Friday, December 22, 2006
Bittersweet Symphony
that's life....
Well okay, I got the offer for KPLI
I'm happy XD
Just that I got located to
So far >_<
Well, it would be okay as long as I got internet connection -_-
HANA YORI DANGO 2 starts this coming 5th January 0.O
Will I be able to dl it there when I start school? o.o
Another thing...
How about my weekly dose of Mago-mago and Arashi no shukudai-kun?
mind-boggling @_@
Either way, I'm grateful m(_ _)m
Monday, December 18, 2006
Boringness drabble
1. NICKNAME AT HOME? Diah by everyone, jendol by my sister -_-;
2. WHAT COLOUR PANTS ARE YOU WEARING? Black streaky jeans (worn off black jeans for site work. Definitely not good for formal presentations)
3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The sound of the fan swishing with Zai, my office-mate speaking to herself
5. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? rice with telur goreng and vege.
6. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOUR WOULD YOU BE? Black with red streaks in it (i know it's not available anywhere, hehehe)
8. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? A very incensed plantation manager
9. FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? The eyes, with glasses the better, hehehe and of course the smile lah
10. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT YOU THIS? nobody send this to me stole it from Aina's
12. FAVOURITE NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK? Green Tea, of any brand - Pokka, Shizen, JusTea
14. FAVOURITE SPORTS? Volleyball
15. HAIR COLOUR? dark brown
16. EYE COLOUR ? dark Brown
17. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS ? nope, got 20/20 vision hehehe
18. SIBLINGS ? 4
20. FAVOURITE FOOD ? for now, I would say.... hmmm Maggi Kari, hehehe
24. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? Well, hmmmm I think so la
25. DO YOU LIKE MARMITE? Salty, hate it
26. SUMMER OR WINTER? winter - snuggle time and hibernating YEAY!! hehehe
27. HUGS OR KISSES? both ^_^ just need to find a willing frog to be kissed by me, hahaha
32. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS? with my parents and sometimes with my uncle. it varies
33. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? I got dozen of them lined up in my hard disk to be read.
34. DID YOU WAKE UP BEFORE YOUR ALARM WENT OFF THIS MORNING? I don't need an alarm to wake up
38. FAVOURITE CRISPS? Pringles Sour Cream and Onion
40. FAVOURITE FLOWER? Cuphea ignea
45. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? bought myself a new keitai, thee hee hee
47.WHAT ARE YOU DOING ONCE THIS IS FINISHED? clean the desk and go home
48.WHAT DO YOU WISH YOU WERE DOING AFTER THIS? home, watching Arashi old con and drooling on the recently bought Sho poster I got in Singapore
Monday, December 11, 2006
Faceless Hero
You're the balm that sooth my faze,
Your voice remains a mystery,
Your messages soothes me,
I never knew you,
But the thoughts of you calms me,
Simple words mean so much,
Daily or weekly,
The feeling would be the same,
Moments of distrust gone to smoke,
You're not here,
But you're close,
One step at a time,
Would be for the best or for worst?
To be where we are,
My hero without a face.
ps: I'm writing poetry again, yikes x_x
Friday, December 08, 2006
Cinta Ialah...
I actually managed to drag my uncle and aunt to the movie, along with my cousin Irra of course. We went straight after I finished my work - though the movie started at 8.00pm. Parking was as always, hard at the City Square area but we managed to squeeze into a tight spot at the Public Bank area.
The cinematography was good. Overall on the storyline, some part are quite uncomfortable some are poignantly tear-jerking and some are just downright cheesy. If I cried once during a movie or drama you could bet that I would watch it again and again. But then... I think I lost count on how much I actually did so I'd say probably give the movie just another one round when the VCD is out, only to accompany my mom. It would be good if they inject a little bit more of humour part so it would be a wee bit brighter other than the short crack lyric by Dhani's friend by the roadside. Not to say that I say I like it to be a humourous movie. It's just that a little bit addition of it would be nice. Anyway that's just my opinion ^_^
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Post- Bangkok
Friday, November 24, 2006
Rurouni Kenshin
Kagen no Tsuki (Descending of Moon)...
