invitation for an anual dinner for Institution of Surveyors at Mutiara Hotel for tonight. I have packed out for a night away from home and formal dress is definitely not included in my bag unless they could consider a cardigan and jeans formal - not likely.


Its official, I hate Mondays.

Oh and did I forget to mention that I am temporarily single?

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