Let me tell you a story of a girl. When she was in primary school, she loved to go to the dentist so much. Her mother worked at the district dental clinic as a clerk and she spent most of her time after kindergarten there. She loved the huge toothbrush they use to show the way to brush properly, she loved the big teeth model they put on display and in short she loved everything and everyone at the dental clinic, including the late Dr. T.J Ganesan who kept patting her head and Dr Mak who were busy 24/7.
She loved it so much that she always look forward for her tooth to be pulled out or caries to be patched in. She even pulled out her neighbour's tooth using a very sharp pencil when they were playing doctor (no kidding there).
Well that was not what happened to the girl now.
Yeah, she still love to visit the dentist and she still look forward for a scaling session. But she was putting off seeing the dentist for years because she knew she had a very healthy wisdom tooth that needed to be pulled out.
In 2002, she had gone through a minor surgery because her lower left wisdom tooth grew out horizontally instead of vertically. Back then the upper pair was still growing. Needless to say, that wisdom tooth were still healthy and she had to spend 30 minutes with too many anesthetic injected to her gum to make her feel numb. They cut the tooth and extracted the roots one by one. They had to inject her once more because the anesthetic worn off during the pulling session. Not a good experience. When the upper pair grew, it occupied the empty space down there and food kept sticking in between the wisdom tooth and the tooth in front.
So one day, the girl who had grown into a woman had to go for a medical check up so she could not avoid the visit to the dentist. As she predicted the dentist listed her up for an appointment that very afternoon.
She was scared. The dentist looked young and brand new and sang along to the radio when she did her check - keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding love - in this context, that song is freaky. The dentist injected her gum with anesthetic and sent her out of the surgery room with her face swollen and numb. 10 minutes after, she was called back and the dentist went on extracting the tooth. The hard part was to control her saliva since the suction machine was damaged by lightning. The good news was that she did not feel a thing. The bad news was one of her roots grew to be bent so the tooth broke and a small part of it was left inside. So the woman have to go for a second appointment to get the root out on 30th of December.
Okayla, as requested, ni lah die gambar gambar dari wedding. Sebenarnye gambar official tak dapat lagi sebab aku kat Seri Kembangan, tak sempat jumpa photographer lagi. Banyak lagi kat phone tapi well, aku upload ape yang ade ajelah eh :D
Ni gambar before nikah, lepas make-up.
Bergambar dgn Steve, my bro from U.S who flew all the way to my wedding. Thanks a bunch bro!!! Waktu ni dah selamat jadi isteri orang, hihi.
Bersanding di Pontian. Sorry takde close up, tunggu photographer nanti.
Waktu sanding kat Putrajaya, all decked out in purple, kecuali Osman yg takde baju purple, hehehe.
Yang budak kecik tukang bagi bunga telur tu cousin yg paling muda kitorang, Baby, adik pada pengapitku Dayah. Thanks for being my matron of honour. You did get the bouquet I threw, hehe
Okay, tu aje gambar yang ade ^_^ Untuk yang datang tu, terima kasih bebanyak. Yang tak dapat datang tu, thanks for your prayers and wishes.
Just when I thought that turning off my laptop and router modem without plugging it out of the socket would save it from lightning - I was wrong.
It was raining cats and dogs yesterday morning along with loud thunders and way too bright lightning. The lightning managed to kick the main switch off and it rained til 9 ish. There I was moving around and doing housechores, entertaining relatives that came to check up on our progress for the wedding (4 more days?! Arienaitsuno!). It wasn't until later that I turned on my laptop and the router modem that I saw the weirdness of the situation. My laptop is still functioning but MY KEYBOARD WASN'T!!! The router, you can just say that it does connect, only that it does not receive or sending data. Yabai na kore... I was still calm, turning off my laptop and turning up the school's laptop. Still it couldn't detect my router, so I used my modem instead. It was fine. Out of sheer panic I smsed my sayang (he was working last night) and advised me what to check and all that but the keyboard was still out.
Today, I went to the computer shop to check and their advise - go to the service centre - in MASAI!! So in the end, they recommended me a USB keyboard. Now my laptop looks weird T_T
Weird. Taihen deshou? huhuhuhu
Right now, I'm watching Ryuusei No Kizuna, a new drama starring Nino, Ryo and Toda Erika (the girl who starred in Death Note - the one who had a shinigami with her) about siblings who were bent to get revenge for their murdered parents. Along the way, they swindled money from those who were bad to them. Nino was their aniki (big bro) who masterminded the swindling activities by providing dialogues to his younger siblings which of course made the drama humourous at the same time.
The opening song for the drama, by Arashi of course (since Nino is a part of Arashi), Beautiful Days. A sad song...
So anyway, my nuptial is coming real soon. Do come ^_^
I only have few minutes to write this. The phone line at home is currently down due to the phone cable that was accidentally disconnected due to the tow truck that took my abah's old car away (berapa banyak due daaa). So I am now without any internet line at home. Such a torture.
Well, I've just returned from...
It was GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is weird saying "Boys Over Flower" out loud when I am so used to refer it as Hana Yori Dango. In HYD 2, it ended with Domyouji proposing to Makino. Well this one is fast forward to four years before their wedding when their love was put to the test by some sort of a 'conspiracy'.
In this movie, Makino was given a tiara by Domyouji's okaasan, supposedly being handed down from generation to generation of the heir's wife. By some freak accident, it was stolen so both Makino and Domyouji have to look for it or their wedding would be history.
It was endearing to watch Domyouji with his mixed up language lingo, 'wet feet' instead of 'cold feet' and he even had the gall to say the term 'cold feet' does not make any sense. There were some fight scene - I applause Jun for those jumping and fighting stunts that he pulled.
I went out of the cinema with a huge smile. Too bad the show at the cinema will end on the 5th November. I hope that this will not be the last time that I could watch my favourite Japanese movie at the local cinema. Watching Jun, Shun and Mao on the big screen was inexpressible. I'm gonna hunt for the DVD now ^_^
Sasuga Jun!!!!
p.s: Kalau ade geng JEM dah sure abis buat pose kat depan poster tu, wahahaha. Rindunye kat korang.