I've seen it before and I love it since it was kinda Rurouni Kenshin-ish a.k.a Samurai X. It is one of my all time favourite manga - got me even buying the whole collection at a time. We were having a discussion in MIRC once about who we want to see playing the characters in Rurouni Kenshin. Wenna was dead set on having Jun as Kenshin. Dun relented since she wants Ohno to be Soujiro - the heartless but always smiling assassin. Sho as Sanosuke (if i get it right.. or was it Aiba and that Toma be Aoshi?) and Nino since he looks bratty, he'd be Yahiko. Hajime Saito would be played by none other than Odagiri Joe - he kicks ass as Hajime Saito in Shinsengumi.
Though... after watching the video, I think Koichi might fit the bill, hehehehe. Well, take a look for yourself :D
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Missing You....
Since 13 years old, I lived among a group of friends - big groups of friends that shared priceless memories. As we aged, I realized that the big groups that I used to live with becomes smaller. We move away in pursuit of our dreams, our own life, families, responsibilities. No one is able to stay put in the same age for more than the allocated time.
I miss playing volleyball & netball with my friends. I miss the jukebox-sing-your-heart-out at the studio and dormitory. I miss making misfit in class - falling asleep more likely than anything else. I miss the daily-2-hours-sleeping-in-the-studio at night time with fellow buddies making make-shift bed out of chairs & tables and even some slept on the torn up soft board as a mat on the floor (that would be Miza and I ^_^;). I miss playing guitar with Man & Azhar. I miss the 3am kedai mamak supper. I miss the late night maggi mee in the dormitory with the kettle that I managed to smuggle in to the hostel. I miss having to stash my walkman from the prefects knowledge.
I found this video recorded by Ije during our final year in one of my old back-up CDs (and since not many read this blog, I feel safe posting it here). The song title... I forgot. This is the song that Azhar and I performed during our Malam Inderaloka - Final Year Dinner. Written by Azhar, sung by Azhar and I (which I actually forgot a line during the performance and made my own lyric, which of course made Azhar both peeved and relieved at the same time for the quick make up). Just in case you heard it, he made me sing with low tone Pearl-Jam-ish way, huhuhu. Oh and this was when I was 78 kg, thee hee hee.
The memories will still remain..."
Sunday, November 12, 2006

What do I think about it? I love it despite what others said about the movie not respecting the original plot whatsoever but the CG character like Ryuk sure needs a polish up. If Rem is going to make an appearance in the Death Note 2... better not say anything about it first. Now that I have read the manga, I'd say Light is far more evil in the movie. The plot is faster and let me just say that having Light as a law student in the movie makes him more powerful in a way than the Light as a high school student. He's even more darker and frightening. Mello and Near is not in the movie (I wonder if they would make an appearance in the next). As much as it was in the manga... I don't like Misa's (bllergh) character that much. Death Note 2 hurry up!!!!
Gym starts next week, time to lose!!!!!
Hellooooo Clark Hatch ^_^
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Paluan Hujan ^-^;

Anyway, I reached Kota Tinggi on a Sunday morning since my uncle, Pak Din needed someone to drive his family to the wedding because of his accident. I definitely love the thought of driving his Limited Edition Wira, hehehehe. Earlier before, on Saturday as I was about to hang my clothes at the door of Irra's room I was dumbstruck. My clothes were actually the same shade of purple of the door and the wrapping paper for the presents from them - uwaaaah. Even took a picture for the humour of it. I was thinking that it won't be much of a problem unless the wedding was held for that particular cousin at that same particular house.
I was wrong.
As I reached at the wedding venue in Kota Tinggi again I was dumbstruck. No one told me that the whole theme was going to be PURPLE!!!!!!
Purple theme aside, the crowd was adding up by afternoon and by Zohor, Chah was being surrounded by 3 mak andams, being our cousins of course - Irra, Ana & Ayiet armed with their bags full of cosmetics and stuff. If Dayah was there, I bet that it would be explosive ^_^; It was a havoc - a clash of thoughts between 4 person. It was amusing at one glance. Ana was saying the colour was not enough, Ayiet was saying Chah's eyes needed some light colours, Irra was saying there's something not enough and Chah was protesting that the colour was too bold. Since I don't even have a clue to even apply eyeshadow or the importance of the face foundation, I left the bride's & groom's room for the preparation of the banquet table. Suhaina, my ex-high school classmate was present but at that moment I was kind of tied up checking the food & plate for the main dining table.
The groom's entourage reached there kind of 30 minutes early but it was fine since nearly all the food was in place. I would say that if they reached on time, they might be drenched in rain.
As always, every wedding especially for close knit families are tiring as the day ends but I enjoyed every minute of it. It was when all of us would get together and do our best to make the wedding a success or at least make a huge havoc out of it, hehehe.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Short Note of the Day
I just strongly advices my boss to hire a new admin exec because she listed beginner Japanese language speaker in her resume, which of course I did not say that out loud ^_^;
She's hired, hehehe.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Flags Of Our Fathers & Letters From Iwojima
The latest trailer for Letter's from Iwojima was out and everyone in the forum & blogs were spazzing about it. Of course since our prized prankster Nino was in it ^_^
Synopsis wise these 2 movies are actually about 1 battle from 2 point of views. Flags Of Our Fathers was the war from the American's view while Letters From Iwojima was from the Japanese. Clint Eastwood directed these 2 movies and to make it even better, he produced these movies along with Steven Spielberg XD
Darn Eastwood is just so good in making people wait in anticipation. Nino was filming the movie in May got back in June (or was it July?) and now it's already November. Flags of our Fathers was released in October, followed by LFW which is going to be released in December. Looking at the cinema schedule in Malaysia... Flags will be released in February 06. Gila. Wonder when Letters frm Iwojima would be released here - if it is going to be shown here. But then I don't mind that much as long as the cinemas in Singapore would show it (^_^);
Flags of Our Father & Letters From Iwojima Combo Trailer
Letters From Iwojima Trailer
I've shown A'an the trailer - well actually baiting him with it since he's a war movie junkie and I must say that he was very impressed that he started to promote the movie to his friends who were online XD
Somehow I know I am having a bit of trouble adjusting my view seeing Nino as a father o.0
I've said it before but I am saying this again - he already found the fountain of youth. Looking at his chibi pictures, there weren't any different in how he looked like before and now - hairstyles aside that is.
Wey Gundek Nino, Kachang kakkoi ne~~~
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sayonara Tomodachi
It's Aidah's last day working at the company...
Feeling sabishii already T_T
No one to spaz about Arashi, J-drama and J-pop during work day
No one to cover me up when necessary
No one to swap CD with
No one to talk to at work (bosses not included)
*teary eyes*
SABISHII, uwaaaa!!!!!
Dedicating Seaside Bye Bye to Aidah - mata itsuka ne~~~~ *waves*
Hontouni arigatou for introducing me to Arashi by baiting Jun in Gokusen.
And for those baka-session mixing Japanese with English and Malay.

Monday, October 30, 2006
Heave Ho, Time to Get Back To Work -_-;
For those who are still on a holiday - enjoy yourself.
To those who starts work today - enjoy yourself (*bleh*)
I think today might mark as a collective monday blues day for everyone *_*
Friday, October 27, 2006
4th Day
Went off to Singapore with Dayah, her beau and his cousin today.
While they were in the shopping frenzy, I went to my normal spot - Kinokuniya, HMV & MISE... but much to my irritation MISE was closed, grahhhhhhhh. It was supposed to be open everyday *harrumph*. Called Mimit. Too bad there were not enough time to go and beraya at her house.