More or less 15 days to go, but who's counting, hehehe. Friends at school are in a teasing mood - on the so called 'darah manis' and all that. It is okay because I am not the only one with the sweet blood, ngiahahaha. A colleague of mine, Hanis is in the same period as her wedding will be on 23rd November.
Tomorrow I will be off to Skudai with some friends of mine to pick a replacement for my faulty sealer. Thinking of going to the fish spa again to get the fish to eat and nibble on my feet, heheh.
SO anyway, I was looking through the post at JEM when ta-da! Someone posted a movie showtime on the forum, with a poster with very familiar faces.
Nanda sore?
The show will be aired for a very very limited time at the selected local cinemas - from 30th October to the 5th of November. Finally, I can watch Jun on the big screen!!!! Patut pun lately I was itching to find my HYD videos that I burnt. Though I'm more keen to watch the final episodes of each HYD 1 & 2.
Made and arrangement with Irra (she loves HYD too) for the Saturday show. Can't wait, yatta!!!!
My blog is filled with cobwebs - yeah yeah, the much delayed update is here. So anyway, the latest news, not much. Clean here, clean there, paint here, paint there, pack here, pack there, yadda yadda yadda. It's the end of the year. Textbooks returned, revisions. I managed to finish the download for Maou - yeay!! Thanks to my bro who helped me queuing it up on my torrent all the while I was up and about.
So, my verdict - I love it!!!
At first, Ohno's character - Naruse was similar to a robot. Emotionless. Empty. And he was like a walking statue.
Toma's character - Serizawa was the devil may care detective who would do unethical things to get the criminal to admit their crime.
As the plot uncovers and as the drama progress, the Ohno I saw in Shinseki Emotion and West Side Story came out. The play of emotion can be seen on his face. Doubts, sympathy, vengeance - you name it, there it were.
The drama kept me hooked from the first to the last. The last episode was a tearjerker - nothing else I could comment on the end for those two.
"I take your life forever, you take my life"
Very apt.
Here's a vid I found on youtube, a fanvid on Naruse, ureshii *rolls around*
* Title: 魔王 * Title (romaji): Maou * Format: Renzoku * Genre: Suspense drama * Broadcast network: TBS * Broadcast period: 2008-Jul-04 to 2008-Sept * Related TV show: The Devil (KBS2, 2007)
This drama is a remake of the popular suspense drama The Devil that was aired in Korea last year. Ohno Satoshi will be playing the role of a two-faced lawyer, one of which is a kind hearted soul and the other who is plotting revenge, using his brilliant mind, on the person who killed his relative. On the other hand, Ikuta Toma will play the double lead role of the man, who has become a detective due to his dark past, who is pursuing the mysterious series of murders and fighting against the devil (maou).
* Ohno Satoshi as Naruse Ryo (Omedetou, Ri-da!!!!!! For your TV drama lead debut) * Ikuta Toma as Serizawa Naoto (Toma, such a charm) * Kobayashi Ryoko as Sakita Shiori * Tanaka Kei as Kasai Hitoshi * Oshinari Shugo as Souda Mitsuru * Waki Tomohiro as Ishimoto Yosuke * Uehara Misa as Takatsuka Kaoru * Shinohara Mai as Nishina Eri * Shimizu Yutaka (清水優) as Yamano Makoto * Iida Kisuke as Ishihara Kanrikan * Tonesaku Toshihide as Kurata Takashi * Kichise Michiko as Serizawa Mari * Gekidan Hitori as Serizawa Noriyoshi * Miyake Yuji (三宅裕司) as Nakanishi Hiromichi * Ishizaka Koji as Serizawa Eisaku
I admit, I haven't been a good fan - no Arashi stuff that I bought since early this year. I admit, I was oblivious to their album this year that the last album I heard was Time. So did a little catch up and the video I saw today was wow - All of them have black hair now - no dye, cool!!!!
This entry is dedicated to the first batch of SMKAJB.
Korang mesti dah lama tak pergi sekolah kan? Beberapa minggu sebelum bulan puasa, aku ambik kesempatan pergi ikut Yan pergi rumah mak dia kat JB. And since semua tau yang mak dia pengetua sekolah tu sekarang n aku mengambil kesempatan untuk merayau-rayau di area sekolah.
Sungguhla aku envy tengok budak-budak seolah tu sekarang. Sekolah dah cantik, bangunan ada tambah lagi satu, wakaf pun dah bertambah.
Ingat tangga 'harapan' yang ni? Tangga dari kawasan dewan naik ke surau yang zaman dulu dah makan beberapa ramai mangsa sebab dulu tak ada railing langsung? Berapa ramai student (aku pun termasuk dalam korum tu) termasuk sekali dgn parents yang tergelincir jatuh sebab tangga tu curam gila? Sekarang sure dah tak seramai dulu yang jatuh sebab railing dah ada. Kalau jatuh jugak, tak tau la aku nak cakap apa.
Ingat lagi surau ni? Waktu kita bumbung tu tak ada. Yang ada cuma walkway aje. Waktu yang paling best aku ingat time kita, kalau hujan, instead of gunakan jalan belakang, semua main redah aje hujan sebab malas nak pusing jauh. Time tu semua lari aje dari tepi surau ke tempat berbumbung. Sekarang ni bukan setakat bumbung aje, kotak untuk pokok pun dah ada.
Cuba teka ni kat mana?
This, my dear ialah Aspuri kita. Time ni Aspuri kunci so aku cuma blh ambil gambar dari gate aje. Pokok yang ditanam time kita of course la dah besar sangat. Yang gambar belah atas tu la terletaknya bilik warden, Common Room yang dikasihi - tempat kita seludup pukul 3 pagi tengok MTV, hahaha.
Tengok, dah ada direktori lagi. Hebat tak hengat. Ingat lagi Study Room kat ground floor tempat kita lepak n buat homework dulu? SR tu dah ditukar jadi dorm. Dorm Iqlima dgn Masyitah dah turun kat ground floor. Yang lain masih lagi kekal kedudukan dia kecuali ada 2 dorm baru - dorm Hawa & Zulaikha. Maknanya makin ramai le student kat sini.