Gomennasai, Mit m(_ _)m
Managed to get my hands on December issue of Popolo which features Arashi... in bed with red coverlet (#_#)
I don't have a scanner so all the credit goes to fybabe.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
3rd Raya
At the end of the day I accompanied Dayah to the hair dresser for her regular hair-dressing session. It was kind of sudden, though I decided to cut my hair. The hair that I left uncut for more than 2 years. Melancholic or sad when I got the hair cut? Not that much but I did bring some of it back home. Sayang beb.
Well that was just some portion of my hair but what was being cut was actually longer than that. Now I felt like my head is few pounds lighter (^_^)V
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Selamat Hari Raya
Selamaaat Hari Rayaaaaaaaa
Hari untuk kita bersukariaaaaaaa
Since I was at my sister's mercy to get the kain of the baju kurung done... I ended up still sewing the hook by the time our first visitor came (-_-); I would say the morning was quite a havoc. Mak was ironing my abah's clothes, my sister was in charge of getting the food for the mosque ready and I was put in charge of cooking the only thing left in the menu - chicken in soy sauce with sambal goreng. Pushed my sister to finish off my kain (since I dunno how) if she wants me to send the food to the neighbours and finally, my baju raya was done in at 10am, huhuhu.
First off, to my atuk sedare's house in Kangkar Pulai and then to my uncle's house in Skudai Baru just in time as the rain pours down like cats and dogs. Everyone was soaked wet so there we waited for the clothes in the dryer to dry off before we could go anywhere at all. I suppose, going to Pak Din's house was a grest idea since not long after 'Bawang Merah Bawang Putih' ended on TV my other uncle arrived with his family and sometime later another one reached there. Now that is just the perfect time to get our family picture done - not that the whole 10 families could be there at once, 4 is just okay.
I couldn't breathe when the visitations ends. My stomach was already in a havoc - too much ketupat and rendang on the first day of raya is already too much. Not to mention with the additional cheese spaghetti at the end of the tourage at Pak Mi's house, I was near to explode which proven to be accurate since I had to keep on waking up in the middle of the night for my toilet sessions. Penat, huhuhu.
Selamat Hari Raya everyone!!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Drag drag drag....
- Sew the baju raya and get it done before 1st Syawal.
- Bake cookies and some cake - have to be done a day before raya.
- Clean up the house.
- Scrub all the grime and dirt from my car.
- Hunt for RM1 or RM5.
Since my current site is at Taman Delima - next to Taman Daya and near to Jusco Tebrau, I set off to find some baking ingredients that my mak passed me in the morning. It turned out to be a headache since my mak did not specify how much is a box of cornflakes that we need - jumbo size? normal size? small? or how many gram of butter that she wanted me to get... 10 blocks of 500g butter or 10 blocks of 250g butter? Aisehmen... I guess if it was the age before handphone existed, I might end up buying too much of everything ^_^;
My feet were killing me and my stomach was growling. After dispensing the groceries to my car, I head back, in quest for food. Since I watched Arashi no shukudai-kun in the morning with them eating tako tentacles tempura, my tummy was craving for Japanese food. Went to Sushi King and honestly it was weird eating alone during breaking fast since everyone came with friends and family. I guess it would be normal if it's lunch time but then again, what do I care I was just hungry. While waiting for my beef yakiniku set to come, went to kacau Dee a bit through smses (gomenne Dee, tak beli Nana or sekai no chuushin sebab ternampak Tsubasa Chronicles movie, hehehe).
Oh and before that, went to Harris again and My Boss My Hero has arrived. I chose to skip the boxset since I already choked with laughter reading the synopsis at the back of the boxset. It went like, not that accurate lah but more or less - 'Sakaki Makio adalah seorang pengurus (or was it pengarah?) kumpulan "Kanto Sharp Fang" bla bla bla yang telah dipaksa ke sekolah tinggi kerana menggagalkan perjanjian bernilai 27 billion'. Pengurus kumpulan? It would be easier if they put 'waris kumpulan yakuza Kanto Sharp Fang' now won't it?. 100% ayat skema, huhuhu.
I suddenly developed a very strong urge to listen all NewS songs - esp Cherish, Hadashi No Cinderella Boy and Sayaendo (how many groups could sing a song titled grean peas without sounding funny? LOL). Well I actually cleaned the whole CPU off of NewS and KATTUN (erk!) stuff thinking I wouldn't want to hear them again, I was wrong. Good thing I saved those songs on Aidah's PC so nothing's lost... well maybe I have to ask for anyone to upload I.ZA.NA.I.ZU.KI for me, huhuhu. I'd probably have to blame Tegoshi for it since he was in My Boss My Hero. Then again I might have to blame Johnny for it since he put Nagase & Tegoshi in it XD.
Quoting comments from Mimit's LJ about Jin's sudden 'Off-Time' from KT... KATTUN loses their A, which cut it short to KTTUN... reshuffle again ... you might get KNTUT XD
Tomorrow's the last day at work before raya, yatta!!!!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Few More Days... and Counting
Sunday, October 15, 2006
5 more days to cuti raya, yeay!!!
P.S: Intan & Mail, kalau korang baca ni aku nak alamat korang a.s.a.p
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Soundtrack to My Life
So, here's how it works:
1. Open your music library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
Opening Credit:
Amrita/Nectar rain - Yui Makino (Already a sad song in the opening ^_^;)
Waking Up:
Runaway Train - Arashi (Wow, yeah!!!!)
First Day At School:
15th Moon - Arashi (Are... first day dah berangan?)
Falling In Love:
Kissu Kara Hajimeyou - Arashi (Uwaahhhhh)
Fight Song:
All Or Nothing - Arashi (Right On!!!!)
Breaking Up:
Kizuna/Bond - Kamenashi Kazuya (*Cringe*)
Blue - Arashi (Uwaahhhh a slow song to dance to)
Life's OK:
Dareka no Negai ga Kanaukoro/When Someone's Dream Come True - Utada Hikaru (Sedihnya T_T)
Mental Breakdown:
Tochuu Gesha / Stop over - Arashi (Okaylah)
Tokyo Lover's Tune Tonight - Arashi (Erk.. sound too jazzy for my ears 0.o)
Sore Ga Ai Deshou/I Guess That's Love - Mikuni Shimokawa (Schweeeeetttttt)
Getting Back Together:
Misore - Kinki Kids (Eh?!)
Okay, Alright! Koi Wo Shiyou - Arashi (The tune is hardly... suitable ^_^;)
Birth of Child:
Fuyu No Nioi - Arashi (WEY!!!!!!! It's suppose to be a happy procession, not a break-up event *ketuk ketuk winamp*)
Final Battle:
Blue - Utada Hikaru (Erk... okaylah)
Death Scene:
Yasei Wo Shiritai - Arashi (Too genki to be morbid la, this song)
Funeral Song:
Fly Away - Nelly (Erm... suitable. Tapi, wey baca yassin daaaaaaa lagi bagus)
End Credits:
Fairyland - Ayumi Hamasaki (Yes, life is more or less like a fairyland)
The Soundtrack for the Sequel to My Life:
Opening Credit:
Kitto Daijoubu/Definitely Fine - Arashi (Uwahhhh, good opening. Raki Raki beiby, whoaaaa)
Waking Up:
Keep Trying - Utada Hikaru (Surely yes - keep trying to wake up, ROFLMAO)
First Day At School:
Asu Ni Mukatte Hoeru - Arashi (Hmmm.....not bad - priceless bellow, LOL)
Falling In Love:
Diamond Dust - Kyosuke Himuro (Uwahhhhhh, ima wa loving youuuuuuu....)