Ni pulak kat mana?
Kalau korang teka kat Dewan Makan, tepat sekali!!!!! Yang bahagian atas tu tempat kita dulu beratur ambil makanan. Tengok, siap ada cermin hitam tu. Yang bawah pulak bahagian belakang dewan yang dulu kosong. Dah convert jadi stage untuk formal dinner for teachers. Cuba korang tengok lampu tu. Time kita lampu perdarfluor biasa aje.
Tu gambar close up lampu dengan sinki. Dah tukar kaler dah. Renovate habis. Yang tak ubah cuma lantai dewan makan yang masih lagi melekit kat kaki, yuck! That never change, hahaha. Tapi aku tak gemar sangat cara susunan meja makan sekarang. Time dulu lagi senang sikit nak access.
Ada banyak lagi gambar sebenarnya tapi dalam banyak-banyak gambar, gambar ni lah yang buat aku terharu sangat sangat.
Korang abaikan arca hidup kat tengah tu. Ingat lagi mural ni? Inilah mural yang Isem, Rai, Nofie, Zai dgn Kherry buat waktu sekolah baru bukak dulu. Ada lagi mural ni, masih lagi dalam keadaan yang baik. Aku lupa tahun berapa derang buat ni... tahun 96 ke? Lepas kita abis PMR? Waktu tu kita semua masih lagi KTAMian. Hmm tapi Isem masuk waktu SMKAJB so maybe 97 atau 98 kot. Anyway, mural ni lah peninggalan first batch kat sekolah tu yang masih ada. Cikgu Nurizah masih lagi ada kat sekolah tu so maybe dia pun sengaja tinggalkan mural ni.
Untuk batch SMKAJB sekarang, maybe korang ade yang countdown nak abis sekolah. Mungkin ada rules yang pada korang tak masuk akal, ada cikgu yang korang tak suka tapi bila dah masuk u atau kerja nanti, rules yang pelik tu lah yang korang ingat sampai bila-bila and kawan-kawan yang korang dah kenal dalam masa 5 tahun tu lah jadi kawan yang korang still akan ingat sampai bila bila. Savour thy school time, love thy friends and respect thy teachers.
Untuk kengkawan aku, ingat lagi Pesta Denda time kita form 2 kat KTAM? Hahahaha.
Nothing much to expect since teachers do not have their own office - unless they're the principal, headmaster or senior assistants. So this is my desk that I spent not so much time at - since I'm one of the few teachers who have a 32 teaching periods in my schedule per week. Hectic, yeah, but I love it.
So here's a brief tour of my desk.
Upper Part This is where I put my pupils' exercise book whether they're marked or unmarked. I do not return the year 1 pupils' books after the marking because most of the time, they never brought it back to school after I returned it for the same old reason la - mothers or dads did not put the book back in the bag. As you can see, the books were piled up for this week - I was going nuts preparing and reading for the confirmation interview, huhuhu.
Behind - Right That's where I put all my text books, revision books and some letters and whatever junks that I manage to accumulate since I started my teaching, hehehe. The front part, the Longman Contemporary dictionary (not mine but the Resource Centre's) that I normally use to check the pronunciation and meaning.
Behind - Left Okay this is the red zone area - the space where I put all the toys, sms (not the phone but the paper scrap pupils use to pass their short messages) and even erasers - yes, I confiscate erasers too if the kids were playing the "timpa-timpa pemadam" or improvise their erasers to spin like a top during class, hehehe.
Front left This ismy temporary parking space for my books that I am going to use in between classes so that after one class ends, I swapped books before I go to my next class.
Drawers I put all the file regarding my class - sick leave, receipt and my teacher's stamp ink - had to hide those stamp inks because before this I left it on my table and found that my desk was stamped with it.I've caught one of the pupils poking through my stuff because unlike other teacher's desks, mine is unmarked so they thought no one sat there and I had a fun time 'torturing' them, ngiahahaha. I've yet to find the culprit who stamped my desk with my own fancy teacher's stamp.
Hish hish hish.... tag war kaaaa Intan oiii? Nasib baik aku tgh cuti.
Jap... cek pasport sat. Tahun 2005 pergi Bangkok - all-expense company trip. Bolehla sebab aku sorang aje staf dlm ofis yang bertahan lama, hehehehe. Join dgn family Lady boss and Man boss (derang husband n wife.
Singapore consider oversea jugak kan? Tu pun tahun 2005, waktu gile Arashi. Sanggup travel sebab nak pergi MISE beli merchandise and posters.
Macam kengkawan semua yang kenal kat KTAM - dari umur 13 tahun. Mula-mula homesick giler (Sure korang ingat lagi kan? Shhhh jangan cerita, secret) lepas tu liat pulak nak balik rumah sebab dah syok dengan kawan, hehehe.
Dari dulu teringin nak pergi Scotland - Kes tengok cerita Braveheart, hehehe. Siap beli buku pasal Scotland lagi tu time belajar dulu. Bukannye ape, suka tengok tinggalan sejarah - castles, castle ruins etc. Pakkal aje bangunan tinggalan sejarah dari zaman Parameswara dulu dah takde. Istana Carey pulak.... spookey.
Dari dulu jarang bukak rantai yang dipakai sekarang. Bukak time ade camping aje - not that anyone can see la kan. Accessories yang tak ditinggal rumah waktu berjalan - Jam, cincin tunang & cincin merisik ;)
Chet! Bengong aaaaa Bijak, bijak Tak kuase
KALAU ADA DUIT (Weh, kena rephrase ni beb. Duit tak pernah tak ade cuma cukup tak cukup aje) KALAU CUKUP DUIT
Bayar semua hutang-hutang aku - especially PTPTN tu.