Fight Song:
Simon - Lifehouse (I felt the same? o.0)
Breaking Up:
Be My Last - Utada Hikaru (*faints*)
Sunrise Nippon - Arashi (So hip and funky, bwahahahahahahaha)
Life's OK:
All Or Nothing - Arashi (Sounds good)
Mental Breakdown:
Paretto/Pallette - Arashi (Someone should be there for me not me be there for them when i'm on a mental breakdown, Lolz)
Yasashite Sukoshi Baka/A little bit stupid - Aiba Masaki (Arashi) (I'm with you Aiba!!!!!)
More Than Words - Frankie J (I Like Xtreme version more than this one, gerghhh)
Getting Back Together:
Crazy Ground No Ousama/ King of the Crazy Ground - Arashi (*falls-over)
Hands to Heaven - Breathe (Doa, jangan tak doa. Romantic, waaaaaaah)
Birth of Child:
Jam - Arashi (Erk.... I feel like jamming up... and then give birth? o.0)
Final Battle:
Aerial - Kotani Kinya (YOSHI!!!!!)
Death Scene:
Kimi Wa Sukoshi Mo Warukunai/You're Not That Bad - Arashi (Erk.... *_*)
Funeral Song:
Rainy Day - Ayumi Hamasaki (Uwahh sedih..... but still, baca yassin la wey ^_^;)
End Credits:
Wings - Utada Hikaru (Fly away!!!!!!!)
Friday, October 06, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
First Day Puasa
Selamat Berpuasa semua!!!!
I managed to finish watching this week's Mago Mago Arashi, can't resist from making some caps. It's Nino and Oh-chan's turn. Unlike before where Nino were banished to the kitchen with the obaasan, kinda realized that lately he spent more time with the jiisan. Well he does have a golden hand with cooking (he could really really cook, no kidding) so watching the other guys cooking with baasan... makes me cringe. For instance, this week's episode Oh-chan was trying to cook and do his own alteration for the first time which was a catastrophe.

I cringed looking at the amount of sugar, salt, soy sauce and chilli sauce that he puts in the pan. The way he said 'umai' afterward was thoroughly unconvincing. And the result.... everyone was very quiet during lunch and kept taking the miso soup with rice. Even Nino who are usually outspoken turned quiet. Poor Oh-chan, hehehe

As for Nino, he helped jiisan with the horse-ride tour. When jiisan gave Nino the reign....
Nino: Kou-chan shuppatsu! (Kou, jalan)

Kou-chan: Tak moh
Nino: Kou-chan shuppatsu!!

Kou-chan: Tak moh!!!!
Nino: Kou-chan SHUPPATSU!!!!

Kou-chan: TAK MAU!!!!
Keh keh keh, poor Nino too.
I just love the picture that was taken together at the end of the show - with Ohchan's catastrophe.

Every episode of Mago Mago is heartwarming.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Selamat Berpuasa!!!

Another Saturday which I managed to get off on time ^_^
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Ntah Apapela
I was a Biologist - of all the subjects that I learnt Biology is not actually one of my favourite. And I was a Biologist who were learning on the habit of a colony of ants in a laboratory filled with other lab-coated collegue. Then suddenly I participated in a treasure hunt - more or less like an episode of Arashi's Ultra Strong Game in Australia only that the guys are not in my dream. There were blue, black, grey and white team. Gomen Sho, no red team for you. The interesting part came when Jerry Yan, former F4 was my bf, Kimura Takuya was my nemesis and Takeuchi Yuko was my bestfriend in my dream, wahahahaha.
It was a fun dream though weirdly enough during a break time of the hunt Yuko-chan managed to conjure a box-set of soba from the greens. Weird.
Nampak sangat that I need a long break. Last but not least - I can't resist from making some caps out of last week's G No Arashi. Poor Rida@Oh-chan for landing into the batsu game box for Aiba Suguroku - the chikubi t-shirt and the squid knit scarf, yuck! and a huge round of hahahahaha *gelak guling-guling all over the place*.