Nak pergi Haji
Nak melancong pergi Scotland
Beli rumah
Kumpul duit untuk college fund anak so dia tak payah amik study loan macam aku (Macam le aku ade anak dah. Kawin pun belum lagi hahaha)
huarghh.... ni yang lemah ni (takut kena balasan bertubi tubi lagi). errr... sesiapa yg nak buat tag, dipersilakan lah ye, hehehehe
* 1. Cerita ini benar sahaja dan tak ada kaitan dengan sesiapa pun yang masih hidup atau telah meninggal dunia. 2. Perlu mengetag paling kurang 3 orang rakan anda 3. Tempoh tag bermula dari masa ia dicipta (Tak tau bila) dan tamat pada 21 Ogos 2008. 4. Jawab dengan SEGERA apabila anda di tag 5. Perlu ada 5 kisah "Pertama"
Walkman pertama - Hadiah PMR dari mak, walkman Panasonic digital yang rosak disebabkan ke'bangang'anku tercurah air waktu isi air dalam botol time matriks. Tu la, time tu sibuk nak pekakkan telinga, waktu tercurah air menggelabah sebab shot terus, huhuhu.
Kaset pertama - Roxette Joyride yang dibeli waktu darjah 6. Time tu gila dengar lagu 'Fading Like Flower'.
Tempat kerja pertama - kompeni kontraktor kat Skudai. Tahan kat situ 2 tahun setengah sampaila dapat offer untuk KPLI. Memang nak dikatakan waktu kerja tu tak ada life lain selain kerja, kerja dan kerja. Sabtu tu ikut syarat aje half day tapi most of the time Even kadang-kadang hari Ahad pun kena kerja.
Cinta monyet pertama - Lepas SPM, tapi tu more towards infatuation la. Niat asal tu sebenarbye saje aje buat competition time exam. Kalau trial and error tu tak bermakna cinta yang sebenarnya kan? Cinta monyet, infatuation tu adela jugak beberapa tapi macam yang Along cakap jugak first time cinta dia yang truly dengan husband dia. Sounds corny but I'm really truly in love for the first time with my sayang.
Kereta pertama - Kancil 850EX pemberian Bang Bil. I'm loving that car - kecik, senang and tak banyak guna minyak.
Okay settle. Nak tag orang lain... erm... ni open tag la. Siapa nak pas tag dipersilakan jawab tag, hihihi
5 TABIAT BURUK TIME SEKOLAH Hahaha, ni yang best nih
Seludup walkman pi sekolah - walau macam mana banyak pun spot check yang ada, still tak pernah tertangkap, hahaha.
Tidur dalam kelas - susun buku tinggi-tinggi kat desk pastu doze off, kalau kat dalam lab duduk kat lantai, kepala kat kerusi. Cikgu pun pelik macam mana kejap ade kejap tak ada.
Macam yang Intan cakap - pukul 3 pagi, senyap-senyap tgk MTV kat CR (common room). Time tu gila nak tgk BSB. Sungguh thrill sebab bilik warden dekat aje, hehehe. And again, tak pernah tertangkap. Time tu geng tengok TV Along, Intan, Aisyah, Sue Mail and Nofie
Err.... bersin kuat yang teramat - korang ingat satu malam lepas off-light yang satu hostel dengar aku dgn Qis berlawan bersin? hihihi
Seludup masuk Bilik Kaunseling dengan Along - gila tak hengat sambut birthday semua BSB kat situ - first sekali b-day A.J (sebab dia yang start dengan 9 Jan), Nick, Brian, Howie-D and Kevin. Gila.
(Nasib baik murid-murid aku tak baca blog aku, hahahaha)
English - Sebab walau macam mana cikgu Norliah tu moody, die ajar still the best.
Sejarah - Suka sangat-sangat, especially sejarah dunia dgn sejarah waktu pembukaan negeri negeri.
Matematik Moden - Sebab senang, hahaha.
Geografi - sungguh laaaaaa lemah.
Fizik - sampai sekarang tak faham faham nak kira vektor.
Arab - waktu form 3 suka sebab Mudirah yang ajar, dah masuk form 4 dgn form 5 lepas Mudirah dah pencen, minat pun hilang.
Thoughtfulness, attentiveness everything that is my sayang ;)
Membaca!!!! Fiction books la tapi, hehehe ANDA TIDAK BOLEH HIDUP TANPA...???
Food and drinks laa, hahaha
Hehehe, tak sempat nak contact sesiapa sebab selalu doze off - tengah baca buku ke, tgk tv ke
I was closing to my 'Destroyer' mode because my book was not here yesterday. So contacted Kino and ta-da! The book arrived before I got home, hurrah!!!
What did I do afterwards?
Took a picture
Covered the book with a plastic wrap (heck, it's more expensive than my Harry Potter), cooked and ate lunch, since I do plan on finishing it in one sitting and there I go, lost in the world of Acheron.
After hours, I have to admit my eyes are tired - and the book totally worth it!!!!
Though the first part was a bit hard to read - I mean come on, it's all about his torturous life filled with abuse before he was killed. But then I so love the part when his mother, Apollymi the Destroyer released her wrath and totally obliterate the Atlantean Pantheon. The best part was to read the present day story. Who would have thought the great Acheron would blush and stumble his way once in a while? Totally endearing.
With the gathering of characters from previous series - Julian, Kyrian, Sunshine, Talon, Zarek, Wulf, Urian, Wren, Vane, Sin and Katra, it only gets better.
I need to sleep. And wake up early tomorrow to pack my bag.
If only I could just wink my way and have it done in a blink of an eye - wishful thinking laaa. Stuck too long in the Dark-Hunter world
Tak habis habis tag orang, huhuhu. Anyway, this is a tag from my bro.
Basically, pergi ke google dan taipkan kat search box tu: 'nama korang' + needs. Kalau nak senang hit taip contoh "nadiah needs" kena ada tanda kurungan tu.
Yang berkenaan dengan the needs of a Nadiah cuma ni aje. Limited and not so flattering
Nadiah needs confidence.
Nadiah needs ______. (no idea what the space means)
Nadiah needs confidence (again? *_*)
Nadiah needs some sleep now (hardy har har)
Nadiah needs a visit to the doctor to have a whole body check up cause she aches and pains all over.
Nadiah needs a job that offers variety.
Heh, macam ramai yang ade confidence problem aje nih. Tak sihat pun ye jugak.
Lepas tu, do an image search guna keyword yang sama:
Dapat dua aje match. Dua-dua buku:
But both of them have something in common - whales.