The lethal boardgame by Aiba

Rida, daijoubu desuka? Looks spastic already with the scarf 'dripping' down. Euw!!

Finally my ichiban kena something - have his picture taken through a glass while kissing it. chuuuu ^3^
Monday, September 18, 2006
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Boiling Point
I worked my arse off for what? I am not paid for overtime yet I work extra by bringing work home and even sometime stayed at the site up to 12 am. At the site For no pay and still she barked like I have all the time in the world to get ALL the designs and at the same time work at the site. Where is the common sense? When they do a mistake, all they have to say - sorry my girl made a mistake. Now the clients think that I am a lousy staff while in fact I acted on what I was told.
The staff have no medical benefits, 10 days of annual leave with only 10 days of public holiday. My car is like a belacan because of what? Because they treat my car as the company car by putting all those work tools and even plants. I've said it right - plants in my Kancil. 2 and a half year of bs is enough and I don't want to be subjected to more of that.
I was barked at the site which was in the middle of the road, witnessed by tons of people. She heard my voice tone changed after I went to the other site and yeah, as predicted when she returned to the office she changed her tune and suddenly become extra nice to me and suddenly discuss about the trip to Bangkok. Why? Because before me, no one could stand to work with them for more than a MONTH.
The accountant quit in just 4 days of work after seeing the admin exec being barked at in a hard way. The admin exec of 1 year sent her resignation notice yesterday, the site supervisor wants to quit by the end of the month and I'm following suit. I know I would be subjected for 2 months of pure psychological battle but I've had enough.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Yabai yabai... yabai
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
- A full expense trip to see Arashi perform in Bangkok on 7th October - so near yet I can't go T__T
- A new handphone (*mine is completely 'bisu' and ringtoneless but it's peaceful though*) - preferably the one that have mp3 ringtone, mp3 player (duh), photo and video caller ID - and preferably a Samsung SGH-E870, hehehe.
- A DVD-RW drive for my PC.
- An external hard drive - 120GB is totally wow.
- A full collection of C, D, V, G No Arashi, Waza Ari, Mago Mago Arashi, Mayonaka (*lol).
That's about that then ^__^
Oh I forgot. A complete wallop and thrashing in the head for the owner of the number 016-6826505 for giving me miss-calls countless of time esp late at night. I don't know who the heck you are and good thing that my phone is quiet.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I Love My Weekend Report
Teriyaki chicken, Beef bowl with vege and beef bowl complete meal.
Afterwards we went some browsing at some mobile phone shop for some prospective 'future to buy' phones. Dee was smitten by the Motorola Pebl while myself, the new Samsung SGH-E870. It's simple, it's white, it's rectangle. Did I mention that it is simple? So, my birthday is coming up next week... could someone give me that as a present? *doe-eyes* wahahahaha. Then we went for my favourite green tea ice cream at the Legend of Tea. Umai! Amai! Oishii~~~
And so we hunted a few some unlucky candidate to be our photographer for the day near the Maxis promotional booth in front of Harris while being watched kind of weirdly by the guys at the booth *kowaii~~*
Dee and I was detained by one of the Maxis promoters while Irra was being stolen from us by the Maxis guy. Few seconds afterwards while I was engaged in a "Buy-this-you-get-this-free" session, Dee was stolen away - for a game of Uno Stacko, hahahaha. After buying a top-up card from the promoter, I went for the Lara Do S - minor sports banchou mode - document the happenings of course XD
Gundek Nino VS Maxis Guy No. 2
Dee's game session ended early with the Maxis guy being the structure destroyer and was awarded a Maxis notepad with the hanging stuff thingy. As for Irra, the game went one for nearly an hour and during that time she managed to attract a sizable group of viewers/fans who cheered for her. It was gruelling though, in the end she won the game, banzai!!! Because of the long period she was given a Maxis bag.
We went back to Irra's home and gone through a marathon of August's G No Arashi that I've burnt earlier on. It was crack going through the Sho X Ohno Picture Match Pt 2, Aiba's A No Arashi and Minor Sports Pt 4 episode. My uncle's and my aunt's attention managed to veer off of Siti Nurhaliza & Datuk K's wedding reception at the other TV with Aiba's baka experiment, hehehe.
It was a fun weekend. Dee!! Next time boleh spend weekend lagi!!! Yatta!!!!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
I Love My Weekends!!!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Otanjoubi Omedetou!!!!!
My ability in Japanese is very limited, but this one would suffice.
Ahh..... the faces of Jun - though looking at his chibi pics made me feel like a paedo *shivers.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Memory Loss
The guys were not laughing at Oh-chan's Mona Lisa especially Jun who gelak guling-guling. They laughed because they finally could make sense what picture this was
The embarrassed perpetrator.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Random Rant
Just a random rant for this week's entry. After weeks of working on-site suddenly the thought of going back to the office with the bosses breathing behind my back does not seem so appealing. There were of course meetings to attend, deadline to meet, quotations to make and not forgetting complaints to be taken care of. The week is mixed with some good and bad events - of course, no one could expect everything to go as rosy as they want. I had to change my tyre again by the side of the road in less than a month. The first was at the construction site when I accidentally drove onto the nail on the road. Good thing was that there were my collegues around to change the tyre for me. The next was early this week when I realized, the same tyre that I change was already damaged with the wire went out of it - I thought my car needed some balancing work when my steering wheel went berserk everytime I drove which of course was wrong. It was in the middle of the night and gladly that I stopped at the petrol kiosk nearby.
My lil brother went back home and being a good sister that I am (yelah tu, hehehe) I made spaghetti which was proven a little bit too hot for an Italian food ^^; (I can't help it that I love spicy food).
Have I told you about my attempt of making my own daifuku (Japanese rice cake with red bean paste) since I could not find it sold in JB? Well this is what it turned out to be as I followed the recipe I got from the internet step-by-step.
And this is what it is supposed to look like.
Apparently it was out of shape and out of taste. First try is a failure, gotta try again or maybe just ask one of my friends to buy and courier it up for me from KL - providing that it would stay consumable after a few days, hehe.
My order of Arashi goods had arrived - Arashic Limited Edition, Aozora Pedal Limited Edition A and Lafapoi's tumpang sekaki Aozora Pedal Limited Edition B. Ahhh sugoi!!
I know that my cousin Irra and I jokingly said that our dream guy would be combination of Arashi members - Jun's face, Sho's physical, Nino's ability to play guitar, Ohno's drawing skills, Aiba's genkiness and bakawaii attitude, Sho's intellect since he's the only one with a degree from Keio University - the third best uni in Japan. Then again that is just a gibberish rant of fangirls, muahahaha.
As for yesterday went for a walk alone at Jusco Tebrau (sabishii *_*). As always went to buy some lunch and afterwards heading to Harris - the giant bookstore with a music & video section which sells Japanese and Korean dramas and CDs. Though I would call it my almost perfect hide-away in JB since they don't have issues of Wink-Up, Myojo, Duet etc etc and that the J-albums there are mainly consists of Ayumi Hamasaki and W-inds. I bought Hero SP which is the continuation of Hero - totally cool since at the end it indicated that Kuryu Kouhei (Takuya Kimura) is called back to Tokyo XD. Guess that was why I dreamt of him few nights back dressed kakkoily in black. Fullmetal Alchemist - Conqueror of Shambala - I totally love the Elric brothers and their power of transfiguration and lastly Umizaru (Sea Monkey - no kidding). Not about monkeys of course. It was about a team of selected candidate for the Japan Coast Guard. Can't help but saying "Kakkoi ne" throughout the movie *sighs.
Another good news, I would keep it for myself (and apparently known to only few people) until I get it and confirmed as I don't want to jinx it. Just wish me luck in my future endevours ^^V