Last week on Monday, I was checking the inventory at Kinokuniya's Bookweb for the arrival of the book. Surprise surprise, the book was in stock but was not on the shelf - yet. I just went ahead with my order, drove the merchandising department wild (sorry,to the Kino team, but you guys rocks! hehe) and sadly the book was for someone who special ordered earlier. I was just a heartbeat away from canceling my order when I saw the ebook was up for sale on Mobipocket. How can I not when the reviews were raving mad? I mean dang! 71 out of 109 readers gave 5 stars out of 5 on Amazon and 38 out of 38 gave 5/5 on Barnes & Nobles, Graaaahh!!!! I feel so very Simi-like right now.
Then again, nothing beats holding a first edition hardcover book that you've waited for years to be published - Not that I'm holding on to it now, so I waited since they said the estimated time the book might reach Kino KL is between 18th and 22nd August. That LONG?!! *sighs
Suddenly, on Sunday when I was at my distant aunt's wedding one of the Kino merchandising team members called me and said - THE BOOK WAS HERE!!!! The Kinokuniya KL Store I mean and will be couriered up on Monday, which was YESTERDAY!!!
Now I have to wait for the despatch to send me my 'Acheron'.
It's like waiting for the final Harry Potter book to arrive on shelf. Only that I have to rate the book PG. If you wonder what I am talking about, well it's about the much awaited book in the Dark-Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. The books are in the paranormal romance genre - you know, vampires, shapeshifters, characters in Greek and Roman mythology as well as the Celtic. I've read all the stories in the series and owned some so of course I'm waiting for the upcoming 'Acheron' with bated breath.
Well, him, also known as Ash, being the head honcho of the Dark-Hunters - always there but he haven't had his own story yet - until this coming August that is. The trailer for the book was released last Sunday - although some part f the trailer I like and some that I don't, I really like to know what will become to Acheron and - although I don't like her very much - the-heifer-goddess-as-dubbed-by-Simi-the-Charonte Artemis.
I'm definitely going to have to search for it in August at all major bookstore - though I'm very sure the probability of finding it in JB is thin, but heck, hoping is okay.
It was a good morning today, albeit the cold weather. I was on my way to sign my name at the office when I saw pupils were crowding by the pond. I was curious of course and went to join the kids.
What the kids saw were frogs.
Not just any frog.
They were seeing frogs that were engaging in a threesome.
The arrow shows a dot that were the threesome frogs.
Hanis, a friend of mine was also passing through the pond when a curious year 1 pupil asked her what the frogs were doing.
How awkward.
She said "They're fighting," without elaborating more. Well, they were fighting so it's not wrong. Of course la, seven year old don't ask that much but the year 6 pupils were looking at her sceptically. So the crowd stayed with utter fascination until the bell rang and the frogs were carrying on for hours.
Last Wednesday, the state of Johor was on a one day holiday due to the 'Hol Almarhum' for the late Sultan of Johor. To all my kawan-kawan from KTAM and SMKAJB, a friend of ours suddenly - and I stress on the word suddenly there, gave me an SMS on Monday, asking if I would be free on that particular day. Well the word 'suddenly' is the main key here because we went out for a movie marathon along with a friend of mine from work - 'Made of Honour' (which we gladly saw with only 5 person total - us and a couple who were near to smooching but stopped because we were there) in the whole theater room) and Hancock on the Friday before that and she only knew that someone would send an engagement delegation on Saturday.
Who is the mystery girl?
Clue No. 1: Any ideas yet?
Clue No. 2 : Come on take a guess, hehe
Well, scroll down for the full face picture, hehehehe *drumroll*
Hehe, I'm proud to say we managed to buy some make-ups on Tuesday evening and I received the honour to 'do' her face. One thing about growing up together since primary school with her sister, a year younger than us who also went to the same school that we do and one of her brothers being my brother's schoolmate, we are kind of close and it was fun working on her, hahaha. Poor Yan that throughout the time, her brother and I was teasing her mercilessly about the make-up since she rarely wears any lipstick at all.
Other than that, a good news among my circle of friends, ahem,
Siti Faizah Hanim (chewah) aka Are_name gave birth to her first daughter on Thursday. Congratulations Anem and husband!!! Woohooo!!!!
Yeah I was busy and my jaw dropped when I received not 1 - but... 4!!!! Seriously - siapla Bangbil, huhuhu. And those who are being tagged back, blame it on my brother, hahahaha.
Here goes.
Tag No. 1 - Here in My Home (From Bangbil)
Instruction 1. Make an entry with the title "Here in My Home" 2. Include in the entry: -video clip of Here in My Home OR the mp3 (it doesn't hv to play automatically) Get the video clip code from You Tube. Click on the youtube -the link to the website: http://www.malaysianartistesforunity.info/ 3. Tag 5 people -CurXku sayang -Along -Intan -Zamose -Anem
Tag no.2 - From Bangbil Instructions: Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. Do you believe in love at first sight? I always believe in 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'
2. Have you ever felt stupid? Why? This morning - The pakcik and makcik that I have been conversing with since early this year at the mini-stadium was my former STMI 1 headmaster - and I didn't know it until he said he taught there. What's worse, he knows my parents and my older siblings and I always called his son who was my classmate (behind his backlah) 'Ali Setan'
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most? My room
4. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be? - I got too many dreams and you want me to put just 1?
5. If you can travel through time WITHOUT changing anything. Where would u go & why? - To Camelot during King Arthur's era - To know whether he was just a myth or a living legend
6. If the weather is too hot, where will u go to make urself cooler? In front of my fan la, hehehe
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do? Spend some, invest some, save some - all things covered
8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? You'd better ask my fiancee what happened to him, hehehehe
9. Who are the top five people in the world you would wish to meet? none
10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? bak kata emak - kuat iman, jaga solat and all that, hehehehe
11. Which type of cars I love the most? Kancil, hahahaha - I save a lot on petrol and service
12. Which do you prefer from your other half? hug? or a kiss? Trick question. Ask after my nuptials, ngehehehe
13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet? Quiet = ignorance, point out and not being mean at the same time = improvement
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? Happiness and peace at heart
15. Are you a shopaholic or not? Not a compulsive shopaholic - always within my budget
16. What peeves you the most? A really dirty and smelly restroom with an unflushed and 'something-swimming-in-it' toilet
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change? Be more of a risk-taker
18. What makes you feel disappointed? Being lied at
19. If given a chance, do you want to see your future? No - reminds me too much of the consequences in Shakespeare's Macbeth
20. Would you still be friend your best friend whom had betrayed your trust? Lesson of 5 balls - friend = glass. Once nicked or broken, you will never get the perfect glass ball back.
and this tag goes to: -CurX (Sorry dear, hehehe) -Along -Intan -Anem -Zamose -Sue Mail
Tag No. 3 - Bangbil
~8 random facts about me Ni dah pernah buat
~8 things that scare me 1- Lori balak (Thanks to Final Destination 2) 2- Not seeing in the dark 3- The unknown 4- Broken down car in the middle of the night, in the middle of no where 5- Japanese, Indonesian and Thai horror movies 6- Gore stuff 7- Being unhealthy - not the biasa punya but the long term effect of not taking care of health 8- Tape worm - its yucky and way too darn long
~8 random musics at the moment Ni dijawab dalam tag no.4 di bawah ^_^
~8 words i say the most Ni pun sama
~8 things/people i treasure the most Ni pun sama
~8 things as your wishlist 1- Contentment 2- Great family 3- Good friends 4- No global warming, hehe 5- Health 6- Kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat (ikut Bangbil) 7- Comfortable 8- Stability
~8 'first time' things i ever did 1- First time run away: 1988 - cabut dari kelas mengaji sebab nak tgk Moero Attack! Ada hati nak balik jalan kaki dari sekolah 2- First movie tengok kat wayang: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 3- First time kerja: 2004 lepas abis degree 4- First time duduk jauh dari family: 1994 - masuk KTAM JB 5- First time nampak fiancee: Wedding room-mate IPSM 6- First time beli kaset: 1993 - Kaset Roxette, Joyride 7- First time masak: 1992 - arwah Atuk suruh 8- First time kena rotan: 1990 sebab tak siap h/work, ingat compare bekas libasan dengan kawan sebab dapat pangkat 'sergeant' kat betis
~8 person to do this Tak cukup 8 la tapinye -CurX (Sorry dear, hehehe) -Along -Intan -Anem -Zamose -Sue Mail
Tag No.4 - Bangbil
1) What is the most important thing in your life? Family and friends
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money? A pair of new shoes
3) Where do you wish to get married? The venue is unimportant as long as the nuptials are smooth
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love? Love does not equal to owning someone
5) Are you in love? Yes
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner? At Stulang for a very very late dinner - courtesy to the girl's night out with my cousins
7) Name the latest book that you bought? Hmmm... I bought 4 but you want to name 1?
8) What is your full name? My full name - Nadiah (my own name without my dad's)
9) Do you prefer your mother or father? No preference, I love both
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time. Real life? As in a fantasy character to real life? Jean Grey, hahahaha
11) Christina or Britney? Christina, classy
12) Do you do your own laundry? Rotate with my mak, hehehe
13) The most exciting place you want to go? Book Expo (yeah yeah, I'm the proverbial bookworm)
14) Hugs or kisses? Both, hahahahaha
15) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you. Bangbil 1) Bossy 2) Won't let me drive his car - unless it's an emergency 3) Jiwang karat, hahaha 4) Afraid of frogs 5) Loves his toys, hehehehe
16)8 things I am passionate about: *not in any particular order* 1) Family 2) Friends 3) Books 4) Shoes (I'm crazy about them) 5) Being prepared 6) Singing in my car 7) Burning calories on weekends 8) Maintaining my newly developed ab line - susah weyyyy nak dapat - do 70 reps of double sit ups twice on weekends and buat ab crunch smpi pensan daily
17)8 things I say too often: *not in any particular order* 1) Stand up 2) Sit down 3) Take out your book 4) Yang ada nama duduk, yang tak ada, diri 5) Siapa tak siap tak dapat chocolate (What can I do? I am a teacher after all, hahahaha) 6) Internet bangang!!!! 7) Shoot! (tune die macam cakap sh*t) 8) Senyap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18) 8 books I've read recently: Dang.... well... here goes, for the past week, 1) Linda Howard's Mr Perfect (baca time tukar timing belt) 2) James Patterson's Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas (For the gazillion time) Those two okay lagi nak tulis publicly but then, the rest.... 3) Diana Palmer's Evan 4) Lynne Graham's Emerald Mistress 5) Lucy Monroe's Housekeeper to the Millionnaire 6) Lauren Dane's Fire and Rain 7) Diana Palmer's Lawless 8) Christine Rimmer's Mercury Rising And yes, so I read tons of romance, now you know.
19)8 songs I could listen to over and over again: *not in any particular order* 1) Everything - Lifehouse 2) Iris - Goo Goo Dolls 3) Yes/No - Arashi 4) Pikanchi Double - Arashi 5) My Immortal - Evanescence 6) Mr Brightside - The Killers 7) Adiemus - Adiemus 8) I Believe - Blessid Union of Souls
20)8 things I learned last year: 2007 *not in any particular order* 1) People are not who they seem to be 2) Education loans are costly, so janganla amik PTPTN untuk anak. Invest for education fee 3) Once you tasted keropok lekor in Terengganu, you will rant a lot when you eat keropok from other places. 4) Those who compare and look too much at other people's life are not peaceful inside. 5) Sometimes, we do have to be cruel to be kind 6) Lotsa cows wandering around unattended in Besut 7) If your car's timing belt is broken, you can't even turn on your car 8) Some people could be too narrow minded
-8 people to tag:- Tak cukup 8 la tapinye, again -CurX (Sorry dear, again, hehehe) -Along -Intan -Anem -Zamose -Sue Mail
Tag No. 5 (the final one)- Zamose
1 minit yang lalu, apa anda buat Answering the darned tags
1 hari yang lalu, apa anda buat Duty untuk Anugerah Seri Asrama Gemilang peringkat Negeri
1 hari lagi apa anda akan buat Taip sijil bebudak kursus motivasi english
1 orang yang terakhir menelefon kamu Hanis - tanya duty buat report
1 makanan yang baru dibeli Tak beli makanan langsung harini. Semua sponsor pertandingan bagi
1 barang yang baru hilang My hair band - asyik lupe letak mana aje, hehehe
1 cerita yang baru ditonton Oprah Winfrey Show (cerita ke tu?)
1 hal terakhir yang digossipkan hahaha, adela
1 kata yang ingin diluahkan Woi! Aku lepak la jawab tag bebanyak!!!
1 buku yang sudah dibaca Tengok tag atas
1 penyakit yang sering datang Penyakit 'procrastinate', haha
1 keinginan I'm too shy to put it up here, hehe
Okay, dah!!!! Siap!!!!! Cukup ah, takyah update blog sebulan, bwahahahaha
Ron 97 petrol price was increased up to RM2.70 at midnight. That's 76 cents of increase and still, has Malaysia at the lowest petrol price in S.E.A. Makes me want to guffaw at the last election when some party promised to keep the petrol price at a low, lower than we had yesterday. I mean come on, we all know that the whole world is running low of petrol and with the increasing of the whole wide world's petrol price, there is no way the petrol price is going to stay at a minimum at all time. Talk about logic and common sense. When the demand is higher than the supply, of course the price will jack up. Unless people believe that petrol is one of the renewable energy sources which going to last forever. Wind, water, solar - now that's renewable energy sources. Even my year 5 pupils know that.
When fuel price soars, there is no way the goods price are going to stay at the same price. Heck, even a full tank Kancil with more or less 20l tank capacity is going to cost ><>20l of full tank - won't that make the price increase too?
If only the public transportation at my place is that efficient. Heck, we don't even have a bus that comes and go at my residential area. Short of riding a bicycle daily to work - which usually takes me about 15 minutes car ride, think how long will it take for me to cycle to school, haha. I would end up too sweaty in my baju kurung and would make me get another round of shower at the school's restroom. But then again, when there's a will there's a way - and my will is not strong enough for that - yet.
One day I was watching a TV programme - on which channel? I've forgotten but weirdly the commercials at that time was straight about babies - pregnant women, a family with houseful of kids and everything, babies here babies there (okay so maybe I was watching one of the learning channels). My lil bro was pointing it out that the whole commercial lines was so odd. I mean come on, the whole few minutes of commercials only on babies and pregnancies is rare.
Then I got a call from my sister in law saying...
Aunty Diah?
Cik Diah?
Mak Diah?
What is the name they call the third born kid? My siblings never had to use the name 'along', 'angah' and all that.
Hmmm.... I still have months to think what name I should use.
Anyway, alhamdulillah ^_^
p.s: I wonder where I can get that baby rattle and baby caps with pointy ears on it
It's my brother's room turn for a spring cleaning. Since he took my desk away and place it in his room years ago, I got reunited with my old stuff, hurrah!!
Well, those are actually stuff that I know I have but I don't know where I put it. So here are some of the stuff - dated mostly since my secondary school years - and yes I'm a sucker for mementos. In this case, most of them are correspondence letters from my friends throughout the years - though some of them are lost but hey, some of them are here.
My name tag and my ex-pet-sis' name tag that she gave me on my last day of school.
The letter that I faxed to 98.7fm to claim my prize for letter of the day for 'Say It With Music' slot. The original letter was filled with cartoon I drew and my cousin actually recorded the part when they announced the letter of the day part - only that I don't know where the heck I put the cassette. The song I requested for was Missing you by Gladys Knight, Brandy, Chaka Khan and Tamiya. To whom I requested it for, I may have some idea but I'm very sure that my buddies Along, Sue and Eena were among those.
My cassette collections, ranging from pop to rock - BSB, R.E.M, Def Leppard, Indecent Obsession, Boyzone, Garbage, Jim Brickman, Josh Groban, etc, etc.
I bought their cassettes, but at that time I also really really have to have their special edition CD esp that first album. The cassette I had only have 1 bonus track while the special edition had 3. Boy, listening back to them brings the smile on my face.
Remember the reign of Spice Girls in late 90s? I bought this with my friends and back in those day, I love it so much that I rarely use it. There's still half of it and to me, it is one of the best Impulse perfume spray scent ever. Wonder how much that will cost if I ever decided to sell it.
You got the 'Chronicles of Narnia', I got the 'Chronicles of Nadiah' from 1994 to... hmmm last time I wrote in it was in 2005 I think... 2 of those are black because I kinda remembered Belinda Carlisle's song - Little Black Book. Despite the hiding places from my oh-so-baik brothers, they still managed to read it. But I doubt that they read the brown book, hehehe.
So there it is, my memory lane. I still have to sort my photo album from the pictures I found, huhuhu.
Years ago when I was 16, I made a call to my mak from the hostel, asking her to open my drawers, to take out a specific white covered cassette and play it. On that year's Mother's Day. Honestly I did not know what to get her that year. Surprisingly she still remembers the song to this very day - even if she forgotten who sang it.
"Eh, ni lagu yang Diah suruh dengar la".
If you're wondering what song, this was it
Primary school began. Tagging my brother wherever he may go playing. Request for a younger sibling. The I-forgot-to-do-my-homework routine. Ramlah Ram wearing a white gown with huge red heart on it (or was it in the 90s?) Michael Bolton with his huge hair and denims Never ending music influence by my sister - which brings me to today's post. Because of her I love listening to Belinda Carlisle's songs!!!!
My all time favourite 'Heaven Is A Place On Earth'. Watching the clip back again... boy, the 'angkat-angkat- earth-ball' routine is sure something, hihihi.
Kids do say the darnedest things. They're sincere, straight up and most of the time - tactless. Some are flattering, some are funny and some are just downright embarrassing.
I was teaching year 1 pupils writing and as usual had to call up few pupils who need special attention while doing it or they might not even do their exercise. If they did, they might write with lots of errors and ended up being totally messy.
There is this kid, always up to mischief and needs round the clock supervision or he will run out of the class and play around the teachers' car. So this was what he asked me today:-
Pupil: Cikgu, cikgu nak kereta apa? Nanti saya belikan untuk cikgu (Teacher, what car do you want? I'll buy it for you) Me: Kenapa? (Why?) Pupil: Kereta cikgu buruk sangat la, kesian saya tengok (Your car's so ugly that I sympathize you) Me: ??
On my bid to support my brother for his entry for the Kingston HyperX Girl contest, vote for his drawing here!!!! It closes on 20th May so cast your vote - You have to create a login username before voting btw. This is his version of Kingston HyperX Girl.
The contest is based on voting + judges decision, so, please vote.
Iron Man is just pulling me back for more rounds - which my cousin totally agree and she keeps on drooling on Robert Downey Jr while my brother decided to go and watch it again, alone on Monday.
So far the movies that I merited more than just 1 visit at the cinema were 10 things I hate about you, LOTR trilogies, Pirates of the Caribbean - the Curse of the Black Pearl and Iron Man just adds up the list. Unlike others, Transformers did not merit in mine because I still have hang ups on Bumblebee being a Chevrolet Camaro and not a VW Bug.
Who knows, I might be going for a third round, ngiahahahaha
Its Labour Day today so as planned I accompanied my friend to JB to buy her new mobile phone - and also to watch Iron Man.
You just can't imagine how I felt when the line at TGV Tebrau City was outpoured to the shop area, past the Baskin Robbins stall. The wait was excruciating and it was no surprise that the shows from 12pm to 3.45pm were all sold out. So we both decided to hunt for the phone there, had our lunch and head out to another cinema house at Pelangi Leisure Mall that was always, always never filled up to the max.
Boy, I was wrong.
Seems like every family in town decided to watch Iron Man there with their groups of kids so we managed to get separate good seats on different rows. If I thought that the kids were going to make lots of interrupting noise, I was wrong again. The kids behaved well and did not make any noise. It were the mothers who were busy being commentators without the urge of any of their kids *sighs*.
About the movie - It definitely worth our trip from Tebrau City to Leisure Mall. We can expect changes from the original comic but overall, it is a good movie. Some humour and lots of actions. We were both in awe of Robert Downey Jr, hehehe. Totally enjoyed the part when Pepper (Gwyneth) threw -not literally- catty Ms 'Brown' out by saying that she also 'take and throw out trashes' for Stark if needed. Oooh, score that.
Earth Day was few days back on 23rd of April- whether you realize it or not and I urged my pupils to tune in Discovery and National Geographic channel for information and who knows the topic might pop up during Johor state level English Carnival which is the end of this month. HBO even aired 'An Inconvenient Truth' - the movie documentary on climate crisis by Al Gore and it was an eye opener. My younger brother who before this kept saying that the green house effect is just a myth people created was silenced. The earth is not getting any cooler at the rate of the carbon dioxide emission we are having now.
One of the part that saddens me was about the polar bear. Some of the polar bears were found dead. Drowned. Picture that. They are known for their ability to swim but due to the melting ice they have to swim for miles to the next icy surface that they could land on.
This is one of the snippets featured in the movie-documentary and Futurama
On Thursday I read an article in NST about a man who refused to use the disposable wooden chopstick that the masses of stalls are using and opted to carry his portable chopstick whenever he's eating out. He was given the weird look by his friends but his action was justified. That was his move to save the environment. Of course, wood = tree, which made me feel bad to forget to bring my chopstick to Sushi King yesterday.
Few months back, an aunt was applauding me for refusing more plastic bag at a well known bakery. She refused it too. It made me feel bad because her reason and my reason were totally different. She was on her move to cut her plastic bag usage while I... was actually dining in at the bakery with my sister and sister in law. Well you know how things go there, the more bread you buy, the more plastic bags you get. Then again I found myself still using and accepting more plastic bags from grocery stores X_X
One of the advantages of teaching science is that I could at least tell them about the environment. They were laughing when I told them about CFC from air cond and refrigerator but was not doing so the day after - thanks to the Self Access Centre at school. They were googling it after the lesson. We learned about renewable and non-renewable energy and from what I heard some was even being scolded when they told their moms to cover the pans and wok while cooking. Well that is one of the way to save natural gas. Of course la some are too strait laced that they were asking their mothers not to even lift the lid to stir the food. Kids. I can't imagine what will happen if I teach them about solar cooking.
A pupil was asking me if I am an environmentalist. That certainly gave me a pause. I don't recycle - I don't even know where the recycling centre is, I have loads of plastic bags at home and most of the trash at home is burnt at my backyard. The cans and bottles are thrown at the huge container managed by SWM.
What did I do to save the environment? What do you do to save the environment?
It will go to our kids and grandchildren in the future.
What is a neti pot? Well for an explanation, go ahead here. It is an ancient technique believed to relieve sinusitis and headache due to sinus. Of course la, I have sinus and nearly a month watching that particular episode which is last Tuesday, I went to buy a small pot. Well, its a set of creamer pot with 2 sugar containers that cost RM9. I'm doing it every morning and the change that I see is that I finally could breathe with 2 unblocked nostrils in the morning - usually I ended up breathing using 1 and spending my time blowing my nose nearly every morning, not to mention the morning sneeze. My brother, A'an is doing it too and I have to say, breathing using 2 nostrils is a novelty before. I'm loving my nostril pot, wahahaha.
Saya ada sebuah basikal. Basikal saya berwarna merah. Pada asalnya saya mahu membeli basikal yang berwarna hitam kerana rupanya amat bergaya. Tetapi basikal hitam itu mempunyai... (dang, what's the word for feature?) ciri-ciri yang kurang daripada basikal merah yang dipamerkan di hadapan kedai itu. Selain itu kos penyelenggaraan basikal hitam itu lagi tinggi dari basikal merah tersebut. Jadi akhirnya saya membuat keputusan untuk membeli basikal merah. Tetapi, beberapa hari kemudian, Dr. Oz di dalam rancangan 'Oprah Winfrey Show' menyatakan membawa basikal dengan tidak menggunakan tempat duduk yang khas boleh menjejaskan 'kesihatan' lelaki dan perempuan. Dang! Tak kisahlah. Sekali sekala tak salah kan?
p.s: Jika ada tersilap tatabahasa dan penggunaan bahasa, harap maaf :D
